This one's _polar_'s

A.K.A: Xerix, zootin, Psycho_Chicken_Circus, LyonKyng, Tetzel
Sex: No
No, no, I mean gender: Oh, male
Birthplace: Winepeg, Manitoba, Canada
Base of operations: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Religious belief: Seventh-Day Adventist
Birthdate: January 10, 1984
Powers: Able to annoy anyone in a 5-foot radius
Source of powers: Practice
Weapon of choice: Saxaphone
Occupation: Current high school student, former kindergarden and pre-high school student. Marital status: Married with two kids... what do you THINK it is?

Background information: I was born in Winepeg... yada yada yada. Skip to when I was about 11 or 12. I had gotten tired of buying simple Marvel "traiding cards" and wanted to move up to the big stuff. My first "real" comic was Wolverine #99. From there I bought as many as I could. This put a crimp in my budget, so I picked some comics and stuck with 'em. I didn't make this page for a while 'cuz I was trapped in the stone age without a modem. That's about it, I guess. I'll add a picture if I get the chance to scan one.

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