Is it just me, or are cobwebs forming in here. I give you scouts honor (not that I was a scout) that this will be updated within the week.

Entry: March 27, '98

"Death" in the (Marvel) Family

"Oh no! Gambit died!"
"No he didn't! That was his cloned alien twin zombie brother. Gambit's right there."
Please! How long do they expect us to put up with these "deaths" and "resurections"? I mean, the only peoply who are gonna stay dead are the first Captian Marvel, Illyana Rasputin, and Ben Riely. Green Goblin? Naw, back. Hanibal King? Nope, back. The Avengers? Never really "dead". Something must be done!!!!

Entry: March 28, '98

Cover to Cover

So, what does everyone think of the new, "user friendly" Marvel doubble covers. I admit, I liked them at first. Still do. They provide useful info that I sometimes don't know (I've only been reading for a few years). But, to the part I dislike. They need to prioritize! I mean, they take up the whole ^*&$ page telling about every single X-Member, with no room for the villans we'd might like to know about. They gotta make it bigger, or the pictures smaller, or get rid of that stupid background info thing on the side. Or SOMETHING!

Entery: April 1

Mini-Series Blues

I have had it! I am giving up comics FOREVER!!!

APRIL FOOLS! OK, I admit that was lame. Now, to the point. How many of you buy ALL of the Marvel mini-series that come out. Those who do, HOW do you afford it? What cheezes me off is that they constantly have one-shots or mini-series with stories that could easily be printed in a monthly sieries. E.G., Crimson Dawn. I think that could have easily been printed in Uncanny X-Men or something. Or how about those Spider-Man mini-series? I mean, there's 4 frakin' books, plus the anuals and the Unlimited every 3 months. I got to write to Marvel some day 'bout all this stuff... NAHH!!!

Entery: April 9

Marvel "Cartoons"

I'm just gonna come out and say it. I HATE the Marvel cartoons. OK, I'll be fair. They are okay... I mean, I liked the X-Men and the Hulk cartoons (inacurate as they may be), but the rest had something missing. Plot, maybe. My advice to Marvel: hire REAL comic writers and artists for the shows.

Entery: April 12
Entry by Lord Cyber
I am really chessed off that they have so many different titles. I would really like it if they had one spiderman title that cameout every week. It would be so much easier. I am sick of look everywhere for the different titles and having to read all of the titles to keep up with the story.


Entery: April 24

Waiting and waiting and waiting...

I haven't been to this little HTML in AGES. Oh well, here's what I'm complaining about this time: storylines that strech out WAY to long. It takes ages just to find out some guys ^&(^ identity! Sure, they're getting better (they wrapped up the Bastion thing fast) but, still... it took to long just to tell us Hobgoblin's true identity. Same with Onslaught. It's fixing itself, I guess, but still...
Entery: May 18

Doubble Sized Anaversary Entery

Ever notice comics keep getting more and more expensive? Well, they do. But that's not the bad thing. I can afford the high prices (not that I'm rich...). It's those doubble-sized issues that get me. Those suck up the dough real fast! Specially since there's more and more of them. At first there was just a big issue every 50 issues. Then 25. Now #12 is getting the buffed up treatment! C'mon! I only get so much money!
What's YOUR beef? If you have a complaint you would like listed here, send to me and you might get displayed.
