Toozin's page of stuff

Use my frames if you want.

Hi I'm Toozin.
I signed up on 03/01/98 16:13:55. (that's March 1st, 1998, 4:13pm)

I have returned. Nuff said.

Please e-mail me with suggestions.

I have begun the redesign. I have absolutely no clue where to start. You may notice some areas are missing. They were the crappy parts anyway B-). The site will stay up durring renovations, so it'll have busted links and nonexistant pictures up the yin yang.

Well, I took my site back. Joy of joys. Now I gotta do something with it. Spiff it up a little. Redesign. All that jazz. Just bear with me, a'ight? Oh, and Dreambook is gone. Kept screwing up on me. Ah well.

You are the lucky person to find my humble site.

LE FastCounter

Okay, here's my stuff that I have:

ReviewsReviews: This is where I review the comics I get. I try to do new reviews every Thursday. If you disagree with my opinions, then TOUGH!

Fan stuffFan Stuff: This is stuff from Marvel fans (I think). Take a peak or e-mail me your stuff to me, Toozin. Please put the subject as "fan."

QuizQuiz: See if you can guess the answer to the "ultimate" Marvel quiz. E-mail me the answer.

LinksLinks: Some Marvel, some not, all good. Ask me If you want YOUR page on my links, and I'll check it out.

My 2 centsMy 2 Cents:Ever want the chance to complain you but off to everyone about the things that cheeze you off? Well, I got my chance and you didn't! hahahaha! Check this out to hear about what I hate in Marvel.

Ask the all-knowing ORB of KnowledgeAsk the All-Knowing ORB of Knowledge: Do I really gotta tell you?

non-prize winners (visible at last)Non-Prize Winners Those lucky winners.

About meAbout Me: All about me with some stuff left out.

If you're on a webring tour and you don't give crap about my page, look no farther than HERE, MY WEBRING PLACE

Marvel Comic Ring This site is owned by: Toozin.
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Most of this stuff is copyrighted by Marvel, like the comic and charactor names, the Marvel name and logo, and anything else related to Marvel in this page. All the rest is trademarked by me, like the ORB, my cool background, the nick Toozin, and the very sucky animation (it's just an experiment). Free non-prize to anyone who can tell me all the charactors on my background, and who doesn't belong.