Welcome to my Guestbook. I'd apperciate it if you'd sign it!

Kat - 02/18/00 21:36:58
My Email:lappinlie@yahoo.com

Your Cobalt as a cowboy picture looks exactly like Emilie Bosworth's Hank! You are a copy cat.

Greg - 10/06/99 02:24:51
My URL:http://prime-fe2.lvcm.com/kc7cia/insanity.htm
My Email:GS_10@hotmail.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Hork Bajir
Fav Animorphs Book: All of em
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: maybe

Cool page dude!

Sara - 04/23/99 22:19:43
Fav Animorphs Character: Ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser Three
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: The Pretender
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: no


Billy Hone - 04/22/99 18:53:52


~Utahraptor~;) - 03/20/99 14:53:34
My Email:marajade_rox@yahoo.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake, Cassie, Marco, and Erek
Fav Animorphs Villian: The Crayak and howlers
Fav Animorphs Alien: howlers
Fav Animorphs Book: #26 and MM2
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: yup
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: nope, sorry

Nice page, your artistic skills rock!

Cylipso - 03/08/99 21:45:31
My Email:Cylipso2@AOL
Fav Animorphs Character: Marco
Fav Animorphs Villian: Halicroms
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: 4+19
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: ????????

Cool site

Crystal - 03/07/99 00:59:18
My Email:Ctanian@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: AX
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: no

I really don't watch the Animorphs and I think they suck!!!!

Meredith - 02/12/99 23:46:30
My Email:meredith_ryan
Fav Animorphs Character: Rachel
Fav Animorphs Villian: Crayak
Fav Animorphs Alien: Erek
Fav Animorphs Book: 23
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: nope
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: sure


Kat - 02/09/99 02:26:41
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/Quadrant/8335/TheOfficialC.html
My Email:BLKATFRI13@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill
Fav Animorphs Villian: V3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Hork-Bajir
Fav Animorphs Book: #12
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: nope
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: sort of

This page is great, but it might need more that just the Hork-Bajir picture and Cai. For the Fan Fiction? It's sort of strange but that's makes it soooooo funny!

visser 5 - 02/07/99 18:12:55
My Email:wallguy88@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: marco
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 1
Fav Animorphs Alien: hork-bajir
Fav Animorphs Book: 25
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no its not out
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: maybe


Axie - 02/07/99 17:30:54
My Email:Sporty10f@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Marco
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: #30
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: no


Brady - 02/07/99 16:53:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/axvisser/page/index.htm
My Email:axvisser@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Book: The Warning
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: dont care

Neat page too much art

Moah-Sinrall-Ices (In the Journey) - 02/07/99 13:48:08
My Email:Mosh112852@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Tobias
Fav Animorphs Villian: Horks
Fav Animorphs Alien: Elfangor
Fav Animorphs Book: Book 26.
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: Yes
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: Definitly

You are a super kewl writer. And if you haven't read her writing, go to fanfics. They are kewl.

maddy - 01/30/99 21:36:16
My Email:laureolson@prodigy.net
Fav Animorphs Character: Ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Erek
Fav Animorphs Book: #8:The Alien
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: yes

Your site is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marisa (no last name. Yeerks are out there.) - 01/29/99 23:57:39
My Email:CHIPMUNKZZ@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Tobias
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser Three
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: #13
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: Yes
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: Yes

Don't stay in morph for more than two hours.

Jennifer - 01/17/99 22:22:59
Fav Animorphs Character: Rachel
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: #25The Extreme
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: I have no idea.....um ok

You write the neatest book series!!!

Jennifer - 01/17/99 22:03:27
Fav Animorphs Character: Rachel
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: The Extreme
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: I've got no idea


David McKinley - 01/17/99 00:32:39
My URL:http://www.I_DON'T_HAVE_ONE.com
My Email:ellimistx@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser three(isn't he everyone's) (well, almost)
Fav Animorphs Alien: andalite
Fav Animorphs Book: The Hork Bajir Chronicles
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: um, sure

ths page is really cool, and to all the peeps out there, A-town is the best town!!!!

Greg Simon - 12/12/98 01:09:48
My Email:prime-fe2.lvcm.com/kc7cia/baseball/greg.html
Fav Animorphs Character: Marco
Fav Animorphs Villian: Pemalite
Fav Animorphs Alien: Andalite
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: NEED TO KNOW PERSONALITY

I love the page! AWESOME!

Marcus Lim - 11/11/98 15:15:30
My Email:m-1416@pacific.net.sg
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake
Fav Animorphs Villian: Vissel 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: andalites
Fav Animorphs Book: ???
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: ???

hey u!!! yeah u!!! This place is cool right!!! 4 me......... this is one of the places i like! so u must also sign the guest book if u r free come down to this site and see more things or e-mail me at m-1416@pacific.net.sg

10/15/98 10:48:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Duke Of Hazard - 10/14/98 22:35:52
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser3
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: not really

sorry I don't have an e-mail

Amber-Ann Gorges - 09/26/98 17:07:51
My Email:pag@frontiernet.net
Fav Animorphs Character: Cassie
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: AX
Fav Animorphs Book: #19
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: NO
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: Yes

I LOVE ANIMORPHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Sean Gorges - 09/26/98 16:56:32
My Email:pag@frontiernet.net
Fav Animorphs Character: Marco
Fav Animorphs Villian: Hork Banger
Fav Animorphs Alien: Anilite Prince
Fav Animorphs Book: #1
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: No
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: No


Monica Yang - 09/20/98 20:27:58
My Email:TomYang663
Fav Animorphs Character: Rachel
Fav Animorphs Villian: Viser Three
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: The Time of Dinosures
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: yes

LOVE THE ANIMORPHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

visser three - 09/20/98 16:34:28
Fav Animorphs Character: ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser three
Fav Animorphs Alien: andilites
Fav Animorphs Book: #19 the dipature
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no


Alan Gonzalez - 09/20/98 05:02:14
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Elfangor
Fav Animorphs Book: The first one
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: no

The Animorphs are great books if I had all of the books I would really enjoy reading them all over and over.

Ruby - 09/05/98 23:58:42
Fav Animorphs Character: Cassie
Fav Animorphs Villian: Hork Bajir
Fav Animorphs Alien: Andalite
Fav Animorphs Book: 4, The message
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no

I really like the Animorphs series, and I wish That I owned them all. I own 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,and 14. I've read them all about 5-10 times.

josh miller - 09/01/98 18:00:57
Fav Animorphs Character: Tobias
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 1
Fav Animorphs Alien: ax
Fav Animorphs Book: 13
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: ????


stephen - 08/25/98 00:52:41
My Email:terrack@xoom.com
Fav Animorphs Character: tobais
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: chee
Fav Animorphs Book: 20
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: maybe

want to write animorphs game. with new aliens (i.e. horolite)and characters(i.e. me).

zach - 08/25/98 00:06:22
My Email:www.pawneerock@feist.com
Fav Animorphs Character: ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: ax
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: yes

your cool

zach - 08/25/98 00:04:23
My Email:www.pawneerock@feist.com
Fav Animorphs Character: ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: ax
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: sure

your cool

zach - 08/24/98 23:18:41
My Email:www.pawneerock@feist.com
Fav Animorphs Character: ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: ax
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: sure

You right the coolest books

Mosh112852 - 07/17/98 19:07:19
My Email:Mosh112852@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: ax
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser1
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax, Duh
Fav Animorphs Book: #20, Its so good I havent read it
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: Yes
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: Yes

I would like to thank you to put my story on your page, I didnt even know I won until the Character, Venus, Told me she found the page. Thanks!

Warlock - 07/10/98 01:55:16
My Email:dmoses8613@aol.com
Fav Animorphs Character: Jake
Fav Animorphs Villian: Visser 3
Fav Animorphs Alien: Ax
Fav Animorphs Book: The Warning
Have you read the Lemorian Chronicles: no
Would you like Cai to be an actual character?: ok,cool

This is very cool Cai.

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