
ok ok it has nothing to do with the Rift or Serpent War Saga but I like it!!


My it has been a long time since I did anything to this page hasn't it. Well not to get your hopes up cause I still haven't done anything really new. But I will be soon...I just need the time. I just got back from a trip to New York City!! it was an absolutely wonderful experiance! I just love the big cities!! Anyways as soon as everything calms down I will be able to do some MAJOR changes to this page. thanks for everyone who has been visiting this page, and don't worry it will be updated soon!!


Hola and hello again, yes I know it has been long time but I did mention that in my last update, so anyways I am just doing touchups to the page so enjoy!!! ^_^

It has come to my attention that not that many people are traversing my site and therefore I will not be updating as frequently. If any of you who actually do come to my site and have something to say to me about this you can E-Mail me at serenity_28@hotmail.com. No I am not giving up on this page I just won't be udating it all that often, I have other things that come first such as school work and some other projects that I am involved with. Thank you for your coroporation.


hehe looks like a long time for an update...Well to let you know I did update things if you looked you would have seen that I have put up a adopted area and you can see everything that I have adopted!! I also did some reviews on Shadow of a Dark Queen and Rise of a Mercant Prince. Also I have had some computer problems, so if you will bear with me I might be able to get them fixed. Other then that I will be going away again for another Week or so. Well I hope I didn't forget to say something that I have Updated...Oh I updated the Quotes page...Well until the next update.


Now this looks like a long time to Update dosen't it? well just to let you know I have Updated, just nothing big enough. Over the period I have added some new backgrounds and some Music. Today however I added the Prince of the Blood and the Kings Buccaneer review and started on the review for Shadow of a Dark Queen. But as said in the statement below please Writhe me with any suggestion's for my page. Well then until next time.

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