Places on Midkemia

A guide to the cities

*As you open the door to the hall A Voice is heard* "This is the hall of Places, it is here that you will learn of the importance of the cities upon the world of Midkemia"

Crydee-This is where it all started. Pug,Tomas,Arutha,Lyam,Martin,Carline.. etc..came from here. Later on Martin is the Duke of Crydee.

Krondor-I guess you could call this the second Capital of the Kingdom, this is where Prince Arutha, Later Prince Patrick, Rules. Capital of the Western Relms.

Rillanon-This is The Capital of the Kingdom, King Lyam, Later King Borric, Rules here.

Elvandar-The Home to the Elves, Humans are hardly ever allowed in here

Sethanon-This is where the Legendary Lifestone resides,Until Calis comes along and then....

Sorcerer's Isle-This is Where Macros the Black Resides

Stardock-The Acadamy of Magicians that Pug Started

More later......

Click here for a Map of Midkemia. (I'll try and get a better one a.s.a.p.)

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