Episode II: 

Shortly after KrumplerDeux Officiall rose to power, as TJ Lord
Dar'Kal returned to the clan. Offering what skill he had, the 
former student of ICJ Paladin was soon asked, by TJ Lord, to
lead the first of a new system of rule for the fledgling clan of
jedi. This new system would split the clan into sects. These
sects would serve and protect the mother clan at all costs

To complete this task Dar'Kal form THE EDGE OF FREEDOM,
A sect devoted to mastering the elegance and power of, the true
weapon of a jedi knight, the lightsaber. KoBolt soon followed 
and started the clans second sect, the JEDIS OF FREEDOM.

Slowly,   the members of both sects and mother clan began to
drift apart,   and it became clear the sects and their members
could no longer serve the needs of those they swore to protect.
The sects. existance was cut short after TJ Lord resigned as the
Clan Master. With no one willing to take control of the clan in
chaos, Dar'Kal chose to shut down the Edge of Freedom, letting
it's memory carry the lagacy. meanwhile kobolt declared the
Jedis of Freedom as it's own clan and carries no mark of it's
former heretage.

Now The Edge of Freedom awaits the time, in the bear future
for it's mother clan to be reborn and it's services to be called
upon once again...