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As part of the vision of the group to share information, cross-pollinate ideas and exchange thoughts on topics related to gaming, members of AEGIS can submit articles to be published in this website.



You can still find everything that was in the old AEGIS website through this link.


Find even more articles in the Aegis Wiki. You can find articles on how to run games, game theory, humorous anecdotes and even ideas on approaching gaming there.


You may submit only original works. AEGIS can publish a previously published article only if you are the author and you have permission from the previous publisher(s) that it may be used here. The AEGIS webmasters will determine the article's suitabiltiy for publishing as well as its category.

Submit files only in RTF, TXT, or HTML format. Do not submit DOC files. All files preferably ZIPped to maintain file integrity. You may include pictures (preferrably images whose rights are either public domain or your own)with your HTML but please resize the graphic appropriately. Standard format for graphics (based on existing artcle lay-out is 200 x 400 at 72 dpi.

Just email your article to aegisweb AT yahoo DOT com and be sure to include your name and contact info. Please submit only one article per email (for easier archiving and filing on my end) and do attach any images you would prefer to accompany the article.

learning pieces

Disclaimer: Articles published on AEGISweb remain the property and opinions of their respective authors and do not represent the opinions of AEGIS as a group.