Thanks for coming to the section dedicated to my friends. Most of them I met through ICQ and most have links here to thier own homepages. So if you would like to know more or see some good sites, then just click!!! *G*
The first person I met on the net was *LAVENDER. If only I had known about the crazy people she would introduce me too!! *L* Really though, she is a great person and has always offered her assistance whenever I have asked. AND she is always on my side in toy fights with Foo!! Her site is one of the best and she has the awards to prove it. Go, check it out, sign the book and don't forget to come back and sign mine. *G* To do just that click on this pic of her before she lost her innocence...

Meathead is a realtime friend, as well as, a net buddy. He is very okay and hopefully will have his page up very soon. He is definately a comic as are most of my net friends. For now, I just sit around waiting for him to get around to joining the Geocities Family.
*Lavender has introduced me to several of my net friends, FOO being one of them. Foo has got to be one of the craziest, strangest, and funniest guys on the web! (Preacher would be the other) Foo and I have this ongoing battle over our toys. He is always damaging my slinky; so naturally, I either break or give away his Monster Trucks. You really should go check out his page and when you sign the guestbook be sure and tell him PEBBLES sent you. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be some money in it for me *LOL*

And along came PREACHER! Preacher and Foo seem to have this ongoing battle to see who is the absolute strangest. It is my opinion that they run neck in neck. Preacher is also a friend I met through Lav and it turned out he lives in the same small town that i do! The world is truely a small place, I guess. Of course, he and his interesting collection of monkeys are moving to Florida soon. Hate to see him go ya know, but real glad to get rid of all those monkeys, they smell funny!! Hopefully he will also be taking his good buddy Guido! You can click on this pic of Guido to go to Preach's page. Don't let the pic fool ya, he is really very evil!!

I would say that the one person who has become my best friend would have to be Marble Man. We talk often via ICQ and POW WOW and we talk about everything. Religion, Family Relations, Music (that's a biggie), and everything else you can think of, except that one! *G* We don't talk about that...much. He is a great guy. He cares about all, but still has a good sense of humor. If you go see his homepage, say hello from me!

Oh yeah, Lav has a second page that she and Party Girl worked on together. It is quite cool and worth checking out. Although I have not yet met PG, I hear she is quite a riot in her own right. So to see lots of slaves, you can click on this pic of Lav now that she has become demoralized and a misstress...
or this one of Misstress PG
I recently met this very interesting guy, through Lav of course. He, Lav and I talked for hours the other night. I was; however, noticing that, after talking to the two of us, sexually he became very confused. Lav and I will do our best to fix that small problem though I assure you. Here let me explain, His name is WHITE LEOPARD and now he is really not sure whether he wants to give up unsuccessfully chasing women and just give in and start chasing men. Well, we tried to help him and now he seems to think that we are great reasons for being confused. I however, feel that WL is just looking for any excuse and therefore using us as one.It really is too bad that such a nice guy has to spend so much time being confused. *LOL* He is starting a new business and for those of you who would like to help him in clearing up his confusion, feel free to click on his pic and offer assistance in his guestbook!

WHITE LEOPARD'S very own web!

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