Ooh... my first guestbook!!
Dave Ward - 10/21/99 13:28:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rice_dog My Email:rice_dog@yahoo.com Where d'ya come from?: www.Earth/whemisphere/Namerica/USA_Texas/Waco/8\15\47.com | Comments: Neat Site , Impressive Great presentation ! |
Eugene v Debs - 09/16/99 03:14:37 My Email:topgirrl@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: ibid Fave TV Show: ibid Fave actor/actress: ibid Fave X-File-ism: ibid Fave mythological tale: ibid | Comments: hello! me again. as i'm sure you know, your site contains a good amount of random, er, rather eclectic information. now, to the classics buff like me, the mythology section is great, being extensive, easy to read, and also informative. while i can't sa i'm into it, the other stuff is equally exhaustive and detailed enough to virtually jack off the average obsessed fan. why not connect all this unrelated minutiae and put some meaning and innovation into your site. i liked how you compared the x-files nd the avengers, why not broaden the idea and come to some general insight encompassing all your interests. anyway, do what you want, but i'm the one writing three pages on your site and i'm lacking a conclusion. i'm here waiting for some insight between classical mythology and the x-files, and dammit, Clare, there has to be. even my roommate says so. |
Eugene v Debs - 09/15/99 04:15:49 My Email:topgirrl@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: St. Paul, MN, USA Fave TV Show: celebrity jeopardy Fave actor/actress: oj simpson Fave X-File-ism: The truth is down there Fave mythological tale: Leda and the swan | Comments: hello clare, i felt i should sign your guestbook after spending over an hour completely digesting your hysterical set of web pages. oh, more than once did i have to excuse myself from the friendly glow of the computer screen to wipe the tears of joy that were gushing from their respective glands, and profusely i might add. anyway, my initial interest in your web page was a pure academic one having arrived here from some classical web ring or another, it doesn't really matter. what matters is that i needed to select an ancient greece related web page for a lame class project, and while i could have chosen any web page, i held out for, well, the fucking looniest one around. congratulations! it was either this one or some secret society of pagan propaganda or someshit, but my roommate said to go with yours. |
Judy Cheatwood - 09/08/99 23:43:40 My URL:http://www.ficom.net/members/dcheatwood/daughters/daughters.html My Email:judyc22@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: Bell Buckle, Tennessee Fave TV Show: Top Cops Fave actor/actress: Kevin Cosner Fave X-File-ism: Don't know Fave mythological tale: Too many | Comments: There is so much to your site, it is hard to pick one thing. You have done a great job, and it looks like you are still at it!!!!!!!!Visit me sometimes and sign my guestbook, you will get a lot of laughs!!!! Thanks, Judy C. |
taz - 08/24/99 14:28:13 My Email:tbg7@aber.ac.uk Where d'ya come from?: a convent school near you Fave TV Show: X files Fave actor/actress: David D Fave X-File-ism: Seeing D.D.s butt Fave mythological tale: How can a girl choose | Comments: Clare babe I loved the site, it was tres funky, and you do not have that whole cockney thing going on. Trust me Sweetie. Love Ya Tara |
DrDoug FL - 08/20/99 04:41:21 My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/drdougfl/index.html My Email:DrDougFL@aol.com Where d'ya come from?: I live on the Treasure Coast of Florida (Atlantic side) Fave TV Show: Any Star Trek Fave actor/actress: actress: Michelle Pfieffer Actor: William Shatner Fave X-File-ism: Too many to list .. lol Fave mythological tale: The rise of the Phoenix | Comments: Great page ... nice work :) Doug |
3singingeagles Ma'hinahinahina Grady - 08/08/99 21:05:06 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/hinahinahina/index.html My Email:singinge@mauigateway.com Where d'ya come from?: MAUI! Hawaii! Fave TV Show: Xena Fave actor/actress: Ted Raimi Fave X-File-ism: Question everything Fave mythological tale: King Arthur Legend (especially the "Mists Of Avalon/female version) and Heinlein's "Stranger In A Strange Land" | Comments: Really great page! Please visit mine and e-mail me with your comments. There's a link to my second page there too, but, FYI, it's: http://www.mauigateway.com/~singinge/index.htm MUCH Aloha! 3SE's :) |
Hilary - 07/23/99 17:35:30 My Email:HilaryMeow@aol.com Fave mythological tale: Artemis | Comments: I am having some problem's understanding the Odyssey. It is a version translated by Robert Fagles. It says "...remebering handsome Aegisthus, the man Agamemnon's son, renowned Orestes, killed." It is from Book One, between line 30 and 40. What does this passage mean? And why is Zeus talking about Aegisthus? |
Beer Monster - 06/09/99 22:42:54 My URL:Well at the mo it's http://hardwick.ukc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/hpda.exe/wjb3/index.html My Email:wjb3@ukc.ac.uk Where d'ya come from?: Southampton Fave TV Show: Bugs/X-Files Fave actor/actress: None, acting isn't a proper job. Fave X-File-ism: I'm gonna find my sister one day. Fave mythological tale: Leprachauns, they rule. | Comments: Great site, it's got loads of cool stuff about everything. I can see a lot of work went into it. Nice one. |
Dave J - 06/09/99 21:11:10 My Email:dj2@ukc.ac.uk Where d'ya come from?: Colchester Fave TV Show: Blackadder Fave actor/actress: Alan Rickman Fave X-File-ism: eh? Fave mythological tale: There was one i was told about some red-indian guy with remote-control, detachable testicles... | Comments: Bit too classical, would be improved by references to Norse and Celtic myth which involved a lot more beer... |
David Chandler - 06/06/99 15:47:11 My URL:http://members.aol.com/DChan52169/hehehe.html My Email:dchan52169@aol.com Where d'ya come from?: Morecambe, Lancashire,UK Fave TV Show: Doctor Who Fave actor/actress: Tom Baker Fave X-File-ism: Err.....don't watch it i'm afraid! Fave mythological tale: The wooden horse | Comments: Hi Athene! Nice site. Keep up the good work and watch out for diabolical masterminds. |
Teaya - 05/22/99 19:42:52 Where d'ya come from?: here and there,wherever my spirit goes Fave TV Show: don't really watch T.V. Fave actor/actress: To many to choose Fave X-File-ism: ????????? Fave mythological tale: Anything about the roman gods or ancient eygypt | Comments: I don't really talk to most and i love to learn(especially about the old ways) |
Jessica - 04/02/99 16:33:23 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/underground/2317 My Email:galapogos20@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: my guestbook ![]() Fave TV Show: The X-Files Fave actor/actress: David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson...big surprise there... ![]() Fave X-File-ism: CSM's Life is like a box of chocolates quote Fave mythological tale: umm... can't say I have one.... | Comments: Hi! You have a really awesome page! Thanks for signing my book! I'd love to link your -ism's page to mine, and I'd love for you to link mine to yours! I'll see ya around! |
Caroline - 03/25/99 23:32:52 My Email:jill.seabrooke@bt.com Where d'ya come from?: London Fave TV Show: The Avengers Fave actor/actress: Robert Vaughn | Comments: Finally! Somebody within ten years of my age (I'm doing GCSEs) who likes The Avengers, The X-files and Classical Civilisation. It's great to find a genuine enthusiast of The Avengers that's not bogged down with all the episodes (which I know by heart any ay)and guest stars. Keep up the good work. I don't suppose you like Abba? |
Scott - 03/06/99 15:33:59 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/5907 My Email:scotho64@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: Pennsylvania Fave TV Show: Homicide - Life on the Street | Comments: Great page! |
Toni - 02/17/99 13:54:34 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/4353/index.html My Email:Bewitch821@aol.com Where d'ya come from?: Cape Cod Fave TV Show: The Nanny (makes me laugh) Fave actor/actress: Betty Davis/Michael Douglas Fave mythological tale: Cinderella (does that count!) | Comments: A pretty neat place to visit...you are a unique person...and I love your dry humor and wit! Bright Blessings to you! |
nerys - 02/16/99 12:40:42 Where d'ya come from?: nowhere Fave TV Show: pobl y cwm Fave actor/actress: nerys fuller love Fave X-File-ism: i am an alien Fave mythological tale: my life | Comments: i think your web page is the fucking worst thing ive seen in my life...what was the point GET A LIFE!! (So why bother signing this then?! - A19) |
George Sinclair - 02/03/99 11:49:06 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Theater/2326 My Email:george.sinclair@dcs.napier.ac.uk Where d'ya come from?: Dingwall Fave TV Show: Brass Eye Fave actor/actress: Spod Fave X-File-ism: Rats Fave mythological tale: Pied Piper | Comments: Good |
Zoya - 02/01/99 11:58:43 My Email:zomarj@EUnet.yu Where d'ya come from?: Belgrade , Yugoslavia Fave TV Show: The Avengers , Monty Python Fave actor/actress: John Cleese , Diana Rigg Fave X-File-ism: I don't like X - files at all Fave mythological tale: The one about the munity of Olimpic gods against Zeus | Comments: Hi , I like your site especilly The Avengers part , but the mitological one is good as well! |
Silver Spirit - 11/23/98 16:32:08 My Email:h22870@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: Birmingham, U.K. Fave TV Show: Have I got news for you? Fave actor/actress: Robert De Niro Fave X-File-ism: I am not into X-Files. Fave mythological tale: To be or not to be.....what was the question? | Comments: I found Athene19 comforting, interesting and educational. Yet it's not my type of thing. |
Steve - 11/03/98 17:35:56 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/nicklin My Email:snicklin@hpestl.bbn.hp.com Where d'ya come from?: Stuttgart, Germany Fave TV Show: Peep Fave actor/actress: Matthew Broderick Fave X-File-ism: Erm... Fave mythological tale: My Father was once a boy | Comments: Hiya, I'm back to wander your pages in a demonic state after looking at a screen for the last 11 hours. Nice to see you are still working (and making me very nice) on your pages. Take care, Steve |
Nurgle - 10/30/98 03:26:03 My URL:http://hem.passagen.se/warloc/ My Email:nurgle@solhem.com Where d'ya come from?: Vortex Fave TV Show: whats tv? Fave actor/actress: every kid in a school play.. Fave X-File-ism: huh? Fave mythological tale: Isis and the seven scorpions | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Nicki McDougall (aka scully) - 08/25/98 21:51:03 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Arc/7142 My Email:nmcdougall@hotmail.com Where d'ya come from?: Port Colborne Ontario, Canada, North America, Earth, The Solar System, Galaxy #5 Fave TV Show: X-files Fave actor/actress: Gillian Anderson Fave X-File-ism: maybe if it rains sleeping bags you might get lucky Fave mythological tale: echo and narcissius (my best friend is named echo) | Comments: Very cool site, very inventive. I love the quote section. I had forgotten a lot of those lines. Keep up the good work and don't forget to check out my site too. Nicki |
Luna - 07/04/98 02:45:04 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/2693 My Email:neo-goddess@innocent.com Where d'ya come from?: Canada Fave TV Show: The X-Files Fave actor/actress: Tom Braidwood / Gillian Anderson Fave X-File-ism: "Bite me!" ~ Invisigoth Fave mythological tale: Psyche & Cupid | Comments: X-Files and ancient culture. What a great mix! |
Melissa - 07/03/98 16:46:13 My URL:/Athens/Olympus/9637 My Email:melmac@ukans.edu Where d'ya come from?: Kansas City Fave TV Show: X-Files, Simpsons, Star Trek, to all my friends terror, and Blackadder Fave actor/actress: Rowan Atkinson, Emma Thompson Fave X-File-ism: Maybe if it rains sleeping bags, you'll get lucky. Fave mythological tale: Snowqueen. Okay, so that's Hans Christian Anderson, I know. Otherwise, Lilith. | Comments: This is just a test to prove to Athene19 that her guestbook is not broken. Why does she worry about these things? I don't know. Other than that, this is cool sight, considering that I've been mentioned a few times. And check out my page!!! Self promotion was never a bad thing. Usually. |
Heather Beckham - 07/01/98 21:02:12 Where d'ya come from?: Manchester Fave TV Show: The Simpsons Fave actor/actress: Jim Carrey | Comments: Like the page - especially your family. White letters would be easier to read against the blue background. Your Dad sounds like one in a million. I'd like to meet him. Somehow, I don't think Heather actually wrote this... Suspiciously believe this is my Dad's work... - A19 |
John E. - 06/21/98 01:13:28 Where d'ya come from?: Somerset Fave TV Show: Blackadder Fave actor/actress: That Branagh bloke Fave X-File-ism: That bit where they throw a huge chunk of alien flesh into a foot high electron microscope & then claim that it has six bases in it's DNA. It's so unreal it's funny. Fave mythological tale: The tale of Cuchulainn | Comments: So, this is where you hang out! Cool place. I never knew who this Athene person was 'til I came here. Thanks for making me 'creepy'. I like the mythology though. I haven't been through everything though. I'll pluck up the courage one day! 'The Avengers' but is cool & the site needs more classical bumf but 'tis cool nonetheless. I thought that I'd be polite & sign the book anyway, John. (Bumf? - A19) |
Anna Shearer - 06/19/98 20:39:09 Where d'ya come from?: Newcastle Fave TV Show: Friends Fave actor/actress: Leonardo DiCaprio Fave X-File-ism: Sure. Fine. Whatever. Fave mythological tale: Medusa | Comments: Newcastle rules the land, Titanic rules the sea |
Stan Benton - 06/19/98 20:31:53 Fave TV Show: Tomorrows World Fave actor/actress: Joanna Lumley Fave mythological tale: Jason and the Argonauts | Comments: Nice page ![]() (Aww! Thanks Dad! - A19) |
Peter - 06/16/98 08:13:24 My URL:http://website.lineone.net/~cransom My Email:pir1@ukc.ac.uk Where d'ya come from?: Kent! Fave X-File-ism: No, not X-Files, AAAAHHHH Fave mythological tale: The exam is very do-able (Huh?-A19) | Comments: This page is great but I'm not MAD! |
Andy Poole - 06/11/98 22:22:58 Where d'ya come from?: Canterbury, England Fave TV Show: Only Fools and Horses Fave actor/actress: David Jason Fave X-File-ism: What is an X-File-ism? | Comments: I am not an X-File fan, but nevertheless I s'pose these pages are quite good anyway... for a non-computer scientist ;) The bit about someone standing on your toes is especially interesting with dancing??? |
Paul - 06/11/98 18:19:46 My Email:paul@seldon.dnet.co.uk Where d'ya come from?: Belfast Fave TV Show: The X-Files, naturally Fave actor/actress: Gillian Anderson (who else?) Fave X-File-ism: Too many to mention | Comments: Hi Athene19 ![]() |
Jillian - 06/07/98 20:45:22 My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/new-york/~cadida/ My Email:Jillian@forpresident.com Where d'ya come from?: NY/NJ/DE/MN Fave TV Show: X-Files and ABC Soaps Fave actor/actress: Harrison Ford Fave X-File-ism: Pick out something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching. | Comments: Hey, this is the organizer of the Geocities X-Files Webring - just finished cruising your site and wanted to say I think it's Fab - and incredibly ecclectic. I loved it! |
Liarbyrd - 05/17/98 13:55:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/9637 Where d'ya come from?: Kansas City Fave TV Show: X-Files, Simpsons, Friends, Seinfeld, Masterpiece Theatre Fave actor/actress: Rowan Atkinson, Emma Thompson Fave X-File-ism: Oh! Brain sucking amoeba. | Comments: A spiffy page you've got going on. Almost makes me want to learn this programming jive for myself. Almost. Love the quotes page. Too fab for words! |
Omouse - 05/16/98 21:48:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/9610 My Email:jlmathis@scf-fs.usc.edu Where d'ya come from?: LA, CA and UKC Fave TV Show: X-Files... What else? Fave actor/actress: Harrison Ford... Who else? Fave X-File-ism: Eladio... you are the Chupacabra!!! | Comments: Cool page... much more organized than mine... can't wait to see the finished product! Yeah! Harrison Ford is cool! David Duchovny is cool too, but not quite as cool as Harrison Ford! |