The Seventh Doctor: Sylvester McCoy
Season Twenty-Four
Time and the Rani (4 episodes)
The Rani attacks the TARDIS, setting off The Doctor's regeneration process. He appears to be stable and alert, but
has difficulty remembering his past. The Doctor and his new companion Mel track The Rani to Lakertya, where she has
enslaved the population to build a rocket base. The rocket is to be fired into an asteroid containing a new form of matter and
she has created a giant brain, using the intelligence of Earth's greatest geniuses, to aid in the computations. The Doctor
tries to stop The Rani before her diabolical plot is carried out.
First aired September 7 to September 28, 1987 |
Paradise Towers (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Mel decide to vacation at the huge leisure complex Paradise Towers, but find it in a state of anarchy and ruin.
The rat-infested hallways are patrolled by the Kangs, groups of girl-only gangs; the apartments house cannibalistic old ladies; and
the authoritarian Caretakers manage the building. The Doctor learns of something terrifying in the basement that is attempting
to make all the inhabitants "un-alive." He tries to learn the secret of Paradise Towers before its too late.
First aired October 5 to October 26, 1987 |
Delta and the Bannermen - Not yet released
Dragonfire (3 episodes)
The TARDIS lands in Iceworld, a galactic trading post on the dark side of the planet Svartos. They meet a teenager from Earth
nicknamed Ace and a bounty hunter named Glitz. They soon get involved in a quest to find a legendary dragon said to guard
a treasure in the frozen wastes of Iceworld. The group is followed by agents of the local ruler Kane, who has a personal interest
in discovering the dragon's lair.
First aired November 23 to December 7, 1987 |
Season Twenty-Five
Remembrance of the Daleks (4 episodes)
The Doctor returns to London in 1963, arriving just after the events of the very first Doctor Who adventure, The
Unearthly Child. The first Doctor had left behind a powerful Time Lord artifact, the Hand of Omega, and upon arrival
meets up with Dalek search parties, also looking for the device. Two factions of Daleks, white and black, compete to control
the Hand, while The Doctor plans to use it to finally defeat the most evil creatures in the universe. He learns that one of
the factions are actually Dalek rebels trying to usurp the power of the Dalek command and tries to figure out which group
is on his side.
First aired October 5 to October 29, 1988 |
The Happiness Patrol (3 episodes)
The Doctor and Ace arrive on Terra Alpha, an Earth colony where happiness is enforced by law and public sadness is cause
for execution. Ruled by the fascist Helen A and her "Happiness Patrol" of robot KandyMen, the colonists suffer under
oppression and fear, while having to keep the happy face. The travelers to try motivate the colonists to rebellion, forming
an alliance with the planet's native population, the subterranean Pipe People.
First aired November 2 to November 16, 1988 |
Silver Nemesis (3 episodes)
The Doctor returns to present-day Earth for the arrival of Nemesis, a Time Lord artifact of living metal created by the great
Lord Rassilon for Gallifrey's defense. The Doctor had launched it into space in 1638 and it is expected to return to Earth. He
is soon joined by a team of Cybermen and a group of Nazis, all waiting to steal Nemesis and take control of its power.
This videotape also contains a rare, behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the episodes.
First aired November 23 to December 7, 1988 |
The Greatest Show In The Galaxy (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Ace arrive on the planet Segonax to watch the "Greatest Show in the Galaxy", the Psychic
Circus. They soon learn that those who travel to the Circus are not entertained, but rather forced by the
Chief Clown to provide amusement for a single family seated at ringside. The Doctor discovers the strange
secret of the Circus, that the family are the terrifying Gods of Ragnarok, whose lust for novelty
is backed by the constant threat of death for those who fail to please them.
First aired December 14 to January 4, 1989 |
Season Twenty-Six
Battlefield (4 episodes)
The TARDIS lands near the English village of Cadbury, where a UNIT convoy has run into trouble.
At the bottom of a nearby lake lies a spaceship containing the body of King Arthur and his sword Excalibur. King Arthur is really
a knight from a parallel universe, and the evil Morgaine and her son Mordred arrive to find their King. A battle breaks out between
UNIT and Mordred's army of knights, who recognize The Doctor as the legendary Merlin. Also, the Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart is called
from retirement to help UNIT against the knights, who are trying to gain control of a nuclear missile.
First aired September 6 to September 27, 1989 |
Ghost Light (3 episodes)
The travelers arrive in England, 1883, near a house that Ace had burned down 100 years later, after detecting the presence of ghosts.
They discover that an alien ship is buried under the house, its owner asleep for millions of years. One of the alien crew has evolved into
a human, Josiah Samuel Smith, who is plotting to murder Queen Victoria. In order to stop Mr. Smith, The Doctor awakens the alien Light and
unwittingly unleashes a threat to all life on planet Earth.
First aired October 4 to October 18, 1989 |
Curse of Fenric (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Ace arrive during WWII, where a secret British naval base houses a powerful computer to break German codes. A Russian unit sneaks into
the base to steal a component from the machine, while blood-sucking aliens also descend on the base. The Doctor realizes that all of this has been orchestrated
by Fenric, an evil creature that he had battled with long ago.
This expanded edition contains new material not included in the original broadcast.
First aired October 25 to November 15, 1989 |
Survival (3 episodes)
The final adventure of Doctor Who finds the TARDIS returning to Ace's home town, where she finds that many of her old friends have
mysteriously disappeared. They learn that the people have been kidnapped by the Cheetah People, aliens who can travel through
time and space in search of food for their planet. The Doctor and Ace travel to the planet, where The Master has been waiting for
a final battle with his enemy, The Doctor.
First aired November 22 to December 6, 1989 |
[NOTE: All video tapes are in VHS / NTSC format only]
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