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The Fourth Doctor: Tom Baker

Season Twelve
Robot   (4 episodes)
Still unstable after his regeneration, The Doctor is being looked after by UNIT medical officer, Harry Sullivan. He is soon sent by UNIT to look into the robberies of a top-secret disintegrator gun. The break-ins are traced to an elitist group of scientists called Think-Tank, who are using a powerful robot to help them hold the world hostage. The scientists manage to steal the nuclear launch codes and threaten to start World War III if their demands are not met.
First aired December 28, 1974 to January 18, 1975
Ark in Space   (4 episodes)
While demonstrating time travel for Harry, the TARDIS lands on a space station serving as a cryogenic facility for repopulating the Earth after a devastating nuclear war. The Doctor helps to revive some of the humans, who learn that the wake-up mechanism had been tampered with and they have been in suspended animation for 5000 years. Further inspection shows that something has been feeding on the sleeping passengers, and is still roaming the ship.
First aired January 25 to February 15, 1975
The Sontaran Experiment / Genesis of the Daleks
(2 episodes / 6 episodes)
In The Sontaran Experiment, the TARDIS crew is transported from Nerva to the surface of the Earth and find that a Sontaran warrior has been conducting cruel experiments on the few remaining humans.
In Genesis of the Daleks, the Time Lords intercept the transmat beam and take The Doctor to Skaro during the Thal-Kaled wars. They meet Davros, a crippled Kaled scientist determined to save his people by creating an invincible mechanoid, the Daleks! The Doctor has the power to destroy the embryonic Daleks before they are fully created, but his actions could alter the fate of the Universe.
First aired February 22 to April 12, 1975
Revenge of the Cybermen   (4 episodes)
The Doctor, Sarah, & Harry return to the space station but in the wrong time zone. Several thousand years earlier, the station is serving as a beacon for space travel near Jupiter and a large asteroid called Voga, the "planet of gold". A mysterious plague has reduced the crew to a handful, and the strangers are soon blamed for the deaths. It is discovered that one of the crew has been sabotaging the mission, working for the Cybermen to defeat Earth once and for all.
First aired April 19 to May 10, 1975
Season Thirteen
Terror of the Zygons   (4 episodes)
Finally back on Earth, The Doctor and UNIT are sent to Scotland, where a series of mysterious attacks have destroyed several North Sea oil rigs near Loch Ness. The Doctor finds out that the cause is a giant sea serpent, the fabled "Loch Ness Monster", created by the Zygons, an alien race whose ship had crashed into Loch Ness centuries ago. The Zygons are able to replicate humans, and one by the one the inhabitants of the area are being replaced by Zygon counterparts.
First aired August 30 to September 20, 1975
Planet of Evil   (4 episodes)
The TARDIS takes The Doctor and Sarah to Zeta Minor, a planet on the edge of the known Universe. The members of a mining expedition have been dying mysteriously, and the travelers are soon blamed. Zeta Minor is actually a gateway to the world of anti-matter, and Professor Sorenson, obsessed with finding a new power source on the planet, is slowly taken over by forces beyond his control.
First aired September 27 to October 18, 1975
Pyramids of Mars   (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Sarah return to UNIT headquarters, only in 1875 when the building was the home of Egyptologist Professor Scarman. The professor is now under the control of Sutekh, an Osirian who was imprisoned in a pyramid on Mars by his brother Horus. The Doctor arrives as Scarman is building a rocket to Mars, in order to free Sutekh so he can destroy the Cosmos.
One of the best from the Tom Baker era.
First aired October 25 to November 15, 1975
The Android Invasion   (4 episodes)
The TARDIS returns to the present-day near a sleepy English village, but the inhabitants are strange and hostile, responding like robots to unseen commands. The Doctor learns that they are actually on a replica of Earth, created by the alien Kraals to train an army of androids for a planned invasion. The Doctor manages to return to the real Earth, only to find the android imposters have already infiltrated UNIT headquarters.
First aired November 22 to December 13, 1975
The Brain of Morbius   (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Sarah land on Karn and seek refuge in the castle of Solon, a mad scientist involved in bizarre experiments. Solon wants The Doctor's head for the body he is creating to house the living brain of Morbius, a villainous Time Lord who was supposedly executed centuries before. Meanwhile, the Sisterhood of Karn, keepers of an immortality drug, suspects that the Time Lords have sent The Doctor to steal the few remaining drops of the Elixir of Life. The Doctor must engage in mind-battle with the revived Morbius, as the Sisterhood tries to sacrifice the Time Lord to appease the Sacred Flame.
First aired January 3 to January 24, 1976
The Seeds of Doom   (6 episodes)
Two mysterious pods are discovered deep in the Antarctic snow and The Doctor & Sarah are sent to investigate. Through experiments, the pod has broke open and is infecting one of the scientists, turning him slowly into vegetable matter. The Doctor identifies the pod as a Krynoid, an alien plant hostile to all animal life-forms. A wealthy botanist manages to steal the second pod, and the Krynoid is let loose on his property, gaining mass and threatening mass destruction.
First aired January 31 to March 6, 1976
Season Fourteen
The Masque of Mandragora   (4 episodes)
The TARDIS is brought to Renaissance Italy by the Mandragora Helix, an form of intelligent energy that entered the TARDIS. The Doctor and Sarah become involved in a political struggle between the young Duke and his Uncle, who is trying to take over the throne. Hieronymus, the court astrologer and leader of the pagan Cult of Demnos, is taken over by the Mandragora Helix as a vehicle for its conquest of Earth. The leading intellectuals of the age are convening at the castle to discuss the new method of science, and The Doctor must stop the Cult before they change the course of history forever.
First aired September 4 to September 25, 1976
The Hand of Fear   (4 episodes)
Back in 20th-century Earth, Sarah finds a fossilized hand during a quarry blast and is taken over by its owner Eldrad, a Kastrian criminal seeking regeneration. The hand forces Sarah to break into the core of a nearby nuclear reactor where it will use the energy to be reborn. The Doctor must find a way to bring Eldrad back to his home planet in order to save humanity once again. The Doctor is called back to Gallifrey and must leave Sarah back home on Earth.
First aired October 2 to October 23, 1976
The Deadly Assassin   (4 episodes)
The Doctor has a strange premonition of an assassination and returns to his home planet Gallifrey to warn the President of the Council of Time. He breaks into the Panopticon and witnesses the murder, soon captured to stand trial for the crime. He learns that the real culprit is The Master, who is seeking to use the power of the Matrix to start a new cycle of regenerations. The Doctor, in order to delay his execution, declares himself a candidate for the Presidency and travels into the Matrix to confront his nemesis.
First aired October 30 to November 20, 1976
The Face of Evil   (4 episodes)
The Doctor finds himself on a jungle planet where he befriends Leela, a warrior living in exile from the Sevateem tribe. At first regarded as The Evil One, The Doctor wins her trust and discovers this primitive culture using advanced technology to worship Xoanon, their God held prisoner by the mysterious Tesh. Intrigued, The Doctor explores the surrounding jungle, finding the The Evil One's likeness carved on a nearby mountainside is his own face!
First aired January 1 to January 22, 1977
The Robots of Death   (4 episodes)
The Doctor and his new companion, Leela, arrive in the hold of a huge vessel mining the surface of a remote planet, where a workforce of robots assist a small crew of humans. One of the crew is found murdered and the strangers are blamed. More are killed and tensions mount between the miners as they try to end the killing. The Doctor suspects that somehow the robots are involved, perhaps being programmed by one of the crew.
First aired January 29 to February 19, 1977
Talons of Weng Chiang   (6 episodes)
The Doctor decides to show Leela her home planet and they arrive in Victorian London. Several young ladies have been found murdered, and The Doctor becomes involved with case. They meet a Chinese magician who has ties to Tong of the Black Scorpion, which worships the god Weng Chiang. The murders are traced to the cult, and The Doctor discovers that Weng Chiang is really Mangus Greel, a war criminal from the future who is feeding off the energy of the victims in order to survive.
First aired February 26 to April 2, 1977
Season Fifteen
Horror of Fang Rock   (4 episodes)
The TARDIS lands on the British isle of Fang Rock, where mysterious lights and fog have enveloped the small lighthouse nearby. The Doctor and Leela seek shelter, arriving just as the main engineer is killed in a strange accident. They become the main suspects in his death, while the thick fog causes a ship to wreck nearby. As the crew is rescued, The Doctor begins to suspect that sinister alien forces are to blame.
First aired September 3 to September 24, 1977
The Invisible Enemy - Not yet released
Image of the Fendahl   (4 episodes)
An scientific team investigates an ancient skull and releases the power of the Fendahl, an entity that feeds on life itself. The time scanner used in the experiments attracts the TARDIS, and The Doctor, realizing the great danger, tries to stop them from going further. A black magic cult has been conducting unspeakable rituals nearby and a local hiker is found murdered. When one of the scientists is taken over by the Fendahl, she unleashes hideous monsters bent on killing all in their path.
First aired October 29 to November 19, 1977
The Sunmakers - Not yet released
Underworld - Not yet released
The Invasion of Time - Not yet released
Season Sixteen: The Key to Time
The Ribos Operation   (4 episodes)
The Doctor is enlisted by the White Guardian to find the all-powerful Key to Time. Its six pieces are scattered throughout the Cosmos, for only in times of universal peril can its power be used. The Doctor is given a new companion, a young Time Lady called Romana. The first segment is tracked to the winter planet Ribos, where two con-men are trying to sell the planet to a disposed tyrant, the Graff Vinda-K. The Doctor and Romana get involved, later having to escape from the Vinda-K's guards through the subterranean catacombs, which are home to ravenous beasts.
First aired September 2 to September 23, 1978
The Pirate Planet   (4 episodes)
The second segment of the Key to Time is identified on the planet Callufrax, but the TARDIS materializes on Zanak, a hollow planet with the power to engulf smaller worlds and drain their energy. Zanak is ruled the half-mechanoid Captain, and The Doctor soon realizes that he is in the process of destroying Callufrax and its people. Romana and The Doctor are aided by a race of telepaths and attempt to take control of the planet and end the destruction.
First aired September 30 to October 21, 1978
The Stones of Blood   (4 episodes)
The TARDIS lands on Earth, tracing the third segment of the Key to a druid circle in the British countryside. The Doctor, Romana, and K9 meet archeologist Professor Rumford and her assistant Vivien Fay. They are unable to pinpoint the third segment of the Key, but The Doctor suspects that he might learn the location from a local pagan cult. After nearly being sacrificed to the goddess Callieach, The Doctor learns that the ancient stones are really Ogri, stone creatures that feed on human blood, and the circle contains a portal to hyperspace.
First aired October 28 to November 18, 1978
The Androids of Tara   (4 episodes)
The fourth segment is traced to Tara, a medieval earth-like planet, and The Doctor sends Romana to fetch it while he gets in some fishing. Romana is captured by the evil Count Grendel, who is plotting to take over the throne. Romana is an exact double for the Princess Strella who is kept prisoner in Grendel's castle. The Doctor comes to the aid of the rightful heir to the throne, repairing his robot double so as to avoid an assassination attempt during the coming coronation ceremony. It becomes difficult to tell who's who as the humans and androids get involved in a web of political scheming and intrigue.
First aired November 25 to December 16, 1978
The Power of Kroll   (4 episodes)
The Doctor and Romana land on a swamp-covered moon circling Delta Magna, where they become entangled in a feud between human colonists and the indigenous green Swampies. Both groups see the other as a threat to their continued survival on the moon. The colonists assume The Doctor is supplying the Swampies with weapons for armed revolution, and the Swampies have kidnapped Romana to be sacrificed to their god Kroll. When the giant sea-creature Kroll rises from the marsh, The Doctor and Romana must unite the two groups before the monster destroys them all.
First aired December 23, 1978 to January 13, 1979
The Armageddon Factor   (6 episodes)
The final segment of the Key to Time is traced to the twin planets of Zeos and Atrios, who are engaged in a centuries-old nuclear war. Landing on Atrios, the Time Lords discover a completely devastated planet, the population forced to live in subterranean bunkers under the leadership of the psychotic Marshall. The final segment has some connection to the Princess Astra who has been kidnapped and taken to Zeos. In trying to rescue the Princess, The Doctor discovers the bizarre truth behind the war and a fiendish plot by the Black Guardian to steal the Key to Time and allow evil to conquer all.
First aired January 20 to February 24, 1979
Season Seventeen
Destiny of the Daleks   (4 episodes)
Romana decides to change her looks and regenerates into the likeness of Princess Astra from Atrios. After a randomiser is installed, the TARDIS lands on a barren planet experiencing strange underground tremors. A Movellan space crew, on a mission to locate hidden Dalek strongholds, lands nearby. The Doctor learns that he has actually landed on the Dalek home planet Skaro and the Movellans have been fighting the Daleks for eons, the war now at a stalemate. Romana is captured with some humanoids and forced into slave labor for the Daleks. The Doctor soon discovers the Daleks true plan: they have returned to Skaro to find their original creator, Davros, so that he might help them finally take over the Universe.
First aired September 1 to September 22, 1979
City of Death   (4 episodes)
The Doctor takes Romana on a holiday to Paris in 1979, but they soon experience peculiar time disruptions. They meet a British detective while visiting Louvre, and the three uncover a plot by Count Scarlioni to steal the Mona Lisa using advanced technology, which is causing the temporal disturbances. The Count is revealed to be an alien from the planet Jagoroth, who was caught in an explosion that splintered its body throughout Earth's history. He is building a time machine, funding the project with stolen art treasures from all of time.
First aired September 29 to October 20, 1979
Creature From the Pit - Not yet released
Nightmare of Eden   (4 episodes)
Two starships collide while exiting hyperspace and become fused together. One of the ships contains a Continuous Event Transmuter, a machine that is able to transport entire areas of planets, including plant and animal life, on small laser crystals. The CET becomes unstable after the crash, releasing hordes of the monstrous Mandrels captured from the planet Eden. Romana and The Doctor materialize in the midst of the crisis, and are accused of smuggling the powerful drug Vraxoin, discovered to be the cause of the collision.
First aired November 24 to December 15, 1979
Horns of Nimon - Not yet released
Shada   (6 episodes)  [Hosted by Tom Baker]
The lost adventure Shada was never completed and broadcast due to strike at the BBC. All of the existing footage has been collected for the first time, with Tom Baker providing narration for the missing scenes. Written by Douglas Adams, this incredible adventure has The Doctor and Romana returning to present-day Cambridge to visit Professor Chronotis, a retired Time Lord who wants them to return a powerful book to Gallifrey. An alien scientist named Skagra lands in an invisible spaceship, also searching for the book. He hopes to learn the location of the Time Lord prison Shada, in order to receive the power mind projection from a Time Lord kept there and thus gain galactic control.
Scheduled to begin January 19, 1980, but never broadcast
Season Eighteen
The Leisure Hive   (4 episodes)
The Doctor, Romana, and K9 go on vacation to the Leisure Hive, an entertainment complex famous throughout the galaxy. Serious accidents occur in the Tachyon Recreation Generator - a virtual reality simulator - that undermine the functioning of the Hive and its prosperity. The Doctor and Romana become prime suspects in the investigation, as agents from the rival Foamasi race maneuver to take the planet as their new homeland from the peaceful Argolins.
First aired August 30 to September 20, 1980
Meglos - Not yet released
E-Space Trilogy:   [3 adventures in one boxed-set]
Full Circle, State of Decay, & Warrior's Gate   (Each is 4 episodes)
The TARDIS gets trapped in a wormhole and ends up in E-Space, an alternate dimension. The Time Lords meet up with Adric, who stows away on the TARDIS. They are trapped in E-Space through three stories, taking them to crashed Earth starliner, a planet ruled by vampires, and a vast prison spaceship. Romana and K9 decide to stay behind in E-Space, leaving The Doctor and Adric to travel back to our dimension.
First aired October 25, 1980 to January 24, 1981
The Keeper of Traken   (4 episodes)
The Keeper of Traken materializes in the TARDIS control room and asks The Doctor and Adric to help him with an impending crisis. Traken is a planetary union of such complete harmony that evil cannot exist on it, but forces threaten to upset the balance. A malevolent creature known as the Melkur has been trapped on the planet for centuries, calcified by Traken's peaceful energy, but it has recently began to stir with life. They arrive on Traken and the Doctor imprisoned for an attack on the Keeper, as the Melkur begins to manipulate the Union leadership. A young girl, Nyssa, comes to their aid, but too late to stop the arrival of The Doctor's arch-nemesis: The Master!
First aired January 31 to February 21, 1981
Logopolis   (4 episodes)
The Doctor decides to repair the faulty chameleon circuit on the TARDIS, so he and Adric return to Earth to take the measurements of an actual police box. An Australian stewardess, Tegan Jovanka, stumbles into the TARDIS and she ends up travelling to Logopolis, a city made of pure mathematics. The Doctor plans to use the Logopolians in fixing the TARDIS, but several inhabitants have been murdered by The Master, causing breaks in the chain of computation. It is revealed that Logopolis has been holding the Universe together by their calculations, and now broken, the fabric of Time and Space begins to unravel. The Doctor and The Master team up to save the Cosmos, but the stress forces The Doctor into regeneration, to the astonishment of his new companions.
First aired February 28 to March 21, 1981
[NOTE: All video tapes are in VHS / NTSC format only]

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