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The Third Doctor: Jon Pertwee

Season Seven
Spearhead from Space   (4 episodes)
Exiled to 20th-century Earth with an inoperative TARDIS, the new incarnation of The Doctor is employed as a scientific advisor to UNIT, aided by his new companion, Liz Shaw. They are sent to investigate a series of meteor showers, uncovering an alien intelligence attempting to colonize Earth. The Nestenes have the ability to cause inanimate objects to come to life and are creating Autons, plastic mannequins that are able to fight and kill.
First aired January 3 to January 24, 1970
The Silurians   (7 episodes)
After a series of power failures and breakdowns at an atomic research center, The Doctor traces the trouble to a race of intelligent reptiles that have been hibernating inside the Earth for centuries. Awakened by electrical discharges from the nuclear facility, the Silurians now claim the planet to be rightfully theirs. The Doctor attempts to make peace, but factions are at work to destroy humanity and bring back the Jurassic Age.
First aired January 31 to March 14, 1970
Ambassadors of Death - Not yet released
Inferno   (7 episodes)
Bizarre problems arise at a top-secret drilling project, Inferno, which is seeking a new energy source called Stahlman's gas. The drilling pipes are leaking a fluid that turns men into primeval ape-like creatures known as Primords. The Doctor goes to investigate, but a freak accident transports him to a parallel Earth where the Inferno project is about to destroy everything. UNIT is now a military dictatorship that rules Great Britain, and The Doctor tries desperately to end the destruction and return to our world.
First aired May 9 to June 20, 1970
Season Eight
Terror of the Autons   (4 episodes)
The Doctor and his new assistant, Jo Grant, learn that another renegade Time Lord has materialized on Earth and his in alliance with the Nestenes. This evil Time Lord, known as The Master, is helping to create an army of Autons to enslave humanity and make way for a second Nestene invasion. The Doctor tries to stop the evil plans and find out more about his new nemesis, The Master.
First aired January 2 to 23, 1971
The Mind of Evil   (6 episodes)
The Doctor and Jo visit Stangmoor Prison to witness a demonstration of the Keller Machine - a device designed to extract the negative emotions of violent criminals. Meanwhile, tensions mount a the World Peace Conference, where The Brigadier uncovers a plot to murder the American delegate. They soon learn that the assasin was under the hypnotic spell of Dr.Keller, who is actually The Master. The Master uses the energy stored in the Keller Machine to instigate a riot at the prison, where he enlists the convicts to hijack a nuclear missle. UNIT and The Doctor race to stop The Master's plan to use the missle to start World War III.
First aired January 30 to March 5, 1971
The Claws of Axos   (4 episodes)
An alien spaceship lands in the British countryside bringing the Axons, a peaceful and intelligent race looking for a new home. Their planet has been crippled by solar flares, and they offer to share their alien knowledge with humanity in exchange for hospitality. The Doctor becomes suspicious and learns that they are all part of a collective parasitic entity, Axos, which is trying to tap all of the energy for Earth. As The Doctor digs deeper into the Axos plot, he discovers a familiar face behind it all - The Master.
First aired March 13 to April 3, 1971
Colony in Space - Not yet released
The Daemons   (6 episodes)
A mysterious explosion rocks the village of Devil's End during an excavation of a nearby prehistoric tomb, the Devil's Hump. The town is surrounded by a heat force field, trapping its inhabitants and The Doctor. The Master, posing as the new vicar, has used black magic to summon the last of the Demon race in exchange for total domination of Earth. As UNIT tries to free the villagers, The Doctor must find a way to defeat The Master and the demonic horde he has let loose.
First aired May 22 to June 19, 1971
Season Nine
The Day of the Daleks   (4 episodes)
After Sir Reginald Styles, a UN diplomat, is attacked by a ghostly intruder, The Doctor and Jo are sent to investigate. They discover that a commando unit from the future is travelling back in time to assassinate the diplomat, as his actions had led to World War III and paved the way for invasion by the Daleks. The Doctor is taken into the 22nd Century to discover the world ruled by the Daleks and their ape-like army of Ogrons.
First aired January 1 to January 22, 1972
The Curse of Peladon   (4 episodes)
The Doctor has finally repaired the TARDIS and leaves with Jo on a test run. They land on the planet Peladon, which is hosting a delegation from the Galactic Federation. Mistaken for the representatives from Earth, The Doctor and Jo meet the other delegates, including a party of Ice Warriors. The local chancellor is found murdered, which is blamed on a semi-mythical beast that is said to roam the castle. The Doctor and the other delegates try to find the true cause of the mystery before more bodies are found.
First aired January 29 to February 16, 1972
The Sea Devils   (6 episodes)
The Doctor and Jo pay a visit to The Master, who was imprisoned on a small island after the incidents in The Daemons. After learning that ships have been disappearing nearby, The Doctor is attacked by an underwater Silurian, known by the locals as a Sea Devil. It is discovered that The Master has been secretly building a device to be used to enslave the Sea Devils as his private army. The Doctor tries to stop the Sea Devil attacks, while The Master continues to perfect his machine, and thereby conquer the Earth at last.
First aired February 26 to April 1, 1972
The Mutants - Not yet released
The Time Monster - Not yet released
Season Ten
The Three Doctors   (4 episodes)
In celebration of 10 years of Doctor Who, the first three Doctors (William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, and Jon Pertwee) are brought together in an extraordinary adventure. A black hole is draining the energy of the Time Lords, The Doctor and Jo have been trapped in a world of anti-matter, and only The Doctor's previous selves can save them. The three Doctors discover that both incidents were caused by Omega, a renegade Time Lord who was imprisoned in this realm and wants to escape by having The Doctors take his place. The Time Lords end The Doctor's exile, allowing him to once again travel freely through Time and Space.
First aired December 30 to January 20, 1973
Carnival of Monsters   (4 episodes)
The Doctor decides to take Jo on a holiday to the blue planet, Metebelis 3, but the TARDIS materializes on what seems to be an ocean liner in the Indian Ocean. The Doctor learns that they are actually on an alien planet, held captive in a miniaturized world by Vorg, a showman with a menagerie of lifeforms taken form throughout the galaxy. They try to escape by venturing into another part of the tiny world, only to be confronted by huge underwater dragons, the Drashigs.
First aired January 27 to February 17, 1973
Frontier in Space   (6 episodes)
This epic adventure begins with the TARDIS making an emergency landing in the hold of a future Earth space freighter. Soon, The Doctor and Jo are "seen" to be Draconians, an alien race fighting with the Earthlings for control of the galaxy. The Doctor sees that the true enemies are the Ogrons, but they are taken to Earth to stand trial as Draconian spies. They learn that The Master is in this time zone, trying to use the Ogrons to provoke a space war between Draconia and Earth. Jo is captured by The Master and taken to the Ogron planet, where The Doctor uncovers the true masterminds behind it all: The Daleks!
First aired February 24 to March 31, 1973
Planet of the Daleks - Not yet released
The Green Death   (6 episodes)
A local chemical refinery is dumping toxic waste into the Welsh countryside, causing a deadly green slime and giant green maggots. The Doctor and Jo return from Metebelis 3 and travel with UNIT to investigate the mutations. The director of the refinery, Stevens, is being controlled by BOSS, a megacomputer seeking power by linking to the major computer systems of the world. Jo falls in love with the ecologist Professor Jones and decides to marry him.
First aired May 19 to June 23, 1973
Season Eleven
The Time Warrior   (4 episodes)
Sarah Jane Smith, a young journalist, is investigating the strange disappearance of several top scientists and tries to gain access to the UNIT compound. She meets The Doctor, who is also looking into the mystery, and sneaks into the TARDIS. They travel back to medieval times, as a Sontaran warrior, who crash-landed after being attacked by the Rutans, has kidnapped the scientists. The Doctor tracks him to a castle, where he is under the protection of a local warlord in exchange for advanced weaponry. The Doctor must stop this, for the fabric of time could be damaged. Sarah Jane becomes The Doctor's new companion.
First aired December 15, 1973 to January 5, 1974
Invasion of the Dinosaurs - Not yet released
Death to the Daleks   (4 episodes)
A space plague is infecting the entire galaxy and the only antidote can be found on the planet Exxilon, which is populated by savages. The TARDIS becomes grounded on this planet, its energy being drained by strange, mechanized city. The Doctor and Sarah meet a group from Earth who are seeking the antidote and get caught in the struggle between the humans, Exxilons, and Daleks, who have also arrived.
First aired February 23 to March 16, 1974
The Monster of Peladon   (6 episodes)
The Doctor arrives on the planet Peladon fifty years after his last visit and finds that the monster, Aggedon, is again causing terror, this time in the planet's mining communities. While helping the royal family, they learn that a group of Ice Warriors is on the planet stealing minerals to support Galaxy 5 - a group bent on destroying the Galactic Federation. The Federation troops are called in, as The Doctor and Sarah try to save Peladon from destruction.
First aired March 23 to April 27, 1974
Planet of the Spiders   (6 episodes)
Sarah, while researching a story on the popularity of meditation, discovers a group at the local retreat are misusing Buddhist rituals to invoke an alien power. This entity turns out to be a giant spider from Metebelis 3, who is seeking the blue crystal that The Doctor had taken from the planet. The Doctor goes to investigate, and he and Sarah are transported to Metebelis 3, where they meet a group of Earth colonists under the rule of the spiders. The Doctor must find a way to defeat the Great One before the spiders mount an invasion of the Earth. Weakened by the battle, The Doctor begins to regenerate again.
First aired May 4 to June 8, 1974
[NOTE: All video tapes are in VHS / NTSC format only]

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