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The WHAT Manifesto Store:

One-stop shopping for books, videos and DVDs for writers and readers

Welcome to the What Manifesto Store. I used to be an Amazon associate back when I first started the page but I never really had the time or the energy to give it the attention it needed. Now, I'm hoping to be able to build a good store for my visitors so that you can find some of the books and materials I consider to be very useful both as a writer and as someone who has an insatiable love of reading. The books you'll find here are chosen because they're either books I own and like or are books that have recieved good reviews from people I trust. The same for any videos or DVDs that are included (might be more of those later on, for now I'd like to focus on books).

Murder One Malicious Intent Police Procedural Body Trauma Scene of The Crime
Armed and Dangerous Cause of Death Deadly Doses Missing Persons Private Eyes
Just the Facts Rip-Off Amateur Detectives Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Encyclopedia of Fantasy
Big Book of Vice Big Book of Grimm Big Book of Martyrs Big Book of Urban Legends Big Book of Little Criminals
Writing Mysteries Writing Romances How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy Cartoon History of the Universe, volume 1 Cartoon History of the Universe, volume 2
Aliens and Alien Societies Worldbuilding Space Travel Time Travel Comics and Sequential Art
Understanding Comics Reinventing Comics Graphic Storytelling Up Front Bill Mauldin's Army
Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook Armed and Female Character Naming Sourcebook Beyond Jennifer and Jason To Be A Slave

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These books didn't have cover graphics, but they can still be purchased. Follow the links!

The Big Book of the Weird Wild West...
Science Fiction Writer's Workshop 1 : An...

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