Pages: Other
Pages: TOP SITES: Click on these links and vote for the What Manifesto! Please?! WEB RINGS: Done here? Catch a wave from here and surf to other cool places. |
Added a new feature and a new article. Check out What
on the Web #1: Writing Medieval Romances. What on the Web is reviews
of websites and webpages I think might be of interest to writers. The
first webpage is by Susan Sizemore, author of "On A Long Ago
Night" and "The Price of Passion."
The Second WOTW is up! Visit What On the Web #2: Rape in RPGs, a serious look at how to approach the topic of rape in role-playing environments. 10/27/2000: FINALLY! I've added another essay to "Off the Pedestal", Go check out OTP#2: Good vs. Evil 9/29/2000: Genus #43 hits the stands, at least here in Muncie. Why is this important you may ask? Because I'm published in it! It's my first professional sale! WHOHOOO!! The story is "Demon Hunter Ernest" and it appears in Genus #43 from Radio Comix. Go! Buy! The art's by my good friends Brian and Stuart Burke, the Brothers' Grinn of Supermegatopia.Com fame . Genus is an adult anthropomorphic (funny animals) comic, so you do have to be over 18 to order it, but it's worth it! Really!!