Bjorn Holmsen's 3D Graphics Modeling Art



In my own world I have built a temple .A place where I can be me.As I sit in solidarity and gaze into the crystal blue waters of days gone by my eyes are fixed on the reflections of the memories I once beheld in reality.I marvel at each memory as though it were as perfect as a rose in full bloom. I have journied many a path in my life and each passage I have anticipated with a freshness that of the morning dew.With the world at my feet and with my memories held closly in my mind I can strive and conquer the next passage reflected in my future.
Written by Sharon M Miller 5/16/98

The Temple Awaiting

My Temple awaits no one but me for I am the master who holds the key.Only my dreams fill the the temple with stars shining bright, only I can bestow upon the temple the morning light.No other master shall it call by name for in the end I take it with me to the spirit plane.The temple awaits only me.
Written by: Sharon Miller 5/17/98

The Temple Clouded By The World

The world and it's deeds push against the walls of my temple, clouding the very peace I seek within.Wars ,famine,homeless,and the people filled with hatred wretch at my very soul.Is there no hope for mankind ,is there no love left in the world is there no peace to be amongst us?Will the shadow of hatred ,war,and self indulgence destroy mankind?The meer existance of these things show we have not yet begun to evolve.How long must my temple be clouded by the world?
Written by: Sharon Miller 5/17/98

The Tower of Love
My Heart waits for thee .Will my Knight ever hear the beating of my heart?Will he hear the whispers of his name in my dreams?I can only hope that his heart will beckon unto mine.I will wait the eternities to hear his footsteps drawing nigh.I will tremble at his very presence before me.Oh how long I have waited ,my heart grieving for the the love yet to be.

The Tower of Love Enchanted
The magic that my Knight will bring will make me feel Enchanted.The sweetness of his gentle ways will hold my heart forever more. I want to share with him my heart and all the days and nights to come.For only then and only him will my heart rise like the morning sun. And On that day I will become my true loves only one,and he shall be for me my king through all of eternity And Together we shall share our Tower of Enchanted Love.

Brought to you by:Bjorn Holmsen

The Artist Himself:Bjorn Holmsen
ICQ# 5757699
Please contact above to retain
the artist for a fee

The background & Bar are from S_W Software.Owned by Mike Spires.Please check out his link below.He does Great Work

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S_W Software /This Company does Great Web Pages & Custom Software
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Catherine Virtual Insanity & Index of her sites.

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B jorn Holmsen

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