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OK, my name isn't really Harold. It's Neil. I loved the book, "Harold and the Purple Crayon,"when I was a kid and I thought the name "Harold Purplecrayon" would attract more surfers than "Neil". Anyway, thanks for stopping by the all new and improved "Harold's Everything Page". I realize this website is far from the best, but I spent alot of time creating it & I had a great time too. When I started building the site in the end of February '98, I knew nothing about computers. Fortunately, (for the sake of this web site) I was unemployed at the time & it quickly evolved from "tremendously lame" to "fairly tolerable".
I know that this page is in the SCI-FI neighborhood, and I do like science fiction, but I have a wide variety of other interests including, but not limited to, rock music, comedy, woodworking, motorsports, and since sometime in April of '98 I've been hopelessly hooked on chatting. So be prepared for a wacky and inconsistent blend of stuff. This site contains mostly links, but there are a few cool graphics, midi's on each page that I will change periodically, & a few hidden surprises that I hope SOMEONE will stumble upon. If you want to see what I look like, click here, but be patient because it takes most of one minute to load with a 56K modem. Anyone who has questions, comments, suggestions, or advice, please e-mail me at haroldpc@juno.com You can also page me in ICQ using the panel below.

Page of awesome links.
Family pics
Recipients of the "WOW! This Site is SO COOL!" award
Awards I've Won!

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© 1998 haroldpc@juno.com
Last Updated 09/26/98