The Collection

A - H      I - Z

| Index | Bar & Grill | Links | Opinions & gripes | US Navy Fighters Gold |
| Who's Shoe | About O7 | MIDI | WAVE | Steel Panthers II | Descent II |
| - MP3 - | - MP3 site #2 - |

Here's a partial list of our music collection (listed alphabetically by band or last name), not counting the stacks of 8-Track tapes collecting dust in the attics or the albums hiding in the shadows and under the beds. We intend to add a song list for each album listed, for anyone interested. If there is an album that you just have to know the song list before we get it published, e-mail us and tell us which one, we'll try to send a song list to you.

All are standard LP or CD format US versions unless indicated.

* = non music recording [ECD] = Enhanced CD (CD Extra) [EP] = Extended Play (LP Single)


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| Index | Bar & Grill | Links | Opinions & gripes | US Navy Fighters Gold |
| Who's Shoe | About O7 | MIDI | WAVE | Steel Panthers II | Descent II |

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