Heres what you need to get my award....
1. Email me with your name or handle, which ever you prefer.
2. Include in the email your URL, Email address, and why you think you deserve my award.
3. Any sites containing Marylin Manson WILL NOT get my award.
4. Also make sure your page is at a good load speed, i don't like waiting an hour for a website to load up.
5. Also, you MUST sign either one of my guestbooks....
6. And last but not least. Please specify which award you are applying for. (The Web Design Award Has A Few Differant requirments.)
6a. The design of the page must be original.
6b. The graphics must be your own.
6c. The Content of the site MUST be dark.(i.e. gothic, vampiric, etc.)
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