Well this is my page.. I know its not much but it works for me...

Now I know you are wondering what "Life in a Gothic World" means.

So i'll tell you. Life in a gothic world is exactly what it says and what it doesn't say. Confused? Here i'll help. At different times in my life i've felt an overwhelming feeling of mystery and darkness. Sound weird? Well actually it pretty common. Allot of people in the world get this feeling but never act upon it. When i started feeling this it inspired a creativeness inside me I never knew was there. So I started playing around with different things, and realized my life was not what i wanted it to be. I got to thinking that everything in my life had to change. So I got into some "Gothic" music and feel deeply in love with it. (Sisters of Mercy, and My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult are my favorites.) Then I fell in with the vampyric/gothic scene, and found my true calling. I've been pagan before i even knew what gothic was. That was there before my life changed. But all things fell into place. Now I know what your thinking. "This is one of those freaks that thinks he's a vampire". Not true. Yes i am fascinated with vampires. And I think that the myths and legends about them are very intriguing. But NO I am not a vampire. There are things in life no one understands. I think that the majority of people understand what gothic is. Gothic is a way of life. Just like any other way of life it has its ups and downs. So in conclusion "Life in a Gothic World" is erotic, mysterious, dark, vampyric, and overall a blast. To find out how to be Gothic. look in the links section of my website and find the "How to be Goth" link.

"Have a Gothic Day"

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