He was on the dock even before the small, gray bi-plane landed on the iridescent ocean waters. "Sorry to be late sir, it will not happen again..." Harry's voice trailed off as he noticed that Roarke was focused solely on the small plane.
"Hmm," Roarke murmured not bothering to look at Harry. From behind him more footsteps rang down the dock, this time they were the more light and leisurely pace of his assistant that he recognized.
"So, why didn't you tell me," Ariel asked as she came up next to him, in her slender hand she held the registration form from his desk. He had just left it out in the open in his hurry to get to the dock and greet the plane.
"It was a last minute decision," Roarke replied. He glanced at her, the look on her face told him that she could hardly contain her excitement.
Harry glanced at the pair inquisitively, then turned his complete attention to the passengers disembarking. He waited for Roarke to do the usual introductions and fill him in on the fantasies but he seemed preoccupied. Harry cleared his throat slightly, then decided to ask. "So who do we have this week, sir?"
The trio watched as one of the passengers landed on the dock, he was a man in is mid-thirties, dressed in khaki shorts, t-shirt and a rumpled madras shirt. He took the obligatory drink offered to him, thanked the girl with the tray then turned around and yelled into the plane.
"Hey, Brin, come on," he called.
A woman came quick in response to the call, she poked her head out of the door and looked around, then extradited herself the rest of the way out of the plane. Stretching her long body out on the top step, reaching for the cotton candy clouds that floated by. Roarke watched as she surveyed her where abouts as if she owned the island. She was a
woman who appeared to be in her early thirties, her manner of dress was as casual as the man who accompanied her. Her wavy chestnut bob floated on the island breeze. She was dressed in denim shorts and a cropped peasant blouse that exposed a well tanned midriff.
Roarke watched the girl steadily, she had not really changed a day. She still had about her the same aura of sweetness and light that he remembered. Although her hair was shorter, her manner of dress had changed and he had noticed a small delicate mehindi tattoo surrounding her belly button as she'd stretched out the kinks from the plane ride. He would have recognized her anywhere.
"Wwwwooooowww, what a place!" Brin exclaimed as she climbed down the
plane's stairs. As soon as she set foot on the dock a slight tremor ran through the island and the wind shifted slightly, bringing with it the sweet scent of ambrosia and lilies. The tremor made her slightly unsteady on the dock, grabbing the young man's arm to balance herself, she glanced nervously around, nobody gave the hint of feeling it but her.
"Whoa, you all right?" the man laughed and placed a friendly arm round her.
"Yeah just fine. You know me, probably just air I tripped over," Brin noted the smartly dressed trio at the end of the pier. She could feel all eyes on her and it made her feel a little self conscience. She quickly brushed invisible wrinkles out of her shorts and smoothed down the waves in her hair.
"What an extraordinary young woman," Harry said. "Who is she? Is she with that gentleman?"
"That pair would be Josh Davis and Brin O'Hara," Roarke stepped forward getting ready to make his introduction. "They are here because Mr. Davis asked for two fantasies."
"Two? I didn't think we allowed that,"
"This is something different, one is for himself and the other for Ms. O'Hara, although she doesn't know it, yet. Mr. Davis is a writer, he has written several best selling crime novels, however he feels that he needs a change in style. But he has lost inspiration with his current work, he wants to find it again."
"And Ms. O'Hara?" Harry asked cautiously.
"Out in the world she has amnesia, she only remembers the last 10 years of her life. Mr. Davis wants to give his best friend the best gift he could think of, to thank her for everything she has done for him. He asked that her memory be restored. Little does he realize the consequences that will bring." Roarke looked over at his assistant, she was excited to get Brin's future underway.
"I am you host Mr. Roarke, welcome to Fantasy Island ," he raised his hand to greet the new arrivals.
"She hasn't changed at all, I can't believe it. I would have thought being out there would have changed her some how." Ariel whispered. Roarke gave her a brief knowing glance.
"Is Ms. Brin someone we know?" Harry asked.
"She's --"Ariel stopped as Roarke threw her a sharp glance. "I'll fill you in later." She patted Harry's arm warmly.
"Mr. Davis, it's wonderful to meet you, I read one of your books. It was delightful," Roarke shook the gentleman's hand.
"Thanks and it's nice to meet you also," Josh returned the greeting.
"Hi, I'm Brin," she thrust her hand out to greet Roarke, Ariel and Harry. "You have a wonderful place here."
"Thank you very much Ms. O'Hara - " he smiled at her instant and overwhelming friendliness.
"Brin, just call me Brin. You start calling me Ms. O'Hara and I start looking around for someone much older."
"Fine then Brin it is. I take it that you are here for moral support."
"Yep, that and a little R&R."
"Well, I hope you both enjoy your stay. If you will excuse me, I have an appointment waiting in my office. I will come find you Mr. Davis when I am through. Until then Ariel will escort you to your accommodations and Harry will see that your bags get to your bungalow. Please make yourself at home." With the a slight nod of the head Roarke excused himself and headed back down the dock.
"Nice guy," Josh noted.
"He can be," Ariel smirked slightly with a raised eyebrow. "If you'll follow me." She turned on her heel and lead the pair around the main house and to a charming white, Victorian cottage with yellow trim on the edge of a lush tropical forest.
"Ok this may sound odd but - do I know you? Have I met you or seen you somewhere before? You seem very familiar to me." Brin asked, a brief image flashed in her mind's eye that she couldn't hold onto and an odd sense of deja vu creeped over her.
"It's possible, I get here and there from time to time," Ariel vaguely answered. Roarke would be very upset is she revealed anything. Recovering her past was Brin's decision.
"What a great place," Josh observed as he placed his laptop on the desk that overlooked the garden, as beautiful as the island was he had to find inspiration here.
"Yes, this is possible one of our nicer bungalows. If there is anything that you desire please don't hesitate to ask. Mr. Roarke will be with you shortly. Please enjoy your stay." Ariel excused herself.
"Well, I'm going to check out the beach," Brin called as she headed for the door. She wanted sometime to investigate the island, the whole place had a familiar feel to her.
"Don't you want to wait for Mr. Roarke?" Josh asked.
"Naw, it's your fantasy, but I know whatever he has to say, I'm sure you'll overcome this block. Your too good a writer and you still have a lot of stories to tell." She quickly gave Josh a supportive hug and peck on the cheek. "If you don't find me on the beach, I'll just be wandering around the island, but I'm sure you won't need me for anything. I have a feeling you'll be writing something fab by dinner time."
"I guess that's okay," Josh smiled at her sense of adventure. He'd often wished he could have more of Brin's sense of wonderment and need for exploration of the world she was in. All he could muster was to imagine the places he wanted to see. He watched out the window as Brin started to follow the path to the beach but then as something caught
her eye, he watched her take a detour in the direction of the main house.
"If you want to explore the island, why don't you?" Roarke asked.
"What ---" Josh quickly turned, he had not heard anyone enter the room.
"Why are you wasting your time inside and such a beautiful day," Roarke moved to the window, he caught sight of Brin petting one of the wild horses that grazed around the main house. "Miss Brin certainly adds to the flora and fauna of the island."
"Yes she, - hey, that's my best friend your talking about," Josh's defensives went into overdrive.
"Yes, well, she may be your best friend, but you certainly can't deny the fact that every living, breathing male notices that she is a stunningly, beautiful woman. In fact I'm surprised that you and she haven't -" Roarke pushed a little further into territory that Josh
wasn't comfortable with.
"Can we just change the subject for a minute," he interrupted.
"Certainly," Roarke turned his full attention to Josh, noticing the blush that had crept across the young man's cheeks as they talked about Brin. "So Mr. Davis, how is it that you believe we can help you with your writer's block?"
"I'm not exactly sure. All I know is the a day ago I wander in to this travel agency and a guy named Fisher tells me the you can help me find inspiration?"
"I am afraid that I personally am not in the inspiration business, but I know of some people who are." With a snap of his fingers Roarke transported himself and Josh to a statuary garden. In front of them sat a pedestaled marble Greek icon of a beautiful young woman. The satute was strewn with offerings of flowers, candles, fruit, and scrolls of ancient paper.
"How'd you - I mean - where are -?" Josh looked around disoriented.
"This is were writers, musicians, singers, actors, and scientists over the centuries have come for inspiration. A few thousand years ago this was once a temple dedicated to the Muses. It doesn't look like much now but the spirit is still here," Roarke gave a brief introduction to the garden.
"Muses? There is no such thing."
"Certainly there are. Every time inspiration strikes anyone just by looking into the stars, watching children play or hearing a beautiful woman laugh. The muses are there, you may not see them, but I assure you they do exist. Besides, what would it hurt to try asking for help by making a small offering to one of them." Roarke reached out an gently caressed the alabaster shoulder of the statue next to him.
"Okay, I'll bite, who?" Josh looked at him in disbelief.
"Well, don't start out by insulting them with that attitude, they may not offer help." He reached behind the statue to a large bush and snapped off a small pink, fragrant flower. "You have nine to choose from, there's Clio, she's the one to call if you are interested in history, Melpomene, if you want to deal in great tragedy. The opposite of Melpomene is Thalia, the muse of comedy, if you want light hearted fare." Roarke gestured to each of the goddess statues surrounding the garden. "There is Erato the muse of romantic and erotic literature and Calliope if you are interested in great epic and heroic literature. In addition there is Polyhymnia, for those interested in sacred hymns,
Euterpe, for musicians, and Terpsichore for those who dance. And last but certainly not least is Urania, who handles all things celestial." Roarke handed the pink flower to Josh. "It's your decision as to whom you wish of call upon. They are all very nice young women . I have always found each of them to be very inspirational."
Josh took the flower from Roarke and turned to survey all the statues.
"So who do you---" Josh turned back and around and found himself standing alone in the garden. "Well, I guess I have to figure it out on my own." He sighed. Josh again evaluated each marble woman, he stopped at the one holding the writing tablet and pen. "Calliope, hmm... well, I guess you're the one." Josh placed the flower at the foot of the figure. "If you're around I could really some inspiration."
"You've made a wise choice. Calliope is the oldest of the sisters and very attuned to writers." Roarke called from the opposite side of the garden.
"I hope this works," Josh sighed.
"Not to worry, have a little faith."
"Not to change the subject, but what about Brin, can you restore her memory?" Josh asked hopefully.
"Yes, but it will have to be her decision if she wants it back. Memories are powerful and painful things that can change your way of looking at the world and at others." Roarke started out of the garden, "But I wouldn't worry, Miss Brin has been wondering about her past, and we shall take wonderful care of her." He excused himself and left Calliope to make her entrance and to do her work.
Roarke took a moment to stroll through the wooded glen between the cottages and the main house, following the path that Brin had made. It had been wonderful news that she was coming back, but he knew that the memories she was about to find would be heartbreaking for her. He'd always known her to be a very sensitive soul and betrayal would not set well. He also knew that there was a bigger decision for her to make on the horizon.
Intently he watched as it taxied up to the weather-worn dock and Amelia jumped out, with a wave to him as she secured the plane to the pilings, opened the door and pulled down the stairs. Behind him he noted the urgent steps of at least one member of his staff weighing heavily on the salt laden boards.
Brin's trail led to various points of interest near the main resort area, but eventually ended at the Silver Dolphin, the Fantasy Island night club that Ariel and Harry could only manage to run part time along with their other duties. With the strain of Cal's departure it had made the running of it all the more difficult for them. The sound of music drifted through the partially opened doors, and the sweetest voice he'd remembered hearing floated on the breeze. As he pushed open the door further, he saw Brin sitting in with the club's band. To his delight she was singing, he recognized the strains of "Someone to Watch Over Me". Roarke wandered into the club and took a seat, enjoying the moment. Her voice was still as breath taken as always. He noticed that at some point she'd gone back to her cottage and changed into a vibrant blue-green dress with small embroidered butterflies dancing along the hem, in her hair she'd placed small butterfly clips to hold back her slightly unruly waves of hair, he definitely approved of the change in wardrobe. As the song ended he rose to his feet applauding.
"That was wonderful," Roarke moved to the stage.
"Thanks, it's the band, they can make anyone sound good," Brin smiled and allowed Roarke to help he off the stage. "Thanks, guys, I'll catch ya later." She smiled and waved at the band.
"You have a lovely voice," he commented.
"Thanks," Brin smiled. "So I guess if you're here that means Josh's 'fantasy' is underway. I don't understand why he thinks needs it. He is such a great writer."
"He is a great writer, and will someday be writing modern classics. Right now he needs more support and inspiration then you can give him. Sometimes it takes a strangers confidence in you to help you get through some of the tougher times."
"I guess you right. I mean I get the whole kindness of strangers thing. If it hadn't been for a very nice woman on a train I probably would not be here right now." Brin followed Roarke outside.
"Really," Roarke probed, trying to draw out more of the story that he already knew.
"I'm not sure if Josh mentioned anything about it, but I have amnesia. I can only remember the last 10 years. It was a then stranger that helped me out and got me on the path I am now."
"How did you come to have amnesia?" he asked, drawing her more into the telling of the past she could remember.
"I don't know, I can't remember," she laughed at the joke.
"I suppose I should have rephrased that," he smiled, her laugh was infectious.
"That's okay, I do that to everyone, having amnesia can make some people uncomfortable. They seem to be unsure of what to say or how to say it. I figure that if I make a joke out of it, it makes others more comfortable."
"So what do you remember?" Roarke lead her along the path that led into the Greek ruins that had been groomed into some of the most beautiful gardens on the island.
"Well, about ten years ago I woke up, at least I assume I woke up, in Union Station in Philadelphia with a ticket in my hand for Grand Central Station in New York. Since I didn't recognize anyone or thing in Philly, I decided to head on to New York. I figured I was meeting someone there and they would help me out."
"Did you have anything with you that would have given any hint as to who you were or what you where going to do in New York?" Roarke asked, knowing full well, she hadn't a clue.
"No, I didn't have any id, no purse or bags. I was wearing jeans and a sweater and I only had about ten dollars in my pocket. There was nothing. Anyway, I got on the train, hoping someone would recognize me. The train was pretty crowded and I ended up sitting next to this very nice woman who saw I was in distress and asked me if I was okay." Brin took a deep breath. "Well, I ended up bawling my eyes out, telling her I couldn't remember anything and I didn't know who I was. When we got to New York, she stayed with to see if anyone would recognize me. No one did. While we waited she told me all about herself and her family. Her name was Colleen O'Hara and her husband was Finn, they had a son, Patrick who was going to film school. They were from Ireland and they'd all been living in the country for a about eight years. They'd been farmers in a small town named Brinaira, but they couldn't make the farm yield enough to get by on from year to year." Brin stopped abruptly. "I'm rambling aren't I?"
"Yes, but that's alright. Coming from you it's charming," Roarke smiled at her. Her cheeks were flush from talking and walking rapidly to keep up with his long strides.
"Oh thanks, that's sweet, most people find it annoying," Brin took a few quick steps to catch up with Roarke. For the first time she didn't mind telling her story, most people asked a million and one questions, but it was like he got it with out her going back and explaining every little detail. "Anyway," she continued on, "No one showed up. Colleen invited me to stay at her place, where I meet her wonderful family, Finn and Patrick that is. The next morning Finn and Colleen went with me down to the police station to see if anyone reported me missing. Again, no one had. They even called the FBI, and one of those missing persons agencies. Anyway, no one was looking for me. But they took my picture and the O'Hara's gave their number for anyone to contact me if something turned up. Next they took me down to the hospital, where all the doctors could say is what we had already figured, I have amnesia. Ugh, can we stop for a second, I've known some fast walkers in New York but I think you could break a land speed record." Brin huffed and landed on a small stone bench.
"Certainly," Roarke sat beside her. Her good nature and laid back approach to life made him wonder how recovering her memory would change that. He hoped it wouldn't. Besides Ariel, she was one of the few people he felt at ease with.
"Okay, were was I -?"
"You were just diagnosed with amnesia."
"Oh yeah, thanks. Okay, so we left the hospital and the O'Hara's invited me to stay with them. Which I thought was the sweetest thing in the world for anyone to do for someone they knew nothing about. I mean for all they knew I could have been some psycho, freak, serial killer. Anyway, I told them I would love to stay so long as I could find a way to pay my way. I didn't want to be some albatross to them that wouldn't be fair. So by the time we got back to their house I was an official member of the family, and I was very honored when they offered for me the use their name of O'Hara and I chose to use Brinaira as a first name because it sounded great. And the way Colleen and Finn described the place, rolling green pastures that edged to a small forest of oak trees on one side, a lovely babbling brook on the other and a sweet little farm in the middle, it just sounded wonderful. So that would be how I got my name."
"That is quite a story." Roarke remarked, "So how is it you came to know Mr. Davis?"
"Josh? He was a friend of Patrick's, they met in a writing class at film school. Josh wanted to write screenplays and Patrick wanted to direct them. He and Patrick were fast friends. Anyway, during this whole time I had gotten a job in a small piano bar as a singer. One night Patrick brings Josh around, and we just clicked. It was like, well, have you ever been around someone who knew what you were thinking, who knew exactly where you wanted to be and where you wanted to go. And what made you laugh and what scared the hell out of you and oh you know... someone who is destined to be your best friend, that person you can tell everything to?"
"I knew someone like that once, long ago," Roarke paused a moment to shoo away old memories of his own. "But that's another lifetime ago. So how is it that you and Mr. Davis didn't follow the dating route that so may friends of the opposite sex follow?" he changed the subject back to her.
"We've talked about it from time to time, but I think we work better as friends. We have something more between us then most couples I've seen. Which is great. We've been like two peas in a pod since we meet. We became roommates, he listens to me when I rehearse or if I have a problem at the club. I listen to what he writes and be as supportive as possible. Personally, I think I got the better end of the deal. I love to hear his stories. He puts so much into them that he was scared to send them out to publishers. He was afraid that if the stories got reject a little bit of his soul would be reject with it. I mean, you said you read one of his books, I don't think I've ever come across such real emotions or soulful characters in anything I've read."
"Yes he has a definite gift and if I may add a wonderful friend in you," he smiled. "Do you realize that when you talk about Mr. Davis and his writing that your whole face lights up?"
"Does it? I didn't realize," Brin touched her hands to her cheeks. "I'm just so proud of him. He's accomplished so much. I just wish that my music would take off like his writing. I mean don't get me wrong or anything. But I wish I didn't have to spend so much time working at the bar rather then singing"
"Is that a request for a fantasy?" Roarke smiled slightly at the thought.
"No, I want to achieve my destiny on my own." As Brin shook her head a few wild waves of hair bounced in the island breeze. "I only said that because some times I get a little frustrated. I've been working from club to club as everything from a bar maid to a bartender to a manager. I'm pretty good at it so I guess that's why none of the people I work for want to see me move onto the stage. Josh knew I was getting really frustrated with it all that's why he invited me. He said I need a break and I wasn't to worry about anything."
"Destiny is a good thing to find on your own, only then is when you know it is truly yours. However, Josh had something else in mind for you." Roarke stopped, he had brought her to the very place he'd left Josh, the Muse's temple.
"Ut-oh, why does that scare me a bit?" Brin smiled.
"It should, he asked that your memory be restored."
"He what - "
"Mr. Davis knew that you have been wondering about your past and your family for a long time. He wanted a way to thank you for standing by him and pushing him to send out his writing. However, it is entirely your decision if you want to regain your memory. Sometimes there are secrets in our past that should not be remembered or events that are very painful."
"Oh-well- we've estimated that I'm probably in my late twenties or early thirties. How much of a past could I have." Brin laughed nervously.
"Some people have lived a lifetime in 30 years." Roarke walked to a distant marble figure and gently retrieved a garland of flowers from its head. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Brin taking in a panoramic view of the garden and it's many statuary inhabitants. "This is what we affectionately call the Muse's garden. They are really Greek ruins dating back a few thousand years. It was the temple dedicated to the Muses originally, but over time others have erected icons of their favorite Greek deity. Here we have Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory and the mother of the muses, at the other end of the garden is Zeus, their father. It is said that to restore memory one should wear the crown of Mnemosyne."
Brin looked into Roarke's eyes, she felt an instant trust. He stood before her with a crown of exotic and rare flowers, offering her a past that she had only guessed at for the past ten years.
"The look in your eyes tells me you've reached a decision," he smiled.
"I wasn't aware that I was that easy to read," her face flushed slightly and she took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm game."
"All right then close your eyes," he watched her deep brown eyes shut and gently placed the garland on her head.
Brin could feel her heart pounding, and in an instant the blackness was replaced by flashes of memories. At first the memories were disorganized and she was having a difficult time keeping track of the images but after a moment they came into focus and were organized. The images can fast and clear, her head started to pound, her senses overloaded with memories. Brin felt her head get light and her knees start to buckle, the last thing she remember before completely passing out was the sense that someone had caught her before she hit the ground.
"So do you always stare are blank paper when you are sitting in the middle of an island paradise?" a petite, blonde asked Josh.
After leaving the garden in the morning he'd gone back to the cottage to retrieve his laptop, but instead found a simple spiral notebook and a box of pens. After searching the house for the missing laptop, Josh had figured Brin had borrowed it for some reason. He grabbed the notebook and a couple of pens along with his beloved backpack, it reminded him of when he would sit in the back of Algebra class and write wild stories for his friends. Maybe he had to go back to when his imagination was the wildest, but he'd sat by the shore for nearly two hours and nothing as of yet had come to him. Now tanning process was being interrupted by a beautiful blonde, things could he worse he thought.
"No, but they say one of the most difficult things to di is put pen to paper and create a great story. These days I look at paper and my mind goes blank," Josh sighed. He looked the blonde over carefully, she reminded him of someone, but he wasn't sure who.
"That's why I'm here," the woman sat down next to him in the deck chair that had White Star Line written in blue across the back.
"You're a frustrated writer too huh -"
"Not really, you called for my help. My name is Calliope," she smiled. "And you're Josh."
"Calliope? Oh yeah, right, Calliope," Josh smirked. Roarke had gotten someone to play the part, he thought. "So what to you so long to get here?"
"You know I don't think I like that tone of voice. If you didn't believe I would come, why did you ask for my help," she jumped to her feet indignantly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Please sit, let me get you something to drink."
"Well, I am thirsty," she sank back into the deck chair.
"I'll be right back,' Josh moved to the nearby bar.
Harry was wearily tending the beach bar. He hoped Roarke would find someone soon whole could get the manage the whole nightclub and bar scene on the island, he certainly didn't have time for it.
"Hi, Harry. How's it going?" Josh asked trying to be polite.
"Just fine, sir. And yourself? Are you coming up with some ideas for that great American novel? Harry pulled out two glasses even before Josh asked. He popped the cork on a bottle of Taittinger Millesime and filled the champagne flutes in front of him.
"No nothing yet. Roarke had some big idea about asking Muses for help - but, I don't know -" he shrugged.
"Yes, it looks like Calliope has made herself right at home with your case," Harry nodded toward the blonde who was now pilfering through Josh's backpack that was full of notes he took everywhere.
"She should be a great help. If she, herself doesn't inspire you then she'll point you in the right direction." Harry pushed the glasses toward Josh.
"Are you telling me she's for real?"
"Very. You do realize that we deal in really bringing alive your request."
"Well, yeah - but, come on - that would make her a few thousand years old -. How is that possible." Josh stood with his mouth agape staring and the woman in the chair.
"I assure you Mr. Davis, she is very on the level. So take advantage of this opportunity. It's not everyday that you meet a Muse." Harry smiled and returned to his bartending duties.
"Thanks -" Josh called over his shoulder as he made his way back to his seat.
"Here you go -" Josh handed her a glass of Champagne.
"Thanks," she drank down the glass in one gulp. "I'm curious to know why it is you think you need me. It looks like you've got some great ideas in your notes."
"You know you really shouldn't go snooping through peoples stuff," Josh grabbed the bag away from her.
"Sorry Joshie, I didn't mean to pry," Calliope settled back into her chair a little further.
"Just don't do it again," Josh sat back and carefully pulled out a ratty notebook with the word IDEAS written in childish handwriting across the middle of the cover. He had not looked at since his school days. He'd had some pretty good ideas back then. Why did he all of a sudden need to look through them now?
"So, whose the girl with amnesia you keep mentioning in those notes," the blonde pushed a little further.
"She's a friend of mine," Josh glanced over at her, "Why?"
"No reason. It's just that you seemed to be really fascinated with the fact that she no past that she knows of," Calliope waved Harry over.
"Harry, sweetie," she drawled. "Could you get me another drink, this time something with an umbrella in it?" She gave him a sidelong glance and batted her eyes at him.
"Certainly," Harry quickly complied with the request.
"Thank you," she smiled then turned her attention back to Josh. "Anyway, where were we - oh yes, this amnesia girl. Why are you so interested in the idea of having no past?"
"If you have no past or no memory, you can become more open to the world around you. I mean really see it for what it is. You aren't constrained by the belief systems that you grew up with if you don't remember them." He looked at he doe-eyed blonde, she looked dazed and bored as she sipped her umbrella drink.
"Okay, say that there is this real bad guy, he murders, pillages all that bad stuff. Then one day he's out riding and bang he bonk's himself in the head on a tree limb. Guy wakes up, can't remember who he is, where he comes from, what he's doing in the woods, all that. He has the chance to start over again, he's a clean slate. This time he could be a good guy, kissing babies, helping people." Josh tried to explain.
"Sounds interesting. Well, I have to go now. Bye," abruptly Calliope stood up.
"Wait, is that it?"
"What did you expect?"
"I don't know, really," Josh scratched his head confused.
"Sounds like you've got your gears unstuck, so I got to go," she waved and moved down the beach. "Maybe I'll catch ya later, see how you're doing," Calliope called back to him.
As he watched Calliope saunter her way down the beach, turning the heads of every man she passed he was struck with a idea for a new series in a new genre. Who said he had to stay with the same old boring thing that surrounded him everyday. Why shouldn't he return to his roots, writing the spellbinding stories of fantasy he wrote as a teenager, while turning a mirror on society and reflecting that in is story. Bitter pills where better to swallow with a spoonful of sugar. A beautiful woman born to a king and queen in the first century and gets cursed by a witch to wander the globe with no memory. Along the way she helps those who are less fortune then she. The details had to be worked out but it was defiantly a beginning.
He needed to find Brin. He had to tell her his idea. He hoped it wouldn't bug he if he used her amnesia as the idea for his character. Actually the more he thought about his new story the more the main character reminded him of Brin. Josh walked past the cottage they shared and into the forest behind it. He found himself on the same path he had followed out of the Muses' Garden where Roarke had left him. As he was just about the enter the clearing of the garden he noticed Brin and Roarke talking. It had to be about what he'd asked for her, it had to be about her past.
Josh watched dumbfound as Roarke placed the flowers on Brin's head. He stood too close to her for Josh's liking. Suddenly Brin swayed and started to fall to the ground. Roarke quickly caught her and gingerly carried her to nearby bench. Placing her on it, he knelt next to her. Josh noticed Roarke carefully brush a few errant strands of hair out of her face and then he whispered something to her that he could not hear. She stirred slightly and her eyes fluttered open.
"Boo, you okay?" Josh rushed to her side.
"Yeah-I think so - but my -" she stammered looking up at Roarke. He nodded to let her know that it was all very real and than placed a finger to his lips, motioning that she should not say anything. She took the hint. "Yes, I'm fine, just got a little light headed is all." She smiled weakly at Josh.
"Light-headed? When was the last time you ate something?
"I don't remember, had to have been last night sometime -" Brin pulled the garland off her head. As she spoke to Josh, she watched Roarke intently. The images she'd seen couldn't have been real. If they were someone had a lot of explaining to do.
"Listen, why don't you go the room and change, and I'll meet you on the verandah for dinner." She directed Josh.
"Are you going to be alright?" he asked, rising to his feet, pulling her with him.
"I shall look out her Mr. Davis," Roarke offered.
"I'll be fine. I need to talk to Mr. Roarke anyway. I'll be with you as soon as I can."
"Well, okay -" Josh reluctantly moved away from her. He had a lot to tell her and hoped she had something to tell him.
Brin watched Josh disappear into the foliage that surround the temple. Quietly, she walked over to where Roarke stood. With out a word she handed him the delicate garland.
"Are you trying to tell me that I'm really her?" She looked up at the figure of a young woman playing the flute wearing sweeping alabaster robes and flowing marble curls that seemed to dance on non-existent breezes. "Because if you are, it's not a very funny joke." She was nearly in tears, as more memories flooded back to her. This couldn't be happening.
"Your right if it were a joke it wouldn't be very funny. It's all very real. Your name is Euterpe, you are the daughter of Mnemosyne and Zeus. You are the Muse and Goddess of Music. And you are one step closer to home." Roarke gave her a supportive smile. He sensed the break down of all the beliefs she held sacred for the past ten years. Her world as she had known it had just blown apart around her but yet he knew she understood it all to be true.
"But how? Why -" she rubbed her temples, she was starting to get a headache.
"The answers to those questions will come shortly. Right now, it's important that you know who you are and that you have family." Roarke reached out and brushed a way a small tear that had escaped down her cheek. "Why don't you go meet Mr. Davis for dinner, we can continue this discussion later. You need to get something to eat, I suggest the ambrosia. It's been a while since you've had it and it will build your strength."
"You promise, because I really need to know -" she pleaded.
"I promise, I will come to you when you need me, and I wouldn't mention this to Mr. Davis just yet," he smiled. He wasn't sure what impelled him but he pulled her close and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Welcome home, Euterpe," he whispered in her ear and with a flash he was gone.
Brin stood gazing at the marble figure of herself. It was surreal, it looked exactly like her, how did she miss that when she'd first come to the garden. With a shaky hand she reached out and touched the statues chiseled features. The stone was cool, smooth and very real. She had questions but knew they had to wait till later. There was a lot more going on then she knew and apparently it was pretty big or Roarke would have told her. She got the feeling that he wanted her to digest this information a bit at a time. Brin turned and made her way back to the room, she changed for dinner and left to meet Josh.
She found him on the verandah, pacing back and forth. He reminded her of one of those tigers in a cage that you see at the big top circuses that once a year paraded through the streets of New York. She could tell he had something on his mind. Brin pushed the memories that kept filling her senses aside. Her best friend needed her and she would be damned if she would let her personally problems interfere with anything Josh needed. Sho took a deep breathe and walked up to the verandah.
"Hi" she smiled.
"Hi, yourself. Feeling better?" Josh beamed as soon as he saw her. She was a vision in a lovely pink sundress and a white shawl wrapped around her shoulders.
"A little. It'll probably all go away once I eat something." She wished.
The pair walked into the a dinning room that was small, intimate and to Brin a bit too claustrophobic.
"Can I help you," Harry popped out from behind a potted palm.
"Yes, do you have any tables out on the verandah?" Brin asked stepping back out of the room.
"Of course, if you'll follow me," Harry lead them to a more open area outside the dinning room that overlooked the sparkling waters of the ocean.
"This is really nice, thanks," Josh said. He was focused on Brin, she'd been acting odd since he found her with Roarke earlier in the day. "Could we get -"
"Some water? Not a problem sir," with that Harry was away in a whisk to retrieve there water and the dinner that he knew they wanted.
"Are you alright? You seem a bit off?" Josh asked.
"I'm fine. Like I said, once I eat something I'll be fine," she waved away his concern. "What about you, have you fallen out of the slump?"
"I think I've latched onto an idea."
"Well, tell me about it."
"Your dinner," Harry said as he placed loaded plates in front of the duo.
"But we didn't order anything," Josh looked a Harry confused.
"We make it a policy of knowing what each of our guests need and want." Harry explained. "Grilled New York Strip, rare, served with baked potato and sour cream with a small green salad for yourself Mr. Davis. And Miss Brin, will be enjoying a light ambrosia salad with apricots, apples, peaches, raisins, dates and honey with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg." Harry looked at the stunned pair. "That is what you wanted, is it not?"
"Yes, thank you. It's perfect," Brin marveled at Harry's efficiency.
"Enjoy your meals," Harry dismissed himself, leaving to take care of other patrons in the dinning room.
"Amazing," Brin shook her head.
"Ambrosia, huh - sounds kind of rich." Josh said as he dug into his steak.
"No it's wonderful," Brin answered after she took a bite. She could feel the energy surging through her. All of her senses tingled and became more intense.
"So you were going to tell me about your new story," she prodded.
"Oh yeah. Well. I was thinking about a story about a girl born in the earlier part of the first century. She gets blamed for something one of her siblings did and is cursed by an old witch to roam the earth, never being able to die or remember who she is." Josh said between bites. "Anyway, she goes around helping people even though she doesn't know it."
"Where did you get the idea for this story," Brin stumbled. She was shocked, he was telling her story.
"I've had some notes written from back when I first meet Patrick and he introduced me to you. So I guess you kind of inspired the story in a round about way."
Josh had not realized that Brin had stopped eating and was just staring at him.
"That's okay I hope. I mean you really inspire me Boo. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you. There is no other person in this world that I can tell stuff to. I feel like you really understand me. And when I'm without you I feel like here is a void in my life. It's like where soul-mates. I really love you Brin." Josh looked her. Her face had turned slightly pale. "Your not okay, you need to lay down."
"No, really I'm fine. I just need to get some fresh air," Brin stammered as she pushed away from the table.
"Boo, we're outside," Josh stood to help her.
"I need to walk that's all. The story sounds great. Stay here and finish your dinner, I'm sure more of it will come to you." Brin excused herself and ran down the verandah stairs toward the beach.
"Mr. Davis, how is everything going," Roarke stepped in front of him.
"With me fine. But what's going on with Brin. She's looks horrible, I've never seen her look so bad."
"She is on a journey discovering long lost past. Just as you requested."
"Yes but I didn't realize it would be that traumatic for her. And why didn't she say anything to me?" Josh watched Brin's silhouette faded into the evening.
"I assure you, Miss Brin will be just fine," Roarke led Josh back to his table.
"Joshie, there you are-" Calliope waved from the end of the porch.
"Well, I see you've finally met Calliope," Roarke smiled and waved at the scantily dressed goddess.
"Yeah," Josh sighed.
"Is there something the matter?" Roarke asked.
"Well, she's not exactly as I expected."
"And what were you expecting?"
"I don't know. Someone with more - well, I just don't know." Josh seemed slightly deflated. "What is it that was supposed to inspire so many people to write great works?"
"For her, it comes in many forms. It's different for everyone. You seemed to have been under the impress that she would spoon feed you some great tale."
"Isn't that her job?"
"No, her job is to help you find inspiration in the lives and things around you. And from the story you were telling Miss Brin, it sounds like she's helped you find it."
"Yes but-" Josh turned to faced his host, but Roarke was gone.
"Hi, Joshie, how about some dinner," Calliope latched onto Josh's arm as soon as she reached his side.
"Sure," Josh offered her a seat and the two settled into finish the dinner on the quiet verandah.
"So how is your vacation going," Ariel came up behind Brin. She already knew what had transpired, Roarke had told her but she had to here it from Brin herself. She had to know that she really believed who she was.
"Very enlightening and very confusing," Brin answered.
"How so?" Ariel sat down next to Brin on the rocks.
"Well, let's see - I'm a few thousand years old, my name is Euterpe and I'm the Muse of Music. Oh yeah and my best friend just told me that he's in love with me."
"It does sound like you've had a busy day," Ariel smiled. "I must admit that I was very happy to hear you where coming back."
"So this was like big news, huh-" Brin sighed.
"Yes, it was. It's not every day that one of the daughters of Zeus is on the verge of coming home."
"Home, I don't know that I could ever go there. I just get some really bad vibes. Do you know what happened."
"No, I was away at the time. I've heard stories, but no two are alike."
"Do you want to know the truth?" Roarke asked. He had warned Ariel about being around Brin until her memory was restored fully but he realized that in the excitement of the return on her friend it was difficult to hold her back. He had found the pair sitting the rocks by the beach, talking and listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the beach. He had watched them for a moment, they had to be two of the most beautifully, radiant women he'd had the pleasure to know. Ariel with all her delicate features that portrayed elegance and aristocracy and Brin with her wild curls and soulful eyes cultivating a contrasting aura of mystery and innocence. Pressing on, he had to tell Brin the part of past that was still hidden from her.
"Of course I do, but why can't I remember everything yet," Brin looked up at him. Her head still throbbed from the events of the day.
"You'll remember, it just takes a little time. The important thing is you know who you are now," he reached out for Ariel and Brin's hands to help them to their feet. "What do you remember of your last day with your sisters?"
"Not much, we were all together on Olympus, singing for some celebration and after that it's fuzzy." Brin rubbed her head.
"Well, that was the day after you and your sisters plucked the feathers off the sirens, Hera's favorite pets." Roarke began the story as the trio began to walk back to the ruins, he had promised Zeus that on the day of his daughter Euterpe's return and remembrance, he would bring her to see her father.
"Wait - if I remember this right, my sisters did that because the sirens challenged them. Mel, their mother, and I were there but we didn't participate in that little adventure. So I really had nothing to do with it," Brin countered.
"Whether, you did or not, you and Mel were grouped with those who did. As a result of that 'adventure' as you call it, the sirens could no longer fly down to ships to torment the sailors. A favorite pastime of Hera's. Because of what transpired, Hera demanded retribution and told you and your sisters that as a group you all would have to chose who would be punished. Since you were the youngest and a favorite of your fathers, your sisters volunteered you. However, Hera knew that your only crime with to be in the wrong place at the wrong time she had you banished from Olympus. You where to wander the world, and approximately every ten years you would lose your memory and you would end up somewhere else. You'd wake up not knowing who you were, where you were and no one would remember you."
"Now it's getting a little clearer. I can't believe my father would let her do that," Brin balled her hands into fists at the thought of her father.
"He didn't believe that he had a choice. Hera threatened to unleashed some of the worst demons from Hades if he didn't let her do what she wanted. And to save the many he sacrificed the one," Roarke could see the anger started to build in Brin's eyes. This was not going to be a pleasant father/daughter reunion.
"More like to save his own skin," Ariel whispered under her breath.
"Anyway, before Apollo threw you into the Lethe you made Hera promise that she would guard the gift of music and that if you should ever return that gift would once again be yours. She agreed, not thinking that we would find a way to get you back. After you where gone Zeus came to me and made me promise to watch over out in the world. He didn't want anything to happen."
"Guilty conscience - huh?" Brin was seething under a cooler exterior. She had wanted to know what had happened but she hadn't thought that she'd been betrayed by not only her sisters but also her father. She knew now that she didn't want to go back to Olympus until they apologized. They owed her at least that. She looked around an realized they had made their way back to the Greek ruins.
"Euterpe, it's good to see you," an older, breaded man stepped out from behind the statue of Zeus. He stretched out his arms in hopes that his prodigal daughter to run into them. She didn't.
"My name is Brin," Brin breathed her words as a gust of wind swirled around the group.
"Why did you bring me back here?" she turned to Roarke, throwing him a look full of anger.
"Your father asked to see you when you returned. If I had told you, you would not have come. You at least deserve to see your father, tell him what I can sense your feeling right now," he tried to cool some of the embers he saw flashing in her eyes. The wind howled over the trees, her power was starting to return, but she wouldn't have it all until she demanded it from Hera.
"Utie, please," Zeus stepped closer to his daughter. "We want you to come home."
"My name is Brin."
"Fine, if that is what you wish to be called, although it's not as beautiful as Euterpe. You do remember what it means don't you?" her father asked stepping closer as she stepped away.
"Of course I do, it means giver of pleasure. Do you know what the name Brin mean?" her voice was cool and abrupt.
"No, but it -"
"It means more to me than any name you could have given me. Ii means that I have people who care enough about me to give me their name. It means that there are people who treat me like a daughter even though they have no clue who I really am or where I came from. It means that Colleen, Finn and Patrick O'Hara are my family, they love me and watch out for me. Which is more than I can say about you." Brin cut him off before he could finish his thought. The more she talked to him the madder she got, and the more furiously the wind swirled around them.
"Stop acting like a child. They are not your family, we are and I demand that you come home this instant," Zeus yelled over the wind, he wasn't taking well to his daughter's disobedience. Lightening flashed across the sky.
"You're in no position to demand anything from me. You are not my father. What father would let his youngest daughter be punished for something she didn't do. What father would let his daughter roam around for a few thousand years, not letting her know who she is or that some one other then strangers care for her."
"There was nothing I could do -"
"Don't give me that lame excuse, you are the king of the gods. You can do anything you want -"
"Don't take that tone with me young lady -"
"I'll take -"
As their arguing increased lightening flashed and the wind howled, they had to yell over the noise. Roarke stepped forward, he'd had enough of watching the two battle. Even though he knew Brin was right, he could not afford having a father/daughter fight tear apart the island. He had to end it.
"Enough!" Roarke yelled stepping between the pair. "Yelling at her is not the way to welcome her home." He turned to Zeus. "And accusing him of poor judgment in the past is not going to make you feel any better." He reached out and placed a soothing hand on Brin's shoulder. As he did the wind died down to a gentle breeze and the sky returned to its brilliant blue.
"You're right, it's not ," Brin murmured. She gazed into his eyes and felt more in control of herself. In fact, she felt more than a little embarrassed that she'd let her emotions get that far out of control.
"You have a decision to make daughter. Either you come to Olympus to live or you go to live on Mt. Helicon with your sisters."
"Neither of those are an option. And you can not order me around. I've taken care of myself this long I think I can manage to get by with out you." Brin shot back. She'd intended for the words to hurt and they did. She saw her father wince.
"If you do not live in either of those places you will forever be wandering the earth with out a memory. You will know no one and no one will know who you are. And your gift will be lost to the world forever." With a flash of light Zeus was gone.
"Well, that went really bad," Brin sighed, a sadness covered her face.
"He's just a little upset. He chooses to remember it differently. But no matter how each of you remembers what happened, it is in the past. You both need to move beyond it. You have a decision to make about your future and I suggest you make it soon." Roarke regained his composure, he was getting too involved with this family matter.
"I can't do this. This is just too much," she shook her head. "I've got to think, clear my head."
"Then we will leave you to make a decision," Ariel stepped up and took Roarke's arm leading him away. She knew this whole thing was stirring up the island and those who inhabited it.
"Thanks," Brin gave a brief smile a left. She ran back to the cottage, hoping Josh would not be there, she changed into hiking clothes and went off to think.
"Boo, thank God your okay. I've been looking all over for you. I think I've covered this island five times over." Josh huffed. He was out of breathe, he'd caught sight of her and run to catch up before she disappeared down the trail and into the heavily wooded forest.
"Whoa, take it easy." She patted her friend on the back. "Of course I was alright. I didn't mean to worry you but I had to get out and just think."
"Where have you been?" he puffed.
"Mostly up on the cliffs watching the stars and the sunrise." She kicked a stone on the trail, she couldn't tell him that she had seen her father and that he was Zeus. He'd think she'd gone mad.
"You wannna get some breakfast and talk?" he asked hopefully.
"I already snagged some breakfast. Harry let me into the kitchen before anyone was up. But we can talk here," Brin motioned to a log near the trail.
"Sure okay," Josh had hoped for the chance to talk to her about what he'd said the following night.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" she asked cautiously, she knew what was coming.
"About what I said last night," Josh held his had up before Brin had a chance to get any words out of her mouth. "I meant what I said. I do love you Brin. I've never felt the way I feel about anyone like I do you. I think about you constantly, I wonder what you're doing when we aren't together. I think I hear you calling me at the house even when I know you're not home. I love the way your beautiful brown eyes get as large as saucers when we go to all the museums. I love that you play video games with a true passion to win. I love that when you remember something nice that you smile, even though you think no one is watching. I love that you are the first to come to my side when I need help. And if I'm out in a crowd on 5th Avenue and I get even a hint of your perfume, I turn and look for you everywhere. I love everything about you, you are my world." It had felt good to tell her everything that he'd felt really since they first meet. He watched her process what he'd said, she was quiet for a moment, he could tell she was thinking of what to say.
"Oh Josh, that's so sweet and I really do wish I felt the same way," Brin could barely look him in the eye. She watched as all the courage he'd gathered to tell her, drained out of his body. He was crestfallen and her heart ached that she tell him the truth in how she felt.
"You don't love me," it came out more as a statement then as the question he'd meant it to be.
"Not in that way. You are my best friend. I tell you things I don't tell anyone else. I do love you but not in the way that it would sustain a relationship that would make you happy. I know we've had similar discussions before and I've told you how I feel, but maybe I should elaborate this time." She sighed, she hated telling him the truth. "Josh you are the sweetest, dearest person, any woman is going to be incredibly lucky to have you by her side. And it has been an honor for me to have you even just as a friend. You have be my rock, it's you I trust with everything in my life. You are a good guy, and don't roll your eyes at me when I say that, you are," she smiled at him. "You are gentle and sweet and caring. Where would I be without you. Because of you I had the courage to buy my house, and you listened to me when I can home for the past year at five in the morning and bitched about the which customers and employee's did what and to whom. Because of you I have my memory back, that was a wonderful thing to do. I will always love you, but there is a very special woman out there who is going to feel about you the same way that you feel about her. This I promise you," she gave him a small peck on the cheek.
"That was probably the nicest let down I've ever gotten." Josh smiled.
"It wasn't a let down, we're still friends are we not?"
"Forever and always," he reached out and hugged her tightly.
"By the way thanks again for getting my memory back."
"How's that going? What have you found out?"
"Alot, but I'm still trying to sort through it all. I can't really talk about it now because I don't quite know how to explain it yet. But I tell you everything as soon I get it all straight." Brin hopped off the log and moved back toward the trail, she needed to talk to Ariel she what she thought.
"Where are you off to?" Josh watched her a moment.
"I need to talk to Ariel a minute, but I will be back later," she waved good-bye. When she was out of sight she wiped a tear from her eye. Josh was a sweet guy too bad he wasn't meant for her.
The day was warm and humid but Brin didn't seem to mind. She breathe deeply of the tropical air, it seemed to carry the scent of ambrosia and wild flowers. As she broke free of the woods Brin spotted Ariel in a clearing, it seemed she was deep in conversation with a petite, blonde who seemed very familiar. It took her a few seconds to realize the blonde was her eldest sister, Calliope. Nearby a winged white horse played in the grass of the glen.
"Pegasus," Brin whispered. No sooner had the name left her lips, then the steed recognized her and galloped to her side.
"Oh, Peg!" Brin exclaimed. "I've missed you." She stroked her favorite pet 's neck as she whined a hello. "Have you been good? What a silly question, of course you have." She hopped onto her back and rode over to Ariel and Calliope.
"Hi Brin," Ariel waved. "I see you've found another old friend."
"Yes, in deed," Brin answered as she dismounted. She walked over to the two women and Pegasus followed her like a lost puppy.
"Is that what you go by now?" Calliope asked as she rolled her eyes, has if nauseated by the fact that Brin had taken on a Celtic name.
"Well, it very nice to see you again, Sis?" Brin shot.
"Hhmm well- did you need something Brin?" Ariel asked, feeling more then a bit uncomfortable between the sisters.
"I actually came to talk to you about something, but your busy so I catch up with you later." Brin answered. She could take her off her sister. Calliope had been one of the main reasons she had been cursed to wander for so long.
"Why don't you just ask. I know you want to," Calliope smirked. Her youngest sister was definitely not the same girl she knew.
"Okay, why? Why did you offer me up as some sacrificial lamb? What did I ever do to you that made you hate me so much that you got me thrown out of my home?" Brin asked, defying her to answer.
"Styron," Calliope answered simply. She could see the look of surprise cross her sister's face.
"Styron? You had that done to me because you think I stole your boyfriend?" Brin was astonished. It had been centuries since she'd thought about the him.
"I loved him very much, he was going to marry me. Then you came along batting those big eyes at him. He didn't stand a chance." Calliope said through clenched teeth.
"I hate to chop down that pedestal you seem to have him on, but Styron followed anything in a skirt. The man was a river god, he had nymphs at his beck and call." Brin shot back.
"Why did you come back? This isn't your home anymore, you don't belong here. You reek of mortals," Calliope changed the subject.
"Calli, what a horrible thing to say," Ariel was astonished that the venom Calliope had for Brin.
"No that's okay Ariel. I've always know where I stood with my sister." Brin reached up and stroked Pegasus' neck as she spoke. "A never said I was coming home now did I."
"But father gave you an ultimatum - either come home or leave and forget forever." Calliope was stunned that her sister would turn down such an offer.
Brin hopped back onto Pegasus' back. "If I had to spend eternity with you, forgetting is far more agreeable to be at this point. Ariel, I'll talk to you later." Brin excused herself and rode over the field on Pegasus until she had gained enough speed to fly into the clouds. The pair soared over the mountains and valleys of the island until she reached her old home and landed. Brin dismounted, leaping to the ground. She looked around, it was peaceful and quiet. A nice place to visit but she wouldn't want to live there, she sighed. The fountain, she'd seen it from the sky and had landed near it. It had been one of her favorite places to sit as a small child. For hours she would read, paint, sing or play her flute, no one bothered her there. More memories of childhood came back to her. She sat down near the fountain trying to figure out what to do.
"Miss Brin? Is that you?" Harry asked as he came upon the young woman sitting by the fountain on Mt. Helicon. Ariel has filled him in on the details of Brin's past and what Ariel was unsure of he had pieced it together from the journals in the ancient journals in the library. Needless to say, Brin's arrival had peaked his interest in classical Greece.
"I'm as okay as can be expected, I guess," her voice sound forlorn and tired.
"It take it that you have discovered your rich past then," Harry sat next to her. He watched as she threw pebbles into the fountain's diaphanous waters.
"Humph," she grunted and threw one of the pebbles harder.
"Something wrong?"
"You say it's a rich past. That's hardly the case," she shook her head.
" How could it not be. You've been able to experience so much."
"Yeah, betrayal by my own family. I was to youngest and the smallest of them all and they threw me out into the world with no thought of how I was to survive."
"How can you say that. Because of them I've lived so many lives I don't know who I am supposed to be any more. Am I supposed to be this goddess-like creature who inspires the souls of artist, or am I supposed to be the Roman merchant who sells trinkets to those going to the Coliseum, or better yet, the Italian field worker who picked and stomped grapes until my feet and hands hurt, or the English thief who helped Robin of Locksley rob from the rich. Or am I just Brin, the girl who sings and runs a bar down in the Village." With the mention of each life pasted threw more pebbles in to the fountain exclamating her point.
"You're all those people. Did you just listen to what you said. You have had a very adventurous past, you've seen the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, and ridden with one of the most notable and honorable gang of thieves in history. And through it all you've been the same person you are now, maybe then a little more naive, but none the less it is and was still all you." Harry said startled by the way she looked at herself. Most women would have been delighted to discover that they were a Muse. He watched her as she stopped throwing the rounded pebbles and turn her attention to him.
"You are sweet, kind, soulful, sensitive, beautiful, friendly and every other nice thing someone could use to describe a person. You are the woman, men write symphonies for, you are Beethoven's Immortal Beloved. And everything you've experienced only makes you that much more whole a person." He could tell that he had surprised her with his words.
"Thank you. I'd have to say you're probably one of the sweetest people I've ever known," she kissed Harry on the cheek. "I was looking at this all wrong. I was blaming my family for what they did to me. Because of what they did, I have been able to round out my self as a person. Don't get me wrong, it will be a long time before I ever trust them. And I'm still mad at them, but your saying the best way for me to deal with this is to accept the experiences and just chalk it up to life."
"I don't blame you for being upset at them," Harry smiled. "There was no reason for them to do that to you but I'm almost glad they did."
"Because if they hadn't I probably wouldn't be sitting on this beautiful hillside, by a lovely fountain, with a goddess and her favorite pet, Pegasus."
"Oh come on," Brin giggled "I find that hard to believe, especially since Ariel is a goddess too."
"Yes, well, we chat over tea. This is far more casual," Harry blushed slightly. He was letting emotions get involved with his work.
"Anyway, I guess I should get back to civilization," Brin signed at the thought.
"Why don't you stay here for a little while? To think."
"I have to get back to Father with my answer, and I don't know what to tell him."
"What kind of decision must you make?" Harry asked.
"Where I'm going to spend eternity."
"That's quite a decision." Harry rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"My father demands that I go to either Olympus with him or to stay here on Mt. Helicon with my sisters. Right now I don't want to be around any of them. The thing is, if don't go to either place, and I leave with Josh, I lose my memory again and I will never be able to come home." She sighed.
"Where do you think you'd be happiest?"
"Right now, all I can think is that I'm happy here on the island. I don't want to forget Josh and the O'Hara's but I don't want to be with my family."
"Really?" Harry asked a bit surprised by her answer. "Why here?"
"Well first of all, it's a beautiful place. Secondly, you, Ariel and Roarke have all made me feel very comfortable here. And now that I remember alot more of my past I know that Ariel and I were one time, long ago great friends. And you and Roarke, well, I don't know you very well yet, but I trust you both no questions asked. And that is a rare thing these days."
"Well I can understand your friendship with Ariel, but trusting Roarke and myself without even knowing us. Well, to be honest, I find that hard to understand."
"It's like I tried to explain to Roarke, sometimes you just meet people and it all just clicks. I feel that I can tell any of you anything thing and you won't look at me like I've grown a third eye or something. I get this great sense that none of you would let anything happen to me that I can't handle and I wouldn't let anything happen to any of you. It's like we are meant to be this odd little dysfunctional family of sorts." Brin sighed. "I didn't explain that well did I?"
"I understand and that is very sweet. It would be very nice if you stayed. Friends like you are hard to come by." Harry patted her bare knee gently, then stood to leave. "Well, I have a few errands to finish. I hope you get everything you are looking for."
"Bye," Brin waved. She watched the figure walk into the horizon and disappear. People come and go to quick around here, she thought to herself, as she resumed tossing a few more pebbles into the fountain.
Roarke moved away from the large, gilded mirror is his office, the image of Harry and Brin rippled and faded into the silvery pool to be replaced by the reflection of the interior of his office. So Brin wanted to stay on the island as opposed to going anywhere else. That was something he had thought about but not completely planned on. Still, she had certain gifts and abilities that could be used on the island and it would be nice to have her to talk with. And outside of Ariel, she would be the only other to stay with them of her own freewill. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment, how to convince Zeus that her staying on the island was for the best.
"She wants to stay." A disembodied voice said. There was a brief flash of light and before Roarke's desk stood Zeus, much more composed then he had been earlier.
"Yes, she say's she'd be happy here," Roarke looked at him.
Zeus' face conveyed that of losing a daughter for the second time. He'd hoped that she would return to Olympus. Then again, so much time had passed, she wasn't the same dependent little girl he'd watched running and playing in his gardens. The fact that she'd been with mortals for so long changed her and he wasn't particularly happy about that.
"She needs to be with her family."
"If she is here, you can come visit anytime you like. She never said that she didn't want to see you again. She just wants time for herself. In the matter of a few short days she has discovered a world about herself that she needs to deal with on her own," Roarke offered. "You've got a remarkable daughter in her. Unlike a few of your others, she can stand on her own. Time out in the real world has given her a gift of independence."
"What would she do here? If she where to stay that is," Zeus asked giving a little to the idea that she should stay.
"Her job, inspire great symphonies, operas, jazz, and rock-n-roll. To paraphrase Harry, she is the reason that men write great music." Roarke smiled as a thought struck him.
"I don't know..." Zeus's voice faded away in thought.
"Look, if she is here, she will remember you and all her friends and family. If you throw her back out there, you'll never have to opportunity again to talk to her or see her. You know if Brin stay's here she will be safe and happy. And I know deep down that you want her to be happy most of all."
"Alright, but if anything should happen to her, I will bring down a fury on you like you have never seen. Do you understand me Roarke."
"You have my word," he reached out to shake Zeus' hand to seal their deal, and will a flash of light Zeus was gone as fast as he had appeared.
He'd never thought he'd have an actual Muse stay on the island, but it was the perfect opportunity to have someone jump into a new position on his staff. He turned as gazed out the window at the lush tropical rainforest that enveloped the back of the resort. He let his memory go back earlier in the day when he'd heard Brin sing, was it selfish on his part not to insist that she go to Olympus rather then stay here. A slight wrap on the door interrupted his thoughts.
"Enter," he called. He was only slightly surprised as Brin stuck her head in the door.
"Hi," she smiled.
"Hello, can I help you with something?"
"Can I talk to you a minute?"
"Certainly," he motioned to a plush settee on the balcony, where he joined her. "What would you like to talk about?"
"I don't know what to do?" she shook her head. "I don't know that I can spend eternity with my family and I don't want to leave an forget everything and everyone."
"That is a tough one," Roarke smiled to himself.
"I was wondering, -" she hymned and hawed.
"Well, Harry and I where talking and he asked me where I thought I'd be happiest."
"And what did you tell him," Roarke waited for her to ask. He knew it was important for her to make of this decision on her own. There was no reason to let her know he'd already worked out a deal.
"I said, I'd be happy here." She held her breath.
"I see," Roarke rose to his feet and paced the length of the balcony.
"I want to stay here, if that's okay. I'll do what I can to help out around here, to pay my way. I just don't think that I can be in a place where everyone is watching everything I do. I need a place where I can be free to still be myself."
"Well, I could use someone. I did just have an employee leave." He played along.
"I'll do anything," Brin sat on the edge of the couch.
"Anything?" he looked her over with a raised eyebrow.
"You know what I mean, with in reason," Brin smiled.
"Okay, you can stay. But on the condition that you help with guest fantasies and you run the Silver Dolphin." He watched a look of joy cross her face.
"Yes, really."
Brin jumped to her feet throwing her arms around his neck and giving him a hug, he didn't hesitate hugging her back.
"Well, I'm glad to see that it makes you happy, but there is one other thing you need to do." He pushed her away.
"You need to get your gift back from Hera. She knows that you will be coming for it, so she should not give you much trouble."
"Piece of cake -" Brin turned to leave, then stopped. "Um-where would I happen to find her?" she turned back around to face Roarke. She blushed at the idea that she was unaware of where to find the woman who had made her life difficult.
"There is a her temple is on the edge of the garden," Roarke answered. "Just remember to take the things she says with a grain of salt. Hera has a tendency to cast things in the poorest light."
"Thanks' I'll keep that in mind," Brin smiled and waved. It felt as if the world had been lifted off her shoulders. She ran over the lawn of the resort and plunged into the gardens. She came upon a path that seemed not be traveled as often as that of the one traveled to her own temple. Hera was not a popular as she used to be. Brin pushed her way over the rugged trail, pushing vines and overgrown weeds out of her way. She emerged into a clear that housed a small white marble temple. Outside the fires in the urns were still lit. Brin made her way up the steps and into the vestibule, torches inside lighted her way to Hera's alter.
"Hello," her voice echoed off the walls. "Hello. You might as well answer me. 'Cuz I'm not leaving until you talk to me."
"What do you want, child?" the voice boomed around her.
"Have I been gone so long that you don't recognize me step-mother," Brin said, standing her ground.
"Euterpe, yes I know it's you," the voice softened. There was sizzle of light and before Brin stood Hera in jeweled regalia.
"Actually, I prefer to be called Brin now."
"Zeus mentioned that. He was not happy when he returned to Olympus after that little scene the two of you had." Hera smiled.
"Look, I'm not particularly proud of that. But that's not why I'm here. I want my full powers back. I want my flute and I want my position to be restored." Brin demanded.
Hera looked over the woman before her. She had changed much. She had gone from being an overly sensitive girl who was scared of her own shadow to a powerfully, independent woman who was willing to take on the gods.
"You come to my temple and demand things from me?" Hera feigned shock.
"Oh-jeez, cut the act would ya," Brin rolled her eyes. She was tempting fate by taunting Hera.
"I am not your father, don't take that attitude with me. I do not back away as easy as he does," a flash of temper flared in Hera's eyes and the temple rumbled.
"Look, all I want-"
"What you want is immaterial to me. I think you need to know a few truths." Hera interrupted.
"What do you mean?' Brin stepped closer to her step-mother.
"I can see in your eyes that you are very happy that your father was able to bring you to this haven. You think that he was watching out for you this whole time," Hera started.
"Roarke told me that father asked him to watch out for me."
"He did, but did you know that it was Roarke that brought it to your father's attention that you could be brought home. That since someone you cared about you enough to ask for your memory to be restored, you could be brought home. It wasn't your father's idea that your come here, it was Roarke's," Hera was spelling it our for Brin. She could see a wedge being driven farther between father and daughter.
"Whatever the case, I am home now and I want my powers back," Brin held her voice strong, but Hera's words had managed to hit home. She had known Roarke had watched over her not her father. Zeus had only seemed to take credit for bringing her to the island then demanded that she be the same timid girl she was when she left. Brin drew in a deep breath, trying to focus on what she needed to do now.
"So it doesn't bother you that your father didn't care enough to even have Roarke send him reports on how you where doing," Hera saw the open wound that she made and poured some salt in it for good measure.
"That is the past." Brin shook her head, "Look, my quarrel, right now, is not with you although it should be. All I would like is my flute back," Brin held out her hand. "Please."
There was a brief flash of light and in her had was her gold and jeweled flute. The instant it was in her palm, Brin felt a rush of power fill her body.
"All you had to say was please," Hera smirked and disappeared.
Brin looked up at the statue. "Our discussion is not over Step-mother."
"I look forward to continuing it at a later date," the disembodied voice boomed, then silence.
In the distance she heard a bell toll the arrival of the plane that was to have taken her back to New York. She ran out of the temple, through the gardens and across the lawn in search of Josh. She had to talk to him, explain everything.
Josh, Josh, wait - " Brin called as she ran from the main house to intersect her friends path.
"There you are. Where are your bags? The plane is leaving in a few minutes." Josh smiled sadly at her.
"I'm not going,"
"What - What do you mean your not going? Does this have anything to do with what I said? Cuz - if it does - " Josh dropped his bags in astonishment/
"No, it has nothing to do with that. I have a bunch to tell you though." She pulled him to a close by bench for them to sit and for her to explain why she was not going to leave the island for a long, long time.
"Then what - "
"If you'll shush for a sec, I'll tell you." She pleaded with him to be quiet. "First of all I wanted to thank you for having my memory restored. That was a wonderful thing to ask for and I will always appreciate that more than you'll ever now. But some things have come about because of it."
"This all sounds very mysterious, so who are you really Miss Brin O'Hara."
"Well, first of all my real name is Euterpe."
"Euterpe what?"
"That's it just Euterpe and I have eight sisters."
"Big family, have you met any of them? What about your parents?" Josh's curiosity was building.
"Father is still around, Mother is dead and I have met one of my sisters, the oldest. In fact you met her also, Calliope." Brin took a deep breath and let him calculate what she'd told him so far. She saw the light of recognition coming on in his eyes.
"But the Calliope I meet was a - a- muse?"
"Yes - and so am I." She badly wanted him to understand her situation, but wasn't sure how much more he would believe.
"Wait- you're a muse. That your make you centuries old and that's impossible." Josh jumped to his feet.
"Actually, a few millennium." Brin grabbed his hand before he could get too far. She took a deep breath and let her story go as she exhaled. "My name is Euterpe, I am the Muse and Goddess of Music and Musicians. My mother is Mnemosyne and my father is Zeus. I have eight older sisters, all muses. I am the youngest. I was punished by Hera for something my sisters did, I was betrayed by them and my father. I was to wander the earth, never to remember who I was or where I came from, that is until they found a way to bring me back to at least here. And now that I'm here I was given three options. Go to Olympus to be with my father, go to Mt. Helicon with my sisters, or Roarke has offered me a place here running the night club and helping others to fulfill their fantasies. I'm staying on the island, it will be a long time before I will ever trust my father or sisters." She paused, "Please believe me, I would go back with you, if it weren't for the fact that at the end of this year I would lose my memory again and I would forget all about you, Patrick, Colleen and Finn. You all are so special to me, I don't ever want to forget you."
Josh pulled his hand away and looked at her. He looked at her, studying her face, she was pleading with him. He could see her heart was breaking with the fact that she had to stay. He turned without a word, picked up his bags and hurried to the dock, rushing past Ariel and Harry in his haste.
At the moment Josh left her, Brin felt a pain in her heart, betrayed again. A part of her was leaving the island with Josh, he was the best friend she'd had in a long time. She couldn't believe that he had just turned his back on her and left. The tears came fast and she sobbed into her hands to hide her sorrow.
"Brin? Brin what's wrong. We just saw Josh going to the plane-" Ariel had heard someone crying and had gone to investigate.
"I told him everything, and he just left me -" she sobbed. "He didn't say anything, just left."
Ariel took her friend into her arms to comfort her. "Shh, it will be alright." She turned to Harry who stood by unsure of what to do to comfort Brin this time. "Harry, go see if you can hold the plane. Tell Roarke we will be there momentarily."
"Certainly" Harry rushed off thankful for something to do. He wasn't sure how he was going to stop the plane, especially if Roarke wanted it to go. At the end of the dock he spotted his boss and Mr. Davis talking.
"I hope your stay was inspirational," Roarke heard Harry rushing down the dock.
"It was that and then some," Josh mumbled, he was still trying to digest all that Brin had told him.
"Don't worry about Brin, I told you we would take good care of her," Roarke could sense the distress that Josh was feeling and he could feel the pain that Brin had just experienced as Josh had walked away from her.
"You know I don't get it. Is it for real, is she really a muse?" Josh shook is head in disbelief.
"Has she ever told you anything that wasn't untrue?" Roarke studied Josh's faced. He wanted to believe Brin story but the real world was not letting his mind expand to encompass this truth.
"Sir," Harry puffed. "Ariel sent me to tell you she will be along momentarily, she had to take care of something -"
"Yes I know. Harry, why don't you and Ariel see Mr. Davis off, I have an appointment waiting. It was very nice to meet you Mr. Davis, you have a bright future ahead of you. Just keep you eyes and your mind open the experiences." With that Roarke excused himself and left. He wanted Brin to have a last moment alone with Josh to give her the chance to resolve everything before he was gone and the light in her would be dim for a long while.
"Certainly, sir. If you will excuse me Mr. Davis, I'll just check with Amelia on your departure time." Harry threw back his shoulders as Roarke left him in charge of the plane and the departure. He went and spoke quietly with Amelia by the plane, stalling for time.
"Harry, could you come here please." Ariel waved Harry over from the end of the dock.
"We'll be ready in just a moment Mr. Davis." Amelia called.
"Thanks," Josh looked out of the water. He felt bad about turning away from Brin. She had been his greatest support through all the hard times and the good ones. She was the one who saw the great potential that he'd finally realized on the island. And now that she needed him to believe in her, he ran without saying a word.
"Josh - "
He turned upon hearing his name whispered on the breeze that rushed by his ears.
"Brin - I'm so sorry," he caught his friend up in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet.
"I know." She hugged him back.
"Can you ever forgive me, I shouldn't have turned on you like that - it's just -"
"It's a hard truth to swallow, I know. I've been struggling with it for the last few days."
"I can't believe I was living with a muse and didn't know it." He laughed, putting her back on her feet.
"I wasn't your muse - but that does explain why most of the bands I worked with got inspired to write new music and got big recording contracts." Brin laughed through her tears.
"You made the right choice, if you stay here I won't forget you either and I don't think I could stand that. But where am I going to find another roommate as goofy as you."
"Oh that reminds me - " Brin reached into the pocket of her pale purple sundress and pulled out some papers and a key. "The house is yours. I don't need it anymore."
"Mine," Josh looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, I promise I'll set one room aside for you to visit." He watched the smile fade from his friends lips.
"I can't leave the island for a long time," Brin said.
"Well, then I'll come see you, I promise."
"Really, you know you'll have to have a fantasy to book passage." She smiled back at her friend.
"I'm sure I could manage."
"We're ready to go Mr. Davis." Amelia called.
"You've got to go," Brin sighed.
"Bye, Boo. I'm gonna miss you" he hugged her again.
"Bye, Baba. I'm gonna miss you too. Write me something great." She kissed his cheek.
Reluctantly they parted and Brin watched her best friend get on the plane and fly back into the real world unit she couldn't see them anymore.
"Are you alright," a voice from behind her asked.
"Yes, thank you." She could sense Roarke behind her. She was starting to feel some of her powers coming back.
"For what?" he watched Brin's hair and dress float on the wind, he admired the outline of her figure from a short distance.
"For everything you've done in getting me back here. I know it was you and not my father's doing," Brin turned to face Roarke. "I had nothing to do with it. Coming here was Mr. Davis's idea."
"Okay, whatever you say," she smiled.
"Oh yes, I nearly forgot, Mr. Davis left this for you." He pulled a thick, hardback book from his jacket, like it was a handkerchief tucked into a pocket.
"What is it?"
"His latest work, he asked that I have a copy printed for you here. He wanted to surprise you with it." Roarke handed her the book and watched as she opened to the first page.
"Dedicated to my best friend and whose sweetness and love has provided me with my true inspiration, Brin and to a muse by the name of Calliope who helped me figure out where my true inspiration lay." She read. "You know Calli is not going to like this. She usually likes top billing."
"No she's not, but I think you can handle her." He paused, "You know, we are very happy you are with us."
"I'm very happy to be here also. I can't wait to figure out how all these forgotten powers work." Brin said with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"I have a feeling this place is not going to be the same with you here." Roarke smiled to himself. "But right now don't you have a night club to put back together."
"You're right I do. But how about lunch first, I'm famished."
"That would be lovely," Roarke offered his arm to his newest staff member and they strolled off the dock toward the main house.
Don't get chocolate fingerprints
on the forms...