The show itself, seems to pattern 'The Tempest' written by William Shakespeare.
All the characters are there except one, which gives me an idea.
Dr. Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway are the property of 'ER', Executive producers Lydia Woodward, John Wells, and Michael Critchon, NBC, and Constant C Productions. No copyright infringement intended.
'Fantasy Island' (1998) is the property of Executive Producers Barry Sonnenfeld and Charles Rosin, as well as ABC productions. No copyright infringement intended.
Thanks to Margot for the use of her character 'Gabriel'. He was great fun.
CHAPTER I: The City of Big Shoulders Chicago, Illinois
"This was a stupid idea: moving the entire office from New York to Chicago, as if we didn't have better things to do," yelled Clia, one of the two travel agents.
"Big deal. Snap your fingers, we're in 'The Town of Big Shoulders'." She waved
him off, disgusted. She picked up the lunch bag. "You call these hot-dogs."
"Clia, my better half, we're going out for steaks. What's the point of being in
this town if you can't go out to a great restaurant."
Clia scoffed. "You probably want to see me die of food poisoning."
He smiled, devilishly. "Now, why would I do such a horrible thing like that?"
Two hours later, Clia was being wheeled into Chicago Hope's ER. "I'm gonna
strangle you, Fisher. Wait 'till Roarke hears about this," she warned.
"Don't worry, Clia. You'll be out by tomorrow, and I might actually have one
night of peace and quiet."
The old travel agent turned around, and smiled at the approaching doctor. "How
is she, Doc?" he asked, suddenly concerned.
Dr. Billy Kronk smiled at him. "Well, sir. We find it amazing that your
"My wife? Hardly! We've been business partners for years."
Kronk smiled. "Oh. How long?"
"Since the fall of Rome."
Kronk laughed. "Forever, huh?" and started flipping through her chart.
Fisher looked at him, strangely, and shook his head.
"Exactly how did she choke on the chicken?"
Kronk frowned at Fisher, and toyed with the idea of calling Shutt down from
Psych. He decided against it. They were just two old people hung up on each
other. "How about I hand your business partner off to the best doc I know?"
"Your wife?"
Kronk smiled. "How'd ya guess?"
Fisher smiled "Saw the ring. I bet you two have a new baby."
Billy laughed. "OK, you're good. I bet you smelled the baby powder?"
"You use Johnson & Johnson Cornstarch," he commented, without hesitation. He
grinned, widely. "I'm very good at my work."
Billy laughed, as he and Fisher walked towards Clia. "Miss...."
"Clia. Call me Clia. Everyone calls me that."
Kronk laughed, still amused by his best patients of the night. "Well, Maybe you
can tell me how you sprained your ankle?"
"Moron over there," and she pointed to Fisher. "Knocked me out of the chair, and
then dumped the chair on me, while I was choking on the chicken."
She looked at the older man. "Wait until Roarke hears about this. I swear...I'd
rather put up some other cretin."
"Clia, I told you to have the steak, but you insisted on the chicken."
She waved him off, disgusted.
Clia turned and smiled, as a young woman clad in blue scrubs walked up to Kronk.
"Whatcha need, Billy?"
"The wife, I presume?" asked Fisher.
Diane looked at him, confused, and then smiled at her husband. "What's that all
"Fisher and Clia here are business partners."
"We just moved the office into town, from New York," interrupted Clia. She
thumbed her nose at Fisher. "It was his idea."
Fisher rolled his eyes, annoyed.
"Anyway," smiled Kronk. "She sprained her ankle, and will need an X-ray, and
possibly a room. I can't take her to Radiology, but I promised that I would
convince the most brilliant doctor in the world to help her."
Diane smiled. "Don't let Kate hear you say that," she answered as she took the
chart. Kronk wished both them luck, and ran off to the next patient. "So you
choked on the chicken at ChezPaul's. Their chicken is always good, but you need
to drink water with it."
"I told her to order the steak," added Fisher.
"Well, it gives you a day off."
"Bull, that office can hardly run without me."
Diane smiled. "I'm sure the travel business will survive without it's leading
lady for one night."
Clia suddenly frowned. "How'd you know that we have a travel agency?"
Diane's face fell; realizing that no one had said anything about the travel
business before. She seemed to have a knack for guessing things lately. She
thought up a quick line. "You look like you need a vacation from each other."
That cleared the air, and got both agents laughed. Diane breathed a sigh of
"Speaking of which." She turned to Fisher. "She's going to be here for at least
the night. You're welcome to stay if you wish."
Clia scoffed. "Him? Here? All night? It's bad enough during the day."
Fisher frowned at her, but smiled at Diane. "I have some unpacking to do, and
some people to call," he announced.
He turned to Clia. "I'll see you tomorrow." and with that he left.
Diane watched him go, through the main waiting room exit, and disappear. She
turned and smiled at her patient. "He cares about you, ya know."
"He has to. Last month, he tried to get our boss fired. Didn't go over very
Diane smiled. "That I can imagine."
Two hours later while sitting in Clia's room, Diane was telling her about her
new baby Emily, and showing pictures.
Clia smiled. "She's defiantly a cutie. She must keep you awake at nights."
Diane smiled, suddenly conscious of her fatigue. "Well, everything's been kinda
of sudden. First there was the baby, then the day, I'd actually
like to have a wedding, but I doubt that will ever happen."
"Always have faith, Diane." Clia then frowned. "You wouldn't by any chance be
related to Kelly Perkins."
Diane frowned. "I know an Alfreda Perkins. Weird old lady; she has stuffed
animals all over her house (the freeze-dried kind). She said that she knew my
parents, and that she killed my mother because she was jealous of her, and I was
put up for adoption."
Clia frowned. She pulled out this enormous file out of her bag, containing
snapshots of various people. Diane watched in amazement, as Clia flipped through
the pictures rapidly until she discovered the one she wanted. She handed it over to Diane.
"This is why I asked."
Diane looked at it in shocked. A young woman, with a striking resemblance to
herself was standing besides a seaplane, smiling. Next to her stood another man:
taller, with a shock of white hair that clashed greatly with the white suit.
It seemed that Clia was reading her thoughts. "That's Mr. Roarke. He ditched the
suits this year for Black Armani. Said that the white suits were a little
Diane was intrigued. "What resort is this?"
Clia smiled. "You'll find out. Keep the picture. I think my times coming for the
Diane looked confused, and jumped when two orderlies entered the room, and took
the travel agent away. "I'll check on you later, Clia." She walked out before
the woman could answer.
Diane rode the elevator down to the ER, still looking at the picture. It was
intriguing, for this could have been anything. A scam for her to take a trip to
the resort in a vain attempt to track down her parents.
Yet, why had Clia asked her straight out if she knew Kelly Perkins. Who the hell
was this Perkins lady anyway?
"Could it be a fantasy?" she asked herself.
"Or could it be real," answered a voice from inside the elevator.
She whirled around, startled. No one was in the car with her.
She fought off the urge to head for Aaron's office, and tell him about the
visit. But Billy might attack another tree again, and there was no need for that
to happen.
The doors finally opened up to the ER, as Kronk was pulling in a victim of a
five car MBA. "Diane, we could use some help in here."
Diane tucked the picture in her pocket, and headed to help her husband.
"Diane, its not like I'm not all for this, but what if it's some scam?" voiced
Billy. He was concerned over his wife's still sudden interest in finding her
biological parents. "I though that you decided that since you had a happy life
that you weren't interested."
"Yeah, but I never got an actual lead. All I'll do is call the resort and see if
I can get an address. I'm sure the place has a mailing list or something." Diane
pushed her way into the ER lounge where Wilkes was looking at a package.
Billy walked over to the box. "What? Getting gifts from your wife again."
The trauma chief shook his head. "Nope. This one's for your wife. Travel
Billy turned around, and smiled to his wife. "See I told you. It's a trick. I
bet Clia and Fisher are up there laughing their heads off."
Diane opened the box, causally. "She checked out AMA, about an hour ago."
At that moment, Maricella walked in. "Dr. Wilkes, there's a tacka-cardic patient
out here. He's stable now, but if your intern has his way....he won't be for
long." She looked over to Diane. "By the way, Dr. Grad, Clia checked out, about an hour
ago. Seems that her ankle wasn't that bad. McNeil just wrote her a script and
she left."
Billy looked at Maricella. "She go AMA?"
Maricella frowned. "Yeah. McNeil wanted to keep her here over night, but she
said something about trying to keep Fisher and Roarke from killing each other."
with that she left.
Everyone looked at Diane. "How'd you know?"
Diane looked at them, hesitant. "I guessed. She seemed determined not to spent
the night."
They waved it off as nothing.
Diane picked up the box. "Are we going or not? I don't want to the baby-sitter to charge us an extra hour."
"Ok...Ok," said Kronk, grabbing his coat, and heading out the door with his wife.
Fisher spread the sauce over his Meatball sub. His favorite swing music played
on the phonograph....usually the stuff Clia hated. He was about to take a bite
when.... The door slammed, and Clia walked in. "You're a despicable wretch. Even I
wouldn't do something this low. So are you going to tell him or should I?"
Fisher looked at her, innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
She looked him over for any shreds of guilt. "This will hit him like a ton of
bricks. Just throw it in his face. You have no idea what he was feeling at the
The room seemed to grow dark, and stormy. Just then the door opened, and both
travel agents turned around, and smiled. The argument disappeared, and the room
seemed warm and inviting.
A woman clad in pink scrubs opened the door. She had long black curly hair, and
smiled. "I heard the music. Mind if I ask whom it is?"
Fisher got up. "Oh course. You're familiar with the works of Brian Seitzer."
She smiled. "Very modern swing, and on a phonograph."
"You seem like a person, who could easily win a swing contest, Miss. Hathaway."
Carol looked down, and noticed her nametag was still on. "Well, you don't see
very many swing dances working in the ER."
"But Dr. Ross has taken you to some dances, hasn't he."
Carol smiled. "He'd like to, but we haven't been to a dance in so long. He just
became the new ER Pediatric Attending." She looked at the old man, and smiled.
"How'd you know his name was 'Ross'?"
Clia cleared her throat. "Do I start typing or what?"
Fisher turned and smiled at Carol. "My dear, how about a vacation with your
leading man experiencing the wonders that await you..."
"and a giant Swing contest. Can I start typing already?"
Carol smiled. It would be nice to get away from the ER.
The clinic was running itself, practically. Doug would love a
place lie in a hammock, with an umbrella drink. "Ok," she said laughing. "I
don't know how I'll talk Doug into it, but sign me up."
"Wonderful," answered Clia. She punched away on an ancient typewriter, snatched
out the form, stuffed it into a bankteller cylinder, and sent it away.
The cylinder traveled through a maze of tubes until it landed.
A man, probably 50 but you could never tell, looked at himself in a mirror, trying in vain to straighten his tie. He heard the cylinder land, and walked across the room to get it.
He took out the form, and read it smiling. He sighed. "Time to polish the dance floor."
CHAPTER II: The Plane...The Plane
Doug Ross checked the seaplane's control panel for the thousandth time, and then
looked nervously at his fiancÈe.
Carol looked back and smiled. "You're gonna be all right, Doug. Isn't that
right, Amelia."
The female pilot smiled. "Haven't lost anyone yet."
"That's very comforting, but since we're above water, and in Shark infested
waters, I'll be happier when we land."
Carol looked to Diane, who was sitting in the front seat. "How'd ya convince
Billy to let you go?"
Diane smiled, took off her sunglasses, and turned around. "I told him that I was
going and if he didn't support my decision, I would make Kate Austin stay with
the baby. He opted to have Danny Nyland come over." She could hear Ross,
jokingly, call her a sadist from the back seat. "Be nice to me, Doug, and I
might give you a tranquilizer."
Amelia smiled. "Are all of you doctors?"
Carol spoke up. "I'm an RN. He's a pediatrician, and Diane's a trauma doc. We're
from different hospitals."
"All from Chicago. That's a first. Usually Fisher and Clia sign up folks in New
"They moved the office," commented Diane.
Amelia laughed. "Wait 'til the boss hears about this. Did Clia tell you that
Fisher tried to have the boss fired?"
"Yes," answered all three.
Ariel was the last one to the dock, running bare foot, stopping near the others
to take a breath. She looked at her boss, Mr. Roarke, and groused. "Sorry. I had
to change. You don't want me greeting guests looking like Scarlet O'Hara, do
you?" She looked at the plane. "Is it just me, or does she seem to be lagging?"
Harry, the head-manager, nodded his head. "Of course she's lagging. The woman's
been dead for 50 years. Don't you think it's time that we should get a new
pilot, sir."
Roarke smiled, and shook his head. "Smiles, everyone, smiles."
Cal, a guy you could call 'the chief cook and bottle washer, nudged Ariel. "Ya
know, Ariel, the Southern Belle look, would be interesting?"
Ariel drove her shoes heel into his foot, and he yelped. She smiled, innocently
at him. "Smile, Cal."
Roarke looked back on his assistant, disapprovingly. "Petty arguing is so
Both of them stopped, suddenly, feeling guilty.
The seaplane came to a sudden stop, and Ross jumped out. "Yes, we made it. We're
alive!!!" He turned around, and helped out Carol, then Diane.
Cal frowned. "Who the Hell is that?"
Ariel picked up the clipboard. "That is Dr. Doug Ross, and his fiancÈe, Carol
Hathaway. She's the one who made the arrangments."
"They look like a nice couple," commented Cal.
Roarke stepped up a bit. "Love for them took a bit longer then others. They met while working in a county emergency room together, and were friends off and on. Right now, they're engaged."
Cal looked confused. "What's their fantasy?"
"To swing: They want to sample the dance halls from the '20s." He looked back at Harry, and glared. "That's 1920s."
Harry looked insulted. "That was one mistake. How was I suppose to know that she wanted 1920s, and not 1820s. Nobody specifies anything anymore."
"Oh, can it Harry. Whining is so unattractive."
"Who's the other one? The lady with the dark glasses," asked Cal, nodding at Diane.
Ariel looked at the board. "Fisher sent her. Seems Dr. Grad helped out when Clia was choking on some chicken. Dr. Grad is trying to find out more about her mother, Kelly Perkins."
Suddenly, Harry gasped harshly, and vanished. Roarke looked at Ariel, petrified.
Cal looked at him, worried. "Boss....hey smiles, not fear. We've done this a million times." He looked at Ariel frantic.
Ariel lowered her head.. In two seconds, she had morphed into Mr. Roarke. The real Mr. Roarke and Cal had disappeared.
Ariel smiled, and tried to fake the accent. "Hello. Welcome to Fantasy island. I'm your host Mr. Roarke."
Diane opened the door to her bungalow, and breathed in deeply. The sent was incredible: violets. She always had violets in her room as a child, even in the orphanages, she kept violets near her.
Cal came barging in the door, carrying her bags.
Diane turned and took a few off to lighten his load. "Here, let me help you."
"It's ok, Dr. Grad. They're not that heavy." He set the bags on the bed. "but you're very sweet to offer."
Diane smiled, embarrassed. "Thanks. I'm just use to helping people. Do you guys get tips?"
Cal chuckled. "I take your money, and Roarke will have me swimming the backstroke on Mt. St. Helen's. Your mother was one of his favorite guests."
Diane smiled. "So, did you know her?"
"No, but that's what Ariel, Mr. Roarke's assistant, told me. Talk to her for info about your mother."
Diane looked at him, confused. "What about Mr. Roarke?"
Cal stepped backwards towards the door. "The boss is very busy right now. Maybe he can talk to you sometime later?"
"He's the one in the picture that Clia," she turned around to reach the picture, "gave me."
She looked up and saw that he was gone. "OK, now I know that I'm in the right spot."
Ariel paced the office, irritated at both Roarke and Harry.
Harry sat on the couch, annoyed, about being chastised by Ariel.
Roarke sat at his desk, caring less about what Ariel had to say, playing with a pair of pink baby shoes.
"You know, you could have said something. 'Hey Ariel, did I ever tell you about my daughter, Miranda?' GOD, I feel like I'm in a replay of 'The Tempest'."
"I have no idea why you're so upset, Ariel," announced Harry, "It was a long time ago."
Ariel laughed, sarcastically. "Upset: You weren't the one out there greeting guests as Mr. Roarke."
"It was in the child's best interest to be given back to her mother," he reiterated.
Ariel put her hands on her throbbing head, and decided not to send Harry, the idiot, into oblivion. "It was in her best interests to be given back to her lame-brain mother, who then gets killed by her sister-in-law two months later. She gets put into foster care, of which Fisher or Clia could have brought her here. Sounds more like the Council made that choice."
"It's the rules," answered Harry. "A home was found for her with loving parents."
"To Hell with the rules, and to Hell with ...."
Roarke stopped her. "Now...Now, Ariel. Remember when you told him to go jump in a lake?"
Ariel glared at Harry, but didn't finish her thought. "She was in and out of foster homes until she was 8, Harry. That's five years from the time she was here until she was adopted." Instead, she walked over to a table, picked up a ledger, and a medical handbook.
"Where are you going with that?" asked Harry.
"It's the Fantasy ledger from when Kelly Perkins was here. I'll bring it to Diane, and then I'll be stuck in the Infirmary. Switzer isn't back yet. I'd rather we got a new doctor instead of a new pilot," she said, and slammed the door.
Harry watched her leave, and tried to smile at Roarke. "Well, I think that went over quite well."
Roarke glared at his assistant, and continued to play with the baby shoes.
Ariel stopped next short of the front door to the main building, and turned around. She was still ticked at Harry, but understood why he did it. "Harry, I understand what you mean, but you must understand this too. You ever faithful, tried and true, but interfere with Diane...and an English Bull-Dog will be you." A breeze blew through the building, and knocked over a vase. Ariel smiled. She snapped her fingers, and the vase returned to it's spot.
Cal smiled, as he watched Carol and Doug twirl across the dance floor to the
swing music. He looked around, approvingly. The decorating team did a great job.
Cal loved the 'easy' fantasies, when even he could pull them off. Little magic
He checked his watch. Carol and Doug were staying at the Ritz, in New York for the night, and then taking a boat ride in Central Park. Cal loved the '20's, just not the '30's. Getting stuck on the island was depressing enough.
Diane stood on the beach's edge, looking over the vast blue water. She could easily tell it's appeal. This was a place to relax, and enjoy yourself. Clia kept asking about what she wanted. Diane laughed, and then jokingly said that she would love twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep: No beeper, husband, or baby.
Diane had traded her Kakuei shorts and white shirt for a white mini sundress, and sandals. She was already going around barefoot, carrying the sandals with her.
"Dr. Grad," Diane heard a call from across the beach. She saw a young woman of about Diane's height, carrying what appeared to be books. Diane walked across to help her.
The woman smiled, and they shook hands. "Hi. I'm Ariel, Mr. Roarke's assistant. I was thinking that maybe this will help you find out a little more about your mother." she handed Diane the ledger, and a folder.
"Ariel, did you know her?"
Ariel smiled, sadly. "I just came here a short while ago. I'm just now finding out about Kelly Perkins, Dr. Grad."
"Call me 'Diane."
Ariel smiled, sympathetic "Listen, Diane. You pretty much have a good idea of where you need to go. I can tell that. Follow your instincts. What's been happening lately with the intuition, and predictability, not to mention voices in elevators..."
"Just the one," interrupted Diane.
Ariel smiled. "Anyway, don't be scared by it."
Diane smiled. "I'm not."
"And be careful with what you do here. New powers can be very tricky." she said, and walked away.
Diane watched her walk away, and wonder about the warning. Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She didn't dare turn around, not out of fear but annoyance. "You know if you took a picture, it would last longer," she announced. Diane turned around, and the feeling was gone. She huffed. "This is getting to be a bit too weird."
CHAPTER III: Is There a Doctor in the House?
Ariel sat back in Switzer's overgrown desk chair, reading the medical guide for sutures. She still had no idea, why Roarke let Switzer go back to Africa anyway. Someone else was running the guy's clinic, and there seemed to be no need. Ariel would have loved to seen the look on that poor doctor's face, when Albert Switzer, probably his mentor, walked in. She laughed at the thought.
"Ariel...Ariel," yelled a nurse, from outside. Ariel took her feet off the desk, and started outside. A nurse, Tula, was helping Switzer up the stairs. The man looked ill. His eyes were blood shot, and
seemed to be crying it's own red tears. A red rash covered his body, and he was sweating. Ariel held his up on the other side, and both women laid him down on a bed.
"What happened?" asked Ariel.
"He just came off the boat that way, mumbling. I couldn't make out what he was saying," said Tula. She looked down at her blood soaked white dress. "Plus he threw up on me."
Ariel caught her breath. "Go change into some scrubs or something."
Tula smiled, pleasantly. "Scrubs, you mean the boss is actually gonna let us out of these white things."
Ariel frowned. Roarke was always a stickler for those white dresses. "Maybe if we found a nice pattern, he'd change his mind. He definately wouldn't go for the plasma look."
Tula nodded, and left to change. Ariel noticed the other nurse, Molly walk in. "Will you watch him while I go on an errand?"
Molly nodded, and Ariel left.
Harry knocked on Diane's bungalow door.
It wasn't as if he wanted to do it, he had to do it. All that could come of the truth was a broken heart. He would convince the lady doctor that her life has been a good one, and finding her family just wasn't in the bargaining chips. A foul wind started blowing over the bungalow. It made Harry, uneasy. He knew that Roarke would be keeping a watchful eye over Diane, and would not take too kindly to his manager playing the interloper. He sighed deeply, and said "For
your own good, sir. I must do it," and he rang the doorbell.
From inside the bungalow, Diane heard the doorbell ring. She put down the ledger, and walked to the door. She checked though the peephole, and was confused to see no one there. Diane was about to leave, when she heard a scrapping at the door. Diane opened it up, and saw a great bulldog staring up at her.
She got down on her knees. The poor dog was whining. Diane petted him under the chin, and found a burgundy tie hanging from his neck. "Well, that's a strange thing to use for a dog leash." She pulled the dog inside.
The bulldog walked though the door, and followed Diane as she continued picked up the ledger, and continued to read. The dog finally jumped up on the bed, and laid his head on Diane's arm.
She looked at him. "I don't know who you belong to, but that didn't even work with my husband's dog."
Diane finally closed the ledger, and sighed. It did give her all the information she wanted to know, and stuff she hadn't wanted to know. Depending on the story, Alfeda Perkins wasn't crazy after all.
"Depending on your perspective, she's nuttier than a loon," said a voice from across the room.
Diane didn't even look up. She knew who it was. "So you decided to take the more direct approach?"
Roarke moved from behind the door to the door arch. "You can hardly expect a person to know how to deal with this."
Diane looked up, and Roarke could see tears in her eyes. He walked closer and traced one of the tears with his finger, and handed her a small diamond. It made Diane smiled.
"I must be loosing my touch. You would laugh as a baby with that trick."
"How long was I here for?"
Roakre didn't even have to think about it. "You lived here, from the time you were born, until you were 3." "Why was I put up for adoption?"
"It's a rather complicated tale.
"I have all the time in the world."
Ross, still clad, in his tuxedo from 1920s, picked up Switzer's arm, and let it drop to his side. "My medical diagnosis: he's dead."
Ariel had made her way through the crowded ballroom, and convinced Doug and Carol to take a look at Switzer.
Carol stood by wearing a silver flapper dress, along with latex gloves. She didn't like the looks of him. "It's just a precaution," she told the two nurses.
"His color's off, and that blood. Listen, Ariel...go get Diane Grad. She loves to play around with weird symptoms."
Ariel nodded, and headed for the bungalows.
"Let's hope this isn't what I think it is," continued Ross. He looked over at Cal, who stood there, afraid to move. "Where did you say he just came back from?"
Ross digested this information, and cocked a smile. "Well, that's just really great." He opened a closet and was grateful to see isolation equipment stored there. "Carol, I want you to take Cal, and, " He looked over at the younger nurse. "Molly, isn't it?" She nodded. "Take Molly, and get out of this building, right now."
"Doug, what about..."
"Do it, Carol."
The urgency in his voice made her more afraid then ever. She led Cal and the scared nurse out the door.
Doug looked over at Tula. "For once, I'm really glad for latex gloves."
"It's the virus, isn't it, Dr. Ross?" asked Tula.
"We don't know that, Tula. That's why we're taking precautions," he said.
Tula already paced the floor, scared. "I worked in Africa during the virus. It took out whole villages. I decided to take the job here. Hell, treat hangnails, and paper cuts. Last week, we removed a guest's appendix...I mean, that's how exciting the office gets."
"Who else has had contract with the doctor?"
"I'm the worse off. He threw up on me. Ariel helped me get him in here."
Doug found a medical chart pad, and began writing his notes. "Well, we're gonna have to isolate you, Ariel, Diane, and myself."
Tula shook her head. "I wouldn't worry about Ariel. She's Mr. Roarke's fantasy. She never gets sick."
Doug laughed. "Well, fantasies have a funny way of becoming reality."
Diane walked to the window, and looked out over the sky. The clouds here were beautiful, and she had only imagined such a place in her childhood dreams. Now, she found out they were memories.
She turned to Roarke, who still looked concerned. "I've always had this fear that if I got use to anything or would taken away from me. I tried to get over that fear during college, medical school...."
"Jake, the adventurer" he said, completely disgusted.
She laughed. "Hey, I dumped wasn't the other way around."
The dog barked, and headed for the door. Diane walked after him. "Now, what does he want?"
"Didn't Jake affect the outcome of a possible relationship with Alan Birch?" asked Roarke.
Diane frowned. "Yes. I wished he would have told me how he felt, before he died."
"One can always say that things would have been different when the other person is no longer here," commented Roarke.
Diane stopped before she reached the door. "So when my mother came here, wanting me back, if you had known that she would have been killed.... would you have still given me over?"
Roarke was silent, not wanting to tell her that it hadn't been his decision. Diane had gotten her point across. "People like to think that if a loved one was still alive that things would be different. It's comforting to them." she turned around, and opened the door. "I'm starting to sound like a shrink."
She opened the door, just as Ariel started to knock. "Oh. Diane, Dr. Ross said that he needs you at the infirmary. Our Dr. Switzer is back."
Roarke smiled. "The good doctor decided to make an appearance?"
"And disappearance: He's dead. There's blood coming out his eyes and nose, plus he's cover in a rash. He also had a fever."
Roarke frowned. "Looks like we'll need a new doctor."
The dog growled at Ariel, making her look in his direction. "Harry? Ah...speak."
"Well, if you ask me...he probably has a touch of Danga fever," mouthed the dog.
Roarke gave Ariel a small frown/half smile. "You turned Harry into a English Bulldog."
"It was just if he went to see Diane, with the intention of turning her away from the truth. It's his own fault. Could we get back on the subject of the doctor?"
"My own fault?" Harry asked. "I've never been so humiliated in all my life."
"You're young, Harry. Just wait."
He scratched his ear. "I think I have fleas."
Diane rolled her eyes, annoyed at the current display between the staff. She grabbed her medical bag, and headed for the infirmary. Harry ran after her. "Dr. Grad, I hope this doesn't dissuade your opinion of me."
"You need me to change you back, right?"
"Well, actually yes," he answered back.
Diane wrinkled her nose. "Maybe later...letcha suffer," she said with a laugh.
The dog/manager stopped. "This is hardly fair."
Diane turned around, and smiled. "Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas. Ya coming, Harry?"
"You do know that there is a faster way to get to the infirmary?"
Diane stopped walking, and grew quiet. Harry caught up with her, and looked at her puzzled. Diane closed her eyes, and tried to think.
In an instant, she was standing in the infirmary, with Doug and Tula staring at her. "Learning something new, Diane?" asked Ross.
"None of you business, Dougie," she said, hotly, pulling on an isolation suit, and air bubble.
"Let's get him into the cooler."
"You know, you weren't this mean before you had the baby," he remarked.
"Now, you two this is hardly the time for spats," remarked Roarke, as he and Ariel walked in.
Ross smiled. "Tula, looks like Mr. Roarke will be staying with us."
Tula tried hard not to laugh.
"Dr. Ross, I have a hotel to run...."
Diane looked Switzer over, and frowned. "No one's leaving, except Harry. Did he just come back from Africa?"
Ross nodded. "The great bacterial country itself. My guess: doing what Switzer did best."
"This looks seriously like Emboli," remarked Diane.
Tula groaned, and sat down.
"But we won't know until the autopsy, and after tests are run."
"What's the quickest way of finding out?" asked Roarke.
Ross answered. "Autopsy: but there's a four-day isolation period." He smiled.
"Hey, Diane...aren't you glad Geiger and the gang isn't here."
Diane frowned. "I wasn't stuck with them during that scare."
She looked at the covered windows. "Did you already start isolation procedures? What about the island?"
Tula answered. "It took at least five minutes to get him here, and another 15 before Dr. Ross got here."
"Who touched him?"
Ariel frowned. "Tula, myself."
"I'm guilty," answered Ross.
Diane frowned. "If it is Emboli. That means it could be an air born pathogen. It's a good thing that this is an island, because no one's leaving for the next four days. Is there anyway to occupy the guests while we wait?"
Roarke sighed, deeply. He turned to Ariel, and smiled.
Ariel looked at him disbelieving. "You're kidding, right?"
Cal looked at Harry. "Ya gotta be kidding me."
Harry jumped up on the table. "I know. Incredible isn't it."
Carol looked at the dog/manager. "Why is that dog talking?"
"My God, Harry. What did Ariel do to you now?"
Harry huffed. "Did you hear a word I said? We have to send every guest on a
fantasy for four days."
"Do you know how much that's gonna cost?" asked Cal, mortified at the very
"Do you want them to possibly give a virus that will liquefy organ tissue, and
kill millions of people?"
This comment made Carol faint. Cal moved quickly to catch her before she hit the
floor. "And the boss is stuck in the infirmary too?"
"Do you think we'll have to get Scotty?"
"I'm not going to ask that little twerp for help. He may have a monopoly on everything else around here, but I'd rather leave viruses to the specialists."
Cal glared at Harry, and decided to take drastic action. "What are the most popular fantasies?"
"F-4. Beauty and Popularity. F-5. Viagra took care of that one."
Cal paced the floor, thinking. "What about F-50, and F-51?"
Harry looked at him, from his perch. "There is no F-50, and 51?"
Cal smiled. "Yeah, but they don't know that."
CHAPTER IV: F-50 and 51
Diane held the scalpel, as Doug held his breath. Both of them were clad in the protective air bubble suits. Switzer had been moved to the cooler, where if any virus was in fact would be contained. She cut along the torso line. The once cherry red skin, now bluish-gray, separated like paper. Diane set the scalpel down, and reached for a clamp holding the tissue back.
Doug reached in for the first organ: the stomach. "Diane."
"What?" she answered.
"I have good news, and then I have bad news." "What's the good news?"
"He didn't die of Emboli."
"What's the bad news?"
"He didn't die of Emboli."
Diane glared at him, through her fogged up bubble. "This is no time to joke, Doug."
He smiled. "No kidding. Let's do a Spinal Tap."
Diane rolled her eyes, agitated. "What's the point?"
"Think of it this way, Diane. What if Switzer finally kicked from something simple? I mean he has been 'dead' for a while. His immune system might not be up to par."
"It might not even be there at all," she thought out loud.
Doug nodded. "All regular inhabitants, with the exception of the pilot, usually stay here. Switzer went off the island. What if something fairly simple caught him?"
Diane thought it over. "Let's check his lungs."
Ross groaned, mournfully. "I hate autopsies."
Carol walked around the grand staircase of the 1950s Beverly Welshire, in something she told her mother that she wouldn't be caught dead in...a skirt, and suit. Her curly black-hair was set up in a French twist, and she looked everything like a hotel manager.
She noticed Harry, walking by. It took her half an hour to put a diamond dog collar on him, and he looked everything like a sophisticated pet of the day. He sat down in front of Carol. "This is entirely humiliating."
Carol bent down to meet him on eye level. "I'm not the one who pissed off a Greek Goddess, so suck up and live with it. Consider it a learning experience," she said, as the guests walked by.
"I've learned enough. I got turned into a goat, because I went a long with Cal,
and Fisher to get Roarke fired."
Carol made a face. "What he ever do to you?"
The dog/manager laughed. "Don't get me started on that one. Do you know that we live in a hovel?"
"You ever hear of going on a strike? That's what my nurses did."
Harry was silent for a moment. "He'd replace us in a minute."
Cal walked over. "So how's F-50 going?"
Carol smiled. "Smoothly. Has anyone contacted the infirmary?"
Cal smiled. "I was about to do that. I thought that you might like to join me."
Carol smiled. "I'd love to." and took his arm.
"What about me?" anxiously asked Harry.
"What about you?" asked Cal.
"Whose running this place, while you're off communing with the afflicted, like Mother Teresa?
"Harry!..long time, how the flies?" said Scotty. He walked out from behind a potted plant, and adjusted his tie. "Never thought I'd actually be able to help with these things."
Harry groaned, jumped off the desk, and headed for the office.
Tula looked at Ariel, with concern. "You aren't looking that great."
"I didn't eat breakfast, that's all."
Tula frowned at her, while she felt Ariel's forehead. "You're a little warm." She walked over to the desk, and opened the bottom drawer. Taking out a piece of stripped candy, she handed it to Ariel. "Here, get some sugar in that too skinny system."
Ariel took the candy, and smiled. "What would we ever do without you, Tula?"
She glared over at Roarke. "I can think of a few things." Tula walked over to the cabinet to get the blood pressure cup.
Roarke walked with her. "Do I detect a hint of a sting?"
Tula shook her head, in amazement. "Knew I should have taken that job with the bomb squad."
He glared. "What's wrong, Tula?"
Tula frowned, sadly. "Roarke, I have been on this island for over 20 years. I was here when this place was created. I'm probably the only one who came willingly, except for Tattoo...and he jumped ship."
Roarke glared, harshly. His former assistant was always a sore spot.
Tula rummaged through the closet, until she found the insulin jars, and glucose sticks. "I supported you when Harry and Cal were brought here, kicking and screaming. HELL...I even supported you when you hired a doctor who couldn't speak a word of English."
"You and I have always been there to translate."
"That means nothing, Roarke. We're stuck in the infirmary, with a case of Emboli, thanks to your lovely Dr. Albert Switzer, and I'm thinking my life here isn't worth squat."
Tula rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Non fulfilled. I've been a nurse for 30 years. I spent eight years in a Manhattan ER, and two in a small village in the African Jungle. Fisher picked me up after that, and I've been playing second fiddle to every lame-brain medical professional you've found ever since."
"You even had your assistant, whose already too over worked work here too. I love it here, Roarke, but things have got to change."
"You're not going to retire on me, Tula, are you?"
Tula looked at Roarke, expressionlessly. "Maybe, maybe not"
Roarke smiled. "All right. No more famous dead physicians."
"Next doctor, I will find him, and I don't care if he speaks German, Russian, or Cantonese: his second language will be English."
"Plus, the nurses get to wear scrubs."
Roarke frowned. "No."
Tula was ready for this. "Yes. Nurses stopped wearing those stupid white hats around the 1970s, and the dresses back in the mid 1980s. You remember...I actually do get off this island."
Roarke glared. A small wind picked up, and breezed through the windows.
Tula sighed, heavily, annoyed by the temper tantrum that the boss was having. "The dresses are uncomfortable, and impractical. I can find a nice 'island' style print...not gouty. Scotty can help. He's got a monopoly on everything around here, why not the scrubs?
Roarke still frowned. He didn't like being challenged.
Tula glared. "I'm not backing down."
Roarke rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Fine, except when the inspector comes."
Tula smiled. "Of course," she said, and got the stuff to set up a stick of glucose for Ariel, with a hypo-spray.
Doug emerged from the freezer, with a laugh. "Froze my hide off in there." He noticed Ariel laying on a bed, looking not all that well.. "Ariel, you OK?"
"I missed breakfast that's all. Tula's going overboard."
"That I should," expressed the nurse, as she walked back in with the hyperspray. "You work too hard to get sick for an unappreciative boss." She glared at Roarke.
Ariel sighed. "They're fighting, too."
Doug smiled down at her. "Tell ya what...just imagine the words come out of their mouths as big band music."
Ariel concentrated on Roarke and Tula, and pretty soon the two could be heard a dueling trumpets. They stopped arguing, and turned to Ariel, who smiled.
Doug sat next to her. "Now, both of you. This is hardly the time for spats," imitating Roarke. Ariel giggled.
Diane emerged from the freezer, with a smile. "it was the Measles." She noticed Ariel. "Hey, you OK?"
Ariel glared. "What do I have? A big sign on me?"
Harry laid his head down on his paws, and looked up at Scotty. An annoyed guest
was being difficult, and Scotty was making the situation even worse.
He raised his head, when he saw Carol run in. "What's the problem, Scotty?" she
Scotty frowned. "Mr. Freedman is having a little trouble."
Carol smiled, warmly, at the short balding man. "What can I do for you?"
"I came here two days ago, asking for a very short fantasy. Now that it is over
with, I'd like to leave. Your bell-boy, here, says that we can't leave."
Scotty frowned, and was about to let the guy have it, when Carol stomped on his
foot with her heel.
Carol smiled. "Yes, that's true. Unfortunately, a hurricane coming to the
island. It was unexpected, and very sudden. We don't have enough equipment
to evacuate so we'd thought we'd try out a new fantasy for everyone."
She took his arm, and they walked across the furnished lobby under the enormous
glass chandelier. "Of course, this fantasy is absolutely free. In a
few days, we'll ask everyone to critic it for us. You will also be awarded a
consultant's fee for any inconvenience this may have caused you."
He looked at her, in shock. "We're getting paid to stay here."
Carol smiled. "Of course, sir."
Freedman walked off, happy. Carol walked back to the desk, and sighed heavily. Harry looked at her. "Now, how are we going to pay 400 guests a consultant's fee?"
Carol took out a small laptop, hidden in the desk. "Tell me. Harry, isn't it awfully convenient that just when a couple of doctors and a nurse show up for a vacation, and one of the docs just happens to be the boss's daughter: this island has a medical emergency."
Harry looked up. "It could be just as you said. Funny timing."
Carol huffed, as she punched the keys for about 10 minutes, then smiled, as she pulled out a plastic card. "I love Fantasy Island technology."
"Whose card is that?" asked Scotty.
CHAPTER V: Bad Enough
Cal grinned, generally sucking up. "I'm really glad you're OK, boss." He looked down at Ariel. "Ariel, ya look like hell."
"Thanks," she barely managed to get out. She turned over on her side, in pain.
Roarke looked was fretting over her, worried because for once the situation was beyond his control. "Can you give her something?"
Tula looked at the blood sample in her microscope. "You were right. Switzer had no immune system."
"Well, how can he have no immune system?" asked Cal.
"Well," started Doug. "We think that since you have basically dead people here on an island, with no natural diseases, they would be no need for an immune system." He looked at Roarke. "Didn't anyone tell you this?"
Roarke shook his head, confused. "It was never brought up. Switzer wanted time off."
Cal glared. "The dead doc gets time off, but when we want it we're stuck here?"
Roarke glared at his employee. "Now just isn't the time."
At that point, Carol walked in. "I need authorization to withdraw 1.5 million off of Fisher's VISA card."
This stopped everyone. "Why?" asked Roarke.
"Consultant's fees for the guests...all 400 of them."
Roarke shrugged, and gave her the OK. "Sounds reasonable."
"So no immune system, but someone had to know," said Diane, "and that person didn't tell everyone else." She turned around, and leaned against the table.
Doug thought for a minute. "We could give everyone flu shots?"
"With no immune system, Doug, that's like giving the hen to the fox," spoke Carol. "Am I the only one who finds it interesting that just when this island has a medical emergency, two doctors and a nurse are here?" asked Carol. Everyone ignored her.
Carol frowned. "Fine, I'll go back to the hotel and take care of 400 unappreciative guests. She looked over at Ariel, and was disturbed by her calm expression.
Carol set the form on a near by table, put her ear down to listen for Ariel's breath. "AH. People, I think maybe we've gotta a problem."
Doug frowned. "We got any O-neg. here Give everyone a blood transfusion."
Diane smiled. "That's a good idea. The red cells in the blood would act as an immune system, but like Typhoid to AIDS."
"Forget it, Diane. Everyone thought you were nuts when you tried that."
"It worked, didn't it."
Ross shrugged.
Carol pulled Tula over to Ariel. "This is a little more then low blood sugar," she whispered.
Tula took out her stethoscope, and listened. "Her lungs are loaded.
Carol took the earpieces from the nurse, and listened for herself. "She needs a Trak, or she can't breath."
Tula took the pieces back. "Forget it. She's crashing!" she said, and started doing compressions.
The girl shivered, in the black coldness, and pulled the thin white shawl around her. She took the gold band off of her brown hair, and let it fall over her shoulders, as she pushed her dress over her bare feet. Lilly looked down into the mirror pool, and continued to watch in amazement. Ariel was really dying. Gabriel had gone to far this time. The girl got up, and started to walk around. "Gabriel, you coward, show yourself."
The Void around her rumbled, and shook. Finally, a being emerged from it's black depths. "The rules were very clear."
Lilly rolled her eyes, annoyed. "And to think that I thought you would be over that. So Miranda came back...big deal." She turned to the pool. "There are more important things to worry about then your precious ego."
She felt the dark angel grow angry. "You're in hardly the position to judge me, Lilly," he spoke, mocking her.
Lilly turned around, and smiled coyly. "So if the good doctor hadn't shown up, asking for nothing important...just information about her biological mother, you wouldn't be killing the only woman Roarke will ever love, because he had the nerve to fall for the one that you did?"
Gabriel looked at Lilly, about ready to send her into oblivion. Lilly glared at him, daring him to try.
"Tact was never your strong suit." He turned and walked away.
Lilly frowned. She wanted him to admit that this entire exercise was revenge motivated, if not for her own self-satisfaction...then loud enough for someone to hear.
Instead, she looked into the pool. Doug Ross was trying, in vain, to find a heart monitor...maybe even a portable Defibrillator. Lilly knew they weren't there. If Gabriel had a mind to kill someone, He wouldn't leave anything around to help them with. Ross, instead, started CPR. Carol was fixing together a makeshift criche tube. Roarke and Cal were staying out of the way, but Lilly could see that both of
them wanted to do something.
Lilly turned to see where Gabriel was. He had his back to her.
Lilly spotted Diane. She was, between breaths, coaxing Ariel back. It had to be working. Ariel was no where to be found in the Void.
Lilly gathered her skirts, and stood over the pool. She took a deep breath. "What's another millennia in this place, anyway?" she said, and jumped in.
The office was quiet for once.
Clia watched 'Ricki Lake', and Fisher went through the mail. He stopped at the VISA bill. "What 1.5 million dollar withdrawal?"
Clia got up, and took the bill from him. "It's Roarke's authorization. You can write it off on your taxes. Hey, you'll get reimbursed at the end of the year."
"It's embezzlement!"
"It's business."
"Give me one good reason for this much money."
Clia looked down and noticed a memo hanging out of Fisher's desk. She took it out, and began reading. Fisher tried to take the paper from her. "'Dated January 14, 1592 Since the great plague of Europe has taken over much of the population, there will be no more guests until further notice. Our Scientists confirmed that since many of the island's residents are 'island born'...they have no immune system.' Fisher, why didn't you give this to Roarke?"
He shrugged, innocently. "Forgot?"
She huffed. "Who told ya to forget?"
Fisher frowned. "I'll give ya two guesses, and the first one doesn't count."
Clia eyes narrowed. She grabbed the remote and changed the channel. The current action in the Infirmary appeared. "20 bucks Roarke wins this time."
Fisher smiled, devilishly. "You're on."
Roarke turned and caught Lilly just before she hit the floor. "Thanks," she said. "Put me down. Gabriel's going to be here, soon."
"What does he have to do with this?"
Lilly wiggled out of his arms, and ran over to Doug. "Doug, this is Fantasy Island. Go down to the double doors downstairs."
Ross frowned. "This isn't working." He lifted her up, and ran back to the main building, followed by everyone except Roarke and Lilly.
"Why is he doing this, Lilly?"
Lilly shook her head, and ran out the door.
Jerry was about to sip his coffee, when Doug kicked the Steal double doors, and startled Jerry. He carried a young girl that seemed to be unconscious.
"Jerry, get Mark, and Carter. Tell them I have a cyanotic patient in Day 2 of the Measles. She has a compromised immune system."
"Aren't you suppose to be on some island?"
"Jerry, do it," yelled Carol, as she ran in with another nurse.
Jerry grabbed the phone, and started paging everyone.
Physician's Assistant Jeannie Bouleat followed Doug into Trauma 2. She looked the girl over. "Measles?"
"It's a long story. I need two.." "Four," corrected Carol.
"Four bags of O-Neg., and a rapid infuser. Where is everyone?"
At that moment, Medical student Lucy Knight ran in with the blood. "Need a
Doug motioned her up to the front. "Need a fresh eye up here. Criche her."
Lucy looked at Doug, amazed. "On a kid? You had a fit the last time," she said,
grabbing the tube."
Carol glared at Doug, who shrugged.
Lucy carefully inserted the tube down Ariel's windpipe, past the vocal cords, and down her throat. "Got it."
At that point, Kerry Weaver came in. "Doug, we have a clearly upset father out here, with of all people: a doctor from Chicago why is that? Aren't you suppose to be in a foreign country, and who's that nurse over there?"
"Tula Roberts, former Manhattan General ER chief nurse," Tula answered.
"Kerry Weaver, Interim ER Chief. Is this your daughter?"
Tula laughed. "Friend of the family. Ariel's always had a weak system, and she played with a child that came down with the measles last week. Her parents are faith healers, but after she stopped breathing...we decided to come here." Carol and Doug nodded their agreements.
Kerry scoffed. "Whatever. What's her B/P, Lucy?"
"60/100 and raising."
"Give her 10cc of Protienous inhibitors, and get the other regiments for the AZT cocktail"
"Forget it. This kid doesn't have AIDS," commented Doug.
"Doug, if she has a compromised immune system, this will help combat the Measles, and strengthen her immune system."
Doug and Carol looked over at Jennie, who nodded her head. "I agree with Kerry."
They looked over at Lucy. "Your opinion?"
"There have been studies on AZT for people with weakened immune systems. A 6 week treatment helped considerably."
"Six weeks on AZT for Roarke, and Ariel: I've done crazier things in my day."
She watched Kerry leave. "Is she always like that?"
"Yes," everyone answered at once.
CHAPTER VI: These are the Days...
Diane looked into Roarke's scared eyes. "Hey, she's going to be alright."
Cal frowned. "That's easy for you to say. You don't have 'the kiss of death's girlfriend hanging around."
Diane turned around and noticed her for the first time. "You're death's girl friend?"
Lilly frowned at Cal. "I'm not his girl friend, Cal."
He laughed. "Right, you've just spent the last 10 years with him for your health," he snapped back.
"Listen, Moron. I've spent the last 10 years with him for the same reason you've spent the last 2 years on the island. I did something he didn't agree with."
Cal snickered. "Probably didn't cook his dinner, right."
Roarke had enough. "Cal, will you go back to the Welshire for me, please?"
Cal looked at Roarke, mystified. "Sure, boss. Someone call over there and let us know how Ariel is doing." He smiled, and walked out of the ambulance bay doors.
Diane looked at her watch. It was actually working again. "I think I'll take advantage of this break, and call Billy."
Roarke seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Lilly smiled, and nodded. Diane walked over to the desk.
Roarke watched her go, and grabbed Lilly by the arm. "Why is he doing this again?"
"Let go of me, Roarke."
"Roarke," she smacked him, and he let her go. "Get a hold of yourself. She's not going to die, all right. For once, everything is going fine. He didn't even notice when I jumped in the mirror pool."
"Unless, you did something really stupid...I highly doubt anything else will happen."
She walked ahead of him, leaving him standing there. Lilly turned around, and walked back to Roarke. "Let me rephrase myself. I won't let anything else bad happen. Let's go see Ariel."
"So you were born on an island...way to go, babe," commented Billy, as he handed baby Emily over to Danny Nyland. "So what's your father like?"
Diane looked over at Roarke. "Strange as hell. I haven't really gotten a chance to talk without being interrupted. I have questions that I haven't asked yet. How's Emily?"
Billy looked over at Danny. He sat Emily down on the couch, and stuck a video into the machine. Strange music came over the set, and a man with could be seen drinking milk with his friends. Naked statues of women surrounded the bar. Danny sat, covering Emily's eyes.
Kronk glared at the TV. "Babe, listen...good luck with your father. I have to go...the baby's crying."
"Ok. Is Danny there?"
The dialogue started about a guy named Alex, and his 'droogs'. Billy laughed. "Oh yeah. Danny's here all right."
"Well, I won't have to worry. I mean, Danny is a priest after can't get into too much trouble with a priest and a baby. I'll call later. Love ya, bye."
Billy turned off the phone, and set it down. "When are you actually going to start telling people that you're an Episcopal priest?
"What and ruin my sex life? You ever hear of 'The Thorn Birds'?"
Tula looked over the instruction for the AZT cocktail. Remind me to tell Scotty that we'll need another crate of Orange Juice."
Ross finished writing his notes. "He's also going to learn how to stock a proper infirmary."
"I think Gabriel is the one who took the Defibrillator," spoke Lilly.
"Why would he do a thing like that?" asked Carol.
"Because he's a cross between Charles Manson and Newt Gingrich."
Roarke held Ariel's small hand. "Always wondered if you would turn younger if you got off the island."
She smiled. "8 years old is better then 8 weeks. I never want to go through that again."
"And you never will."
Ariel smiled, and fell asleep again.
Diane held her throbbing head, as if this would stop the enormous migraine that was coming. A phone rang, and out of reflex she picked it up. "County ER," she answered, and wrote down the emergency, and handed to Mark Greene. He smiled at her. "Not that I hate having you here, Dr. Grad, but word is that you're suppose to be on vacation with Doug and Carol."
"It can't be all that bad. No baby, no husband, no beeper. I would love it." She smiled, knowing that he was right. "You see that guy in Trauma 2, with the girl?"
Mark looked over, and nodded.
"That's my father."
He looked surprised. "Really? That's like your real father, 'cause I heard that you were adopted.
Diane glared. "Do you guys hear everything?"
"Well...since I've been working with the Paramedics, I hear all the good gossip." He looked at a chart. "Do you think Phillip Watters would mind if I used your services for a minute? I need a second eye, on a patient. He's got some pretty strange symptoms."
Diane sighed. "For a minute, then that's it."
They walked to a back room, where a man was sitting on a bed, looking tired. His presence set Diane on alert, instantly. There was something about him that was both familiar and frightening.
"Mr. Gabriel. I'd like to introduce you to Dr. Diane Grad, a visiting physician. She's been kind enough to look over your chart."
Gabriel smiled, and nodded.
Mark handed her the chart.
While Diane looked over the symptoms, a small...yet regal voice entered her head. "Why didn't your mother take you with her when you were born? There was no need to leave you on the island." Diane looked behind her. "Did you hear something?"
Mark shook his head. A knock on the door, broke the tension. "Dr. Greene," started John Carter. "Can I talk to you?"
"Be just a minute, Diane," and he left.
Diane continued to read the chart.
"He banished your mother, Diane."
Diane put the chart down, and looked at Gabriel. "It's you. You're the one whose been doing this."
"Very intuitive....but let's stick to the subject. Why would your mother leave you on an island, with a man she had...but one night with?"
"All it takes is one night, Gabriel."
"Still why did she leave?"
Diane slammed the chart down on the bed, and glared at him, angry. "I don't know why my mother abandoned me, when I was born or why she had a change of heart 3 years later? All I know is that that I have found my father, and I'm not going to test him to prove anyone's love. My husband taught me that. My daughter taught me that. All I see with you is a man who picked on a smaller person, and nearly killed her. You've already killed someone...what is it that you thought you'd
accomplish by doing this? This tactic might have worked when I was 25, and my parents were just killed in a car wreck...but it won't work now." She turned around, and saw Mark Greene and Carter staring back at her. "It's Montezuma's revenge. Give him a Barium enema," She said and walked out. "See what the hell is inside a pig like him," she yelled walking down the hall.
Carter looked at Greene, confused.
"She's on vacation," replied Greene.
Carter nodded still confused, and watched her leave.
At the office, Clia laughed it up, and kept score on a small chalkboard. "That's one for my team. Gabriel isn't doing so well."
Fisher frowned. "My team will triumph."
Clia huffed. "Right, and you'll become the next Mr. Universe."
Fisher hushed her. "Diane's walking back to the Trauma room."
Diane walked through the crowded ER, feeling a little better. She had looked her father's enemy in the face, and didn't flinch. Billy would defiantly be proud of her. She, suddenly, started to notice how chilly the hall was getting. The wind was out of place for this time of the year, and felt stale...almost moldy. Diane turned around, as a murky blackness engulfed her.
CHAPTER VII: Judgement Day
Lilly looked up, unsettled. Something was a miss. She walked over to the door, unnoticed by everyone. "Roarke, do you smell something?"
He sniffed the air. "It's a hospital...there's not much to smell."
Lilly walked over to the door, and opened it slightly...catching everyone's attention. She looked down the hall, and grew white with fright. "Oh shit." She turned, gave Roarke another gold band, and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, everyone was back in the infirmary.
Tula walked over to a shocked Roarke. "Do you have any idea what is going on with that girl?"
"For once...I have absolutely no idea."
"She just left here a minute ago."
Lilly turned around, frantic. A woman strapped to a gurney pulled her a side. "The blackness took her. The blackness..."
"It did?"
The old woman nodded, and Lilly thanked her and ran off.
Back at the agency, Fisher howled at Clia. "Cheater."
"What? I never said you couldn't help your team? Of course, if you also means I can stick you in the tube again."
Fisher scowled, and returned to the TV.
Lilly ran into another trauma room, was stopped by her reflection in the mirror. She hadn't seen herself in years. She looked at it, and concentrated hard. The reflection was replaced with a swirl of black smoke, and lightning. Lilly walked in without a second thought.
The world rushed by, and she fell back into the black depths that she despised, as much as Cal and Harry hated the island. As usual, her mirror pools were waiting for her.
So was he. "Didn't think you'd be gone for very long?"
Lilly turned around, and a lightening bolt shot at Gabriel from behind. "Where is she? I don't have time for your games."
He laughed. "Well, aren't we getting your maternal dandruff up?"
"Did anyone ever tell you that you're annoying?"
" least once a day. Now to the subject of Diane....where do you think I sent her, Lilly?"
It dawned on Lilly, suddenly. She frowned. "Did Kelly hurt you so badly that you'd shatter the any hopeful image her daughter would have of her?"
Gabriel smiled, coyly. "In a minute...."
"This was all revenge. You got Fisher to move the office to Chicago, and seek out Diane. You knew she'd go to the island to find out the information." She looked at him, disbelieving and near tears.. "You knew Switzer would come back, and infect the island possibly killing Ariel."
He chuckled. "OH, you are so brilliant when you're angry."
She ran up and slapped him hard. The noise echoed through the darkness. "It was bad enough that Kelly took Diane away from her father. You cause Alfreda Perkins's breakdown so that she'd kill Kelly and her own brother?"
Gabriel turned around, and glared at Lilly. His eyebrows narrowed, as he looked at her. She screamed, doubled over in pain, and crawled away from him.
"You absurd little girl, you think that you can get a confession out of me." He got down on one knee, and stared into her pained face. "I'll own this island, until Hera actually gets a wrinkle. Personally, I would have dropped you and your brother into the river if your mother hadn't begged me to help you, when she died. Both of you are nothing if not a speck on my wall."
In severe pain, Lilly crawled to a nearby mirror pool. Gabriel followed her.
"Crawling away like a dog won't save you, Lilly. I'm going to finish what I started years ago."
He moved closer to her.
Gathering what bit of strength she had left, Lilly bent down, grabbed his legs, and he went headfirst into the mirror pool. Lilly got up, took a much need breath and looked in.
The dark entity landed in front of a council of unseen participants. "Gabriel, you defiantly haven't learned your lesson. Haven't you?"
He looked scared for a moment. "They made me do it."
A man, rolled his eyes, disgusted. He moved out from behind the shadows. "That excuse doesn't fly anymore. The rules are simple. Gentleman, we looked away when he removed Baby Miranda from Roarke's care. We, ourselves, thought that in the long run it was for the best."
"BUT, he has admitted to repeated violations of the code. Murder, malice murder, attempted murder..."
One panelist leaned over to the Director. "Knew we shouldn't have gotten Clarence Darrow for the Prosecution. By the time he gets done reading the charges that new show with Malcolm McDowell will be over, and I'll have to wait until next week to see it."
The director shook his head. "I set the VCR."
"Finally my esteemed colleges, Gabriel has shown repeatedly that he doesn't even deserve to take care of the island, so in lue of giving Adam and Eve a
"Do you want to go to the boss with that?" asked one of the panelists.
"English, Man!," yelled the director. "I have a show waiting."
"I think we should fire him."
The panelists all nodded their heads. The director frowned at Gabriel. "Gab...hate to do this...but you're fired." He lowed his gavel, and the floor under Gabriel dropped. He fell through. Large flames came out, as the door was closed.
The director dried his brow with a handkerchief. "Hate when we have to do that. Someone round up Bill....tell him we need a new owner for the island."
He lowered his gavel again. "Lillian."
Lilly twirled her skirt around, and faced the Council. "Yes, sir."
"Go find the good doctor, before something else happens," he order, dryly.
"Yes, sir," she nodded. "Sir, my I ask?"
"No, he may not."
"But would only be for a couple of days."
The director smiled. "The Council has already voted on this. Your brother upset the Gods, and you let him."
"He was in love. You don't discourage something like nurture it," Lilly answered, hotly.
The director raised a finger to silence her. "Not to mention that you took the crime even further by taking the child as your own."
Lilly frowned. "You weren't helping her! Nobody was, and since when is love a crime. My brother was told that he couldn't take care of his own child. You had me practically married off to Cupid. I love my brother, so I took care of his daughter."
"That is beside the point."
"That is exactly the point," she yelled back. "You're a bunch of idiots. You would have loved it if Gabriel had actually succeeded and killed Diane."
They looked at her, already stunned at her out brust. "We don't interfear with a person's history."
"You play with fantasies," she shot back. "GOD forbid the people who actually do your dirty work should ever have normal lives." And she started to walk away.
"Problems have nothing to do with it, young lady," he spat at her.
She stopped, and walked back. "I did the only logical thing a person could do. I raised my niece, with my husband."
"You know she's got a point," voiced one of the panelists.
The director glared at the panelist. He turned his attention back to Lilly. "Yes, and where is that husband of yours now? Stuck on the island as he should be." He wrapped his gavel. "The crime against William of Roarke still stands. Go find Miranda, PLEASE."
Lilly glared at him, and ran off.
CHAPTER VIII: The Ruined Third Year
Carol looked up at the overhead mirror, and yawned. Doug was in the shower, singing Frank Sinatra tunes, loudly. Ariel's near death experience must have scared him...he usually was a pretty good singer. Now, he sounded like a drenched cat.
She gave up, wrote a note, and headed out to the abandoned island.
Roarke, in an effort to make Fisher pay though the nose, offered everyone another week in the Welshire fantasy. Everyone accepted.
He looked at Carol, and smiled. "Thank GOD."
"Hey, one week in a big hotel: I'd go for it, but I like our bungalow."
"You and Dr. Ross still haven't had your fantasy yet."
"I have. I got to run a major Hotel, just like in the book."
He looked at her questionably. "Book?"
Carol nodded. "There was a book called 'Hotel'. A TV show was even made out of it. I read it in high school and decided that I wanted to run a Hotel. My mother had a fit."
He chuckled. "What did your mother say?"
"She said 'Carol, over my dead body.' Then I figured it was over. Anyway, I'm a good nurse, and I love my job. It's just nice to finally live one out of my fantasies."
"You are a very good nurse, Carol Hathaway."
She remembered hearing that as soon as she walked into the Infirmary. "How's the patient?" she asked Tula.
"Wonderful. The AZT is actually working," she commented. She looked at the wall, as it turned white. Everything smelled like disinfectant.
"Doug won't stop singing Frank Sinatra in the shower. I decided to make a break from it."
She sat down beside Ariel's bed. Ariel was fast asleep, lying on her side.
Tula grinned. "Oh by the way, Scotty left me a little present." She walked to the cabinet, and pulled out a fully loaded 'Crash Cart.' "He wanted to get it in Sea water blue to match my scrub pants but I told him to not worry about."
"You got blue scrubs?"
Tula modeled them "Blue scrub pants, along with matching scrub tops. He wanted to get ones with pineapples, but I told him that I'd kill him if he did,"
Carol grinned. "You're lucky. For the longest, we had to wear 'putrid peach'. Now it's 'Bubble Gum pink', but it's not the only color."
Tula made a face. "Knew any good doctors who would want to move to an island?"
Carol shrugged. "Kerry Weaver."
Tula glared. "That's not even funny." And both of them laughed.
Carol looked around. "Is he still around or did you finally make him get some sleep?"
Tula frowned. "He's still worried about Diane and Lilly being our there."
"From what Roarke told me Diane and Lilly could be in some real trouble. Where is Gabriel from anyway?"
Tula frowned, and looked to the rising sun. "He's the closest thing to the devil as you can find."
Carol noticed the tone in Tula's voice. "Well, where ever they are? I hope they're safe."
"You mean 'when ever they are'."
Tattoo slid the jacket on, as he had a million times before. "There. A million bucks." He got off of his stool, and looked at the reflection. "Who'd you tick off anyway?"
Diane looked at herself in the mirror. "This looks horrible."
"Hey, wait...another year, we'll get Aramni suits." He said
Diane smiled. "He'll get the Armani...we might actually get to wear something normal."
Tattoo shook his head. "Not me, I'm getting replaced by this guy named 'Harry' from the medical office," he said and left.
Diane waited until he was gone to laugh. She looked in the mirror again. "OK, Grad. You were talking to Gabriel, and now you're here. So where's here?" She heard a giggle from the adjoining room, and walked in. Sitting in front of a wooden desk sat a little girl playing with a seashell. The toddler turned around. "Hi, I'm Miranda and it's my birthday."
"Hi, Miranda. I'm Diane. How old are you today?"
Miranda proudly held up three fingers with a huge smile. Diane was impressed.
"You are defiantly becoming a smart girl."
"Thank you."
A young woman came in, with a juice cup. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did she get into something?"
"Not at all, I just heard her, and came over." Diane looked on as the nanny gave Miranda the juice. "Does Da...I mean the boss leave her here often?"
"Just when guests arrive."
Diane looked out the window, and noticed the plane. "I think I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Miranda. Bye," she said and ran off.
She ran to the end of the dock, receiving a glare from Tattoo.
"Smiles everyone: Smiles," commanded Roarke.
Diane looked over at Roarke, and let out a small giggle. His hair was no longer white, but rather salt and pepper gray. The face was different too. The first guest descended from the plane, and Diane set herself up for another long narration that she had overheard when she arrived the first time.
"I find this entire thing self-deprecating," complained Harry. "At least take the collar off."
"What'd he say?" asked Scotty. He put 2 aces on the table.
"I have no idea," answered Cal. He laid a full house on the table. "Full house, monopoly boy."
"This isn't fair. You cheated."
"Did you know in the 1800s, they'd take guys out and shoot them for calling them a cheater?" he asked, glaring maliciously at Scotty.
Harry jumped off the desk, ran over to Cal's coat, and pulled out a hard full of cards. He dropped them on the floor. "You did cheat, Cal."
At that moment, Ross walked into the room. "Hey, have you guys seen Carol around?"
"Last I saw she was in the Infirmary," answered Cal. "Scotty got Tula a 'crash cart'."
Scotty took a cigar out of his mouth. "Can I help it if I appreciate the fine medical personnel of this island?"
Cal huffed. "You just want appreciate the fine legs of our medical personnel. You're so shallow."
Scotty glared. "Oh and like you're not."
"Tula is a wonderful expert in her field. It's not her fault that she looks like one of the Bond girls."
Ross shook his head. "Ah thanks," he said, and left, leaving them to argue over Bond girls.
"So you have a gothic vampire romance," said Diane. She stood on the edge of the pier. Roarke was greeting the guests.
Tattoo rolled his eyes, disgusted.
"Not to mention, a baseball fantasy camp for an 11 year old."
"That will be easy," commented Tattoo. Tattoo pulled out a St. Louis Cardinals cap. "No problem"
One of the guests walked by Diane, without a word. His presence brushed over her like a gust of cold wind. It wasn't Gabriel...she knew him. Who was it?
As the last guest emerged from the plane, Diane stopped and looked at her.
Tattoo's mouth dropped. "What's she doing here?"
"Who is she?"
"Randy's mother," said Tattoo, somewhat disgusted. He walked over to Marc, told him about his fantasy. Several guests had already ventured to the Hotel.
Suddenly the silence was broken by a shrieking sound. What appeared to be a comet or a meteor fell from the sky, and landed in the water with an explosion. Diane was the only one who saw it.
She walked over to near Roarke, and her mother, stunned. Kelly Perkins did look exactly like her. Diane concentrated on what they were saying. Roarke wasn't happy. Thank goodness the guests weren't around.
"How do you expect to leave her here the moment she was born, and then come back for her after 3 years? She doesn't even know you."
"That is beside the point. Miranda is my baby, Roarke. Gabriel said that I could get her now," Kelly shot back. She grabbed her bag, and headed for the door. She walked right up to Diane, and huffed. She turned around to Roarke. "Another assistant...OH, I'm so shocked."
"My name's Diane Grad. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"You can help me get my daughter, and then I can get the hell out of here," she answered and walked past her. Roarke walked after her.
Diane frowned, and realized the she didn't feel anything for this woman. She turned and watched her walk up the stairs. She sighed, disappointed. Kelly Perkins was defiantly a let down. Diane walked up to the main building.
A spat of water could be heard at the end of the dock, and Lilly grabbed the rope. She pulled herself over, and tried to wring out her soaked dress. Lilly looked down at the dolphin that had brought her to the dock. "Thanks Sally."
The dolphin waved goodbye with a flipper, and swam away.
Lilly got up, and looked around. "Forgot how small this pier was back when," she said, and ran to the Hotel.
Back at the travel agency:)
Clia laughed. "You remember how skinny I was back in the 60s." "Remember what we did back in the 60s?" asked Fisher.
"Not really."
Both laughed.
Diane watched the ensuing argument, with growing apprehension.
Kelly was being unreasonable, and Roarke was stubborn. 'Now, I know where I got it from,' Diane thought to herself.
There was no use inferring. It would happen the same way. Somehow, Diane could see the logic in knowing that the 3-year-old whose heart was about to be broken would in deed recover. She walked out of the room.
Diane saw Miranda sitting on the porch, and walked out to her. "So what are we going to do for the birthday girl?"
"Nothing," she said. Her lower lip was pushed out, and her eyes were red.
"Well, we can't do that."
"Yes, we can. I hate my birthday."
Diane kneeled down beside her. "You don't know what the word 'hate' means, Miranda. Don't ever use it."
Miranda looked at her wish her bluish-green eyes. Diane smiled, thinking that one-day Emily would look like this. "OK...but I still don't want to do anything for my birthday."
"Tell ya a secret."
"I never liked my birthday either."
"Why?" asked Miranda, curious.
"I think I just found out," she said, sadly.
Miranda frowned. "My mommy came to take me back," she said, sadly.
Diane nodded. "I know. Miranda, remember that it takes a special person to be a Mommy. Have you meet her?"
Miranda nodded. "She doesn't look like what Tattoo said."
"What'd he say she looked like?"
"She said that he had a giant head, and fangs, and ate people alive."
Diane tried to hide a smile. "Really, let me reassure you...people like that don't exist." She turned around, just a minute. She walked to a coconut tree, took one off and threw it to the ballpark.
It soared through the sky, and landed on Tattoo's head.
She turned around, and smiled at Miranda. "There. That's taken care of."
The toddler giggled. "You're strange."
"Wait 30 years, and you'll walk in my shoes."
"I wanted a some shoes for my birthday. Pink ones."
"Really? Maybe your dad got them for you."
"What are you doing?" asked Kelly, very harshly.
Diane's smile vanished, as did Miranda's. "We're discussing shoes, Mrs. Perkins." She put more voice on 'Mrs.', and walked over to Miranda. She took off her bracelet.
It was a special bracelet. It was a gold chain connected to a ring. The ring was the center point, as the bracelet ran down the hand like a cuff. Her Dad had won it for her at a state fair, when she was 12.
Diane looked at it, and then gave it to Miranda. "Here, this is your birthday present from me to you."
Miranda took it. "Thank you."
Diane got up and glared, maliciously at Kelly, and walked past her. Kelly followed, leaving Roarke to talk to Miranda.
"Listen," started Kelly. "I don't know who you think you are."
"I'm the one who thinks that you're a Class A bitch." That stopped Kelly from speaking.
Diane wasn't finished with her. "I'm the one...the ONLY one who knows what will happen to that child in three months, and years after that."
"When my daughter was born, both of us nearly died. I thank God every day that he gave me my husband and my child, and wondered would my real mother be proud of the way I turned out. Now it's just would my mom and dad be proud of me, because I know they would."
"Do you ever wonder if your daughter will think that, Kelly, because right now you've ruined her birthday."
"I'm perfectly capable of being a good mother to my child."
"Until something better comes along," Diane shot back.
Diane held her hands up to prevent her from speaking. She saw Roarke carrying Miranda into the room. She didn't want her to see an argument.
"I'm not going to persuade you of anything. Take her, and may God forgive you because she never will," she said, and walked away.
She left Kelly, stunned.
Half an hour later, Diane walked out to the dock to see Kelly and Miranda off.
Amelia was loading the plane, trying not to cry.
Diane squeezed her hand. "She'll be back. I know it."
"OK," she nodded. She kicked the airplane. "Scotty, are you done yet?"
Scotty emergied from under the plane. "You should be able to get off. Looks like gremlins or the dolphins have been playing with the wiring." He spotted Kelly walking down the pier, with Miranda. "I hate long good-byes." Scotty gathered his tools, and walked down to meet Miranda. He patted the toddler's head, and gave her his beret, then walked off.
Miranda ran over to Diane, and whispered "The doctor won't let Daddy come to see me off, because he put him to sleep."
Amelia laughed. "The doctor does that anyway." She took out a watch, and gave it to Miranda. "I expect to see you back, girl."
She nodded, and then looked at Diane. "What do I do now?"
Diane kneeled down. "I want you to turn around, and look at the skyline. I want you to remember violets. Remember that no matter how hard life is, there's always hope."
Miranda nodded, and Amelia lifted her up to the plane.
Diane turned to Kelly, and didn't say a word.
Roarke walked to the edge of the dock, where his newest assistant, Diane, was standing overlooking the water. "You made quite an impression."
"They left already," she asked.
He frowned. "Unfortunately. Miranda told me that you were very nice to her."
"I know what it's like to have birthdays ruined by annoying relatives and co-workers." She looked at him, and smiled. Reflex action: he looked...different. Diane frowned again. "I don't have to ask how you are with this."
"That woman took my child, Diane."
"I know."
Diane frowned. "What if I told you that she's going to be fine? That it will look bad for a while, but that she'll grow up, get married, have her own kid one day, and jump off that plane not the scared girl who left but...a veteran of the world." She kissed his sad face.
He smiled. "Time for work."
"Yes, Chief," she said, giving a mock salute.
He walked back to the hotel, leaving Diane to look over the blue water.
A sneeze startled her, and she turned around to see Lilly standing there, still soaking wet. Diane giggled. "You look like a water rat." She took off her coat, and placed it on the girl's shoulder.
"So what did ya see?" asked Lilly, anxious.
"Didn't see what Gabriel wanted me to. I saw a man deeply hurt over loosing his child and a girl who was saddened to leave. I didn't stick around for the ending." Said Diane.
"The council fired Gabriel. They're looking for new owners."
"You mean 'jailers'."
Lilly nodded. "I tried to get Roarke some days to go to Chicago with you, but I didn't make such a good impression."
"We'll worry about it later. Right now, I'd really like to go back." Lilly nodded.
The world grew dark, and they both disappeared.
"I could always put in for the doctor's spot. You and Tula could be my Class A nursing team. We could have an island ER."
"Forgot it. Mark and Kerrie would come back here, and drag us back."
Doug shrugged; it was a thought.
Suddenly a shrieking comet went through the sky, and landed in the water with an explosion. Carol looked up with a fright, as Lilly walked in from the water, and up to them. "I swear there has to be better ways of doing this."
Diane looked around at the dimly lit marble hallway. "Dr. Grad," said a voice from behind her. She turned around, and faced the council.
CHAPTER IX: Interface
"For the record," stated the director. "Before us is Miranda Diane Roarke."
Diane could hear an old typewriter in the background. She folded her arms in front of her, and glared at the director. "Might I ask why I'm here."
The director read the sheet, and didn't bother looking up at her. "No...just a moment."
Diane felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around, and noticed a graying gentleman. He smiled at her.
Diane looked at the director with growing impatience. Finally, she walked up to the podium, snatched the paper out of his hand, and walked back to her spot.
She read the paper out loud. "Miranda Roarke, guess that's me. Crimes against the Gods...what specific crime have I committed?"
"The crime of existence," answered an unseen voice.
Diane was trying to hide her fear. "So I was born...big deal. You guys took me from the island. Wasn't that enough?"
The graying gentleman walked ahead of her.
The director groaned, in frustration. "My esteemed collogues, we have no quarrel with the doctor. There is no reason for her presence, except for the council to make their presence known to her." Diane listened to him and then looked at the council, especially the director.
The director looked at Diane, and smiled. "He's right. We're here to establish our presence to you, and apologize for the way your childhood was."
"This is a switch," Diane answered back, scornfully. "What do you have to apologize about?"
"Your adopted mother gave us a pretty stern lecture about what we, as a council...."
"OH, right BLAME us," said one of the panelists.
The director ignored him. "First off the decision to remove you from the island. We felt that it shouldn't have been Roarke's decision."
Diane looked off into the distance, and waved it off. "Don't worry about it. Ruin my birthday...was time for my life to be screwed up anyway."
"Then there was the problem of your parents being killed. That was Gabriel's doing. We were aware of the situation, and did nothing to stop it."
"That and Clarence Darrow over here would get you a cup of coffee. It's water under the bridge."
The director swallowed hard. "There is of course the accidental death involving your adopted parents."
This caught Diane's attention. "What?!"
The director looked to Clarence. "Why don't you explain it?"
The prosecutor sat back and held his hands in front of him. "No're the one who gave the OK. If she's gonna blow anyone to Hell, it's gonna be you."
"It's not like they're dead," whined the director.
Clarence rolled his eyes. "Coward."
He looked to Diane, and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Diane, the reason that your parents died, in the car accident, is because your mother was island bound."
"Excuse me?" Diane could hardly believe it. "My mom was an islander?" She looked at the council. "You killed my mom and dad because they were islanders!"
"Actually your mother...later your father," corrected Darrow. He was enjoying himself.
Diane walked in front of the director. "Oh," she angrily laughed. "I get it. The little darlin' of Fantasy Island wasn't even suppose to be born. One thing that has always escaped me was why Kelly stayed on the island to have me. Being here kinda of makes me realize that I knew the answer all along."
The director looked at Diane. "Listen, we're trying to apologize..."
"Were you going to kill me, Director?" she asked, point blank.
The director glanced up at her. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about."
Diane frowned. "There were three guests on the plane on the day that I was taken. I remember a 'Gothic Vampire Romance', a boy's baseball fantasy camp, and another. It was you, wasn't it Mr. Director?"
The other panelists looked at her, then him. He appeared to be angry.
"Just what are you accusing me of, young lady?"
"I'm accusing you of attempted murder..."
"Malicious murder, murder with forethought, intent to do harm," added Darrow.
The director shot out a fireball at Diane. She blinked, and it turned to ice, falling at her feet.
The other panelists were startled.
Diane continued. "The plane had severe mechanical trouble that day. me. Scotty told Amelia that it had wiring problems. You would have killed me-which I wouldn't have appreciated, and Kelly...all because you didn't want Roarke to have a normal life."
Darrow raised his hand. "That's in violation of Code 14 of the Fantasy Island handbook, not to mention Code 1 of the Ten Commandments."
The other panelists glared at the director. One started a motion. "I move for the director to resign."
"All in favor say 'aye'."
"Aye," all said.
"Motion carried. Marley, we ask that you retire to a beach in Florida, or we're gonna send you to Hell."
The director glared at the panel. "Fine, you can have the trouble of running the damn island. I quit." With that, he disappeared.
Diane looked at the panel, anxiously. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Oh no, Dr. Grad. We tend to do this every thousand years anyway. We apologize for ruining your trip."
Diane shook her head. "Ya didn't ruin it. I know the truth. That was my fantasy."
"Would you like to know the entire truth about the island and what specifically your father did?"
Diane thought for a moment. "I'd like to know about the island, but not what my father did?"
The panelist nodded. "Fantasy Island was created from an 5 miles of the Garden of Eden. People are brought here: Deserving folks now who need break in their lives, a vacation. There are also those who need a well-deserved lesson."
"I see, and it's located in the Bermuda Triangle."
Another panelist asked. "How do you know that?"
She smiled. "I didn't. You just confirmed it."
The main panelist continued. "Anyway, the inhabitants, or as you called them 'islanders', are those who have not lived fruitful lives."
"Oh, cut to the case...they were on their way to Hell."
"As was said they were on their way to Hell. Considering that they are initially good was decided that they should be brought to the island."
Diane let the information digest. "Roarke is dead?"
"Now actually he's one of the live ones. Harry isn't, and neither is your adopted father."
Diane looked at him, in disbelief. She smiled. "Cal? Cal is my Dad. He doesn't remember anything."
"That was the idea."
Diane laughed. "My dad always liked the ocean. He'd always walk out there with me, and promise that no sharks would eat my feet." She frowned at the council. "Is he there because he helped me or is he there because his life lead him in that direction?
The panelist nodded. "Calibane was on the road to ruin. It was your adopted mother's love that save him, so that when he died...instead of going straight to Hell...."
"He gets to earn his wings," finished Diane. "Can't deny him of that."
The main panelist continued. "Your adopted mother, Lilly Roarke..."
Diane started laughing again. It was almost like being on the old show 'It's your life'. She half expected her first grade teacher to come out.
"Are you sure that you wouldn't like to know what it is that your father is there for?"
"Not really," she said, and snapped her fingers.
The room spun, and she opened her eyes. The main building loomed in front of her. Diane stared at it for a few seconds, wondering if it were real or just a mirage.
"I think it needs landscaping," said a voice from behind her.
She turned around, and smiled. "Hi Dad."
Roarke smiled back. "I guess it's safe to say Gabriel didn't try to harm you. Got a very interesting story from Lilly."
Diane smiled. "I...expressed my feeling to Kelly. Called her a few names. Talked to myself for a while, and visited the council."
He smiled. "You visited the council. How devilish? What'd ya do?"
"Accused the director of murder, and got him fired: it was so much fun." She kissed him on the cheek, and looked at the main building. He turned, surprised by the kiss, and smiled at his daughter. "I was thinking of maybe a Southern Veranda type deal."
"This had to be the most tiring vacation of my life," said Carol, as she walked down the pier towards the plane.
"Hey, think of it this way. We got adventure, dancing, management skills, and a story to tell everyone back at County. Hopefully they won't remember that we ran up a 14 hundred dollar hospital bill."
"and that was just the AZT," Carol commented.
"OK...this is my home phone number, my office phone number, my beeper, the hospital number, and fax machine. This is my e-mail address," said Diane running down the paper that she had just handed Roarke.
"Not exactly sure about e-mail but I can handle everything else," mentioned Roarke. He kissed her on her forehead, and she smiled. "By the way, there's a present in your bag."
"What is it?"
"Open it on the plane."
Lilly walked over, and smiled. "Stay in touch."
Diane nodded. "You know I will." She kissed, and hugged her. "I never slept with Bobby Englewood, like you thought I did." She whispered.
Lilly smiled. "I know, especially since Bobby became Roberta." Both of them laughed.
Ariel walked over, looking like her normal self. "I hate good-byes."
"This isn't a good-bye," said Diane. "It's more like a see-you-later."
"It still sounds like a good bye," said Ariel, and the two women hugged.
"Diane," yelled Doug, from the plane. "Get phone service. I'd like to get out of here before the turn of the century."
Diane glared back at Doug, and watched as Carol pulled him back into the plane. She turned back around, and smiled as Roarke was mentally thinking of turning Doug into a toad. "Forget it. He just hates that plane."
She hugged him, tightly, and kissed his check. "Told you that I'd come back." and ran to the plane.
Ross smiled. "Finally we can go."
Diane's face lit up, startled. "I forgot something. Harry!" She snapped her fingers. "There." She got into the plane. It took off.
At the hotel desk, Harry woke up with a jolt. Scotty smiled at him. "Ya know, Harry, that desk was made for standing at. Not sitting on."
Harry sat up, and looked him a mirror. He was back to his normal self. On the docks, everyone watched the plane as it took off.
Ariel leaned against Roarke, and smiled. "We've gotta get a bunch of guests out of F-50 and 51."
He smiled at her, warmly. "Ok. You're going to come along?"
"Don't I always?" and they walked away.
Tula sighed, and walked after them.
Cal smiled at Lilly. "Listen, Lil. I'm sorry for that 'kiss of death's girlfriend crap."
She smiled back. "Don't worry about it.
He seemed uneasy on the next question. "Lil, the cineplex on the other side of the island is having a Star Trek marathon. I heard that the villian in 'Generations' is really good. You wanna go?"
She smiled. "I'd love too." and both of them left the dock.
Half way to the steamer, Diane remembered that Roarke had mentioned a present. She opened her bag, and found the beautifully wrapped package. Diane opened it like a little kid, for she always loved presents no matter what. She looked at them, and smiled. It was a pair of Shinny Paten materiel dress shoes, size 1, with Pink bows.
Clia turned off the TV, and dabbed her eye, with a hankerchief. That was so wonderful." She took out the chalkboard. "Looks like I win."
Fisher glared. "This not totally fair." "What are you complaining about? Diane was reunited with her family. We're rid of Gabriel, and we're getting a new owner. Maybe he'll actually pay the rent, and fix the ladies' john."
Fisher held up another received message. "We in trouble coming soon."
"What are ypu talking about?"
"Gabriel, he had friends. We're suppose to get a new additions to the island. One will be next month. The other next year...and that one will take a miracle."
"Are they good or bad?"
Fisher shrugged. "Who's to say?"
"What are you complaining about? I did all the work," Fisher responded.
She rose from her chair, and smiled coyly at him. "This has been the worst vacation of my life." and walked down the hall.
P>Lilly ran down the hall, ignoring Weaver's request for her to put on some shoes. She saw Mark Greene, and walked over to him. "Excuse me. Have you seen Diane Grad?"
Carol was lying on the beach, with Doug messaging her back. "Oh. I never want to
leave this place."
Thank you for the constant encouragement, and words.
Remember if you liked it, send me a message...I always answer everyone no matter
how many I get.
Special thanks to Trinia for giving me a venure for my imagination, with a story
that doesn't involve a hospital:) (I work on the Chicago Hope fanfic board, and
General Hospital fanfic).
Keep writing,
Don't get chocolate fingerprints
on the forms...