This story involves an AU (Alternate Universe) Fantasy Island, where Cal is Calliope, an Earth Elemental, Harry is an Air Elemental, Ariel is a Fire Elemental, and Stephanie is a Water Elemental. (Stephanie is a nod to Wm. Shakespeare's The Tempest, where one of Prospero's servants is the drunken butler, Stefano.)
WARNING: this story alludes to homoerotic relationships. If this offends
you, don't read it.
The 'B' Side is mine. Ask before using, please.
Mr. Roarke was bored. Although the new dimension to his relationship with Ariel
certainly alleviated the boredom of the nights, the days were another matter altogether. Sometimes
there would be a string of interesting fantasies, and he and Ariel amused themselves by making bets
on the outcome. After all, a guest could always choose to exercise his free will.
But lately it was same old, same old -- money, power, sex. When there were guests. It
seemed Fisher was having a dry spell, too. He tapped lightly on Ariel's door, but it seemed he'd
sat up too late tonight, bemoaning his boredom, because she didn't answer.
Wouldn’t it be nice, he thought, as he turned in for the night, if tomorrow were
really different.
Somewhere, an unknown entity claps its hands with glee, “This one’s mine!”
“Flippin’ to the ‘B’ side.”
When Roarke awoke he had the feeling that something was different. Uneasiness stabbed
him, as the old adage ran through his mind - be careful what you wish for, it might come
true. But he would never be granted a fantasy...would he?
He performed his morning ablutions and went downstairs for breakfast and tea. All normal so far, the building was as it ever was, that is, when he himself wasn’t changing it.
Behind the check-in counter was tall, casually dressed, brown-haired man who looked up and said, “Good morning, Roarke. Same as usual?”
There was something compelling and familiar in the warm brown eyes, but he couldn’t quite pin it down. “Yes,” he replied, as if nothing were odd.
“Quiet week, this one. Fisher not doing his job?”
“Or no-one needs us.”
The other man grinned, giving Roarke that sense of familiarity again, “No-one needs us? Everybody needs us.”
Roarke smiled back and asked, “Where are the others?” before it occured to him that there might not be any others.
“Cal’s down at the beach; Harry is taking advantage of the break by burying his head in the dusty scrolls at the library,” he sounded disapproving, “and Stephanie’s still in bed.” His slow, sensual grin suggested she wasn't in her own bed.
Stephanie? But Cal and Harry, that sounded promising... “Ariel?” he inquired.
Centuries of maintaining an impassive face paid off as he fought to keep from staring, finally recognizing the eyes and grin. “Never mind.” He headed towards the dining room, shaking his head. Ariel... He looked back and Ariel’s head came up, sensing his regard, just like the real Ariel would have.
“Ariel...have I always been here?”
He laughed, “Philosophical this morning, are you? You know you’ve been with us almost five hundred years, ever since you killed Scathach.”
Roarke nodded, “Just had a strange dream last night, that’s all.” Scathach. He hadn't killed the warrior-witch. She'd left him. This Fantasy Island was different, in more ways than Ariel’s gender.
Roarke ate quickly and sparingly, the food being oddly unappetizing. He was unwilling to be too long in one place. Then he went to the library to find Harry. When did Harry get permission to use the library, anyway? But to his surprise, the library actually looked like a library - that is to say, the outer appearance looked like a cottage, with a handpainted sign over the door that said:
Harry was sitting behind the front desk, wearing his glasses and looking very much like an nineteenth century gambler. He had a large scroll unrolled in front of him.
“Oh, good morning, Mr. Roarke.” Harry rolled the scroll and stood up. “Is there something I can find for you today, or is Fisher finally sending us some work?”
“I was just wondering how you were... Harry, have you noticed anything ... different?”
Harry frowned slightly, “No, not particularly. It’s been unusually quiet, but...”
“Anything strike you odd about Ariel?” It was a silly question, this wasn’t the Harry he knew, why would he think anything odd about Ariel?
Harry grimaced, “Ariel. Don’t talk to me about Ariel. Stephanie is going to drink herself into an early grave over that man; and Cal...” Harry shook his head. “I don’t care that it’s his nature, Ariel needs a leash. I loathe being his room-mate.”
Harry’s tone was cold, almost unemotional. He may have looked the same, but he did not sound the same. “I better go talk to Cal,” he said, unable to think of a way to get more information from Harry without letting on that something was amiss.
“Mark my words, if we don’t get some custom soon, things are only going to get worse.” Harry warned.
Roarke left Harry to his reading.
Although Ariel had said that Cal was on the beach, Roarke could only see a pretty, plump woman, strolling aimlessly at the water’s edge, letting the waves wash over her feet. A guest? He ought to have checked his office before rushing away. But frankly, Ariel made him nervous, in a way he didn't understand.
He stood watching the morning sun dance on the waves and wondering what to do. The woman on the beach spotted him and walked gracefully towards him. Her short, dark hair sparkled with moisture from the waves. “Mr. Roarke,” she said apologetically, wringing her hands, “I’m so sorry, I completely lost track of the time. Did you have to eat Ariel’s cooking? He can’t cook worth a damn.” There was a wistful expression on her face.
Roarke stared. “Cal?”
“You were expecting someone else?” she grinned.
Roarke, feeling faint, put a hand over his blue eyes, and rubbed. “I think I must have got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.” But something made him add, “Harry’s
worried about you.”
“Is he? But not worried enough to personally inquire.” She grinned wryly. “Typical. You know Harry.”
“Actually, I don’t. I seem to have woken up with mild amnesia this morning. I know who I am and this place, oh gods, I know this place,” he added dryly, “But everything else...” Why was he confiding in her?
“Hmm, minor punishment from the PTB?” She looped an arm around his and they began walking together. “What do you need to know?”
“Tell me about my staff, starting with yourself,” he invited.
“Well, there’s four of us, of course,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Why ‘of course’?”
She looked at him, a funny smile on her round face, “You really did get hit with a whammy from above. I’m Calliope, but if you call me anything but Cal, I'll be most upset," she smiled. "I’m kind of the
“And why are you here?”
“I’ve always been here, Roarke. It’s my duty. Or doom.” There was a long pause before she began again. “Harry is the thinker. He keeps the accounts, does research and is very creative - a real head-in-the-clouds type sometimes.” She gave him a side-long look, as if
that were significant, then continued: “Stephanie is the hostess, waitress, and every other job that requires a drop-dead body. But I imagine you remember Stephanie.” Her voice held a mild humour.
“Er, no,” he said honestly. He had no clue; the more she spoke, the further out of his depth he felt.
“For heaven’s sake don’t tell her that! She’s so emotional, that girl!”
“And Ariel?” he prompted.
Cal sighed, “Ariel. What can you say about Ariel? He’s trouble. Wild, impulsive, why you ever made him your personal assistant, I’ll never know. He’s fun, but ... trouble.”
“But what does he do?”
“What doesn’t he do?” And she blushed.
Roarke pretended not to notice. “But you’re okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
“Harry seemed to be concerned over your relationship with Ariel.”
She laughed outright, “You don’t have a ‘relationship’ with Ariel, he’s not capable of anything so tangible. Harry’s concern is misplaced.”
He sighed. “Thanks, Cal. Can I ask you to keep this," he tapped his temple lightly, "to yourself?”
“Of course. Mother Cal keeps all secrets,” she grinned.
Mother Cal. Yes, there was something reassuringly maternal about her. That seemed to be the difference between the ease of talking to her and the unease of simply being in Ariel’s presence. Roarke went back to check his office. There might be more clues there. Was he
going to stay here, forever? If he was here, where was the Roarke who was supposed to be here?
“Lovin’ on the ‘A’ side”
Ariel was rearranging the flowers in the hotel lobby when Roarke came downstairs. Seeing there was no-one around, she walked over quickly, before he could stop her, and kissed him.
To her happy surprise, instead of pushing her away with a furtive, ‘not now’, he kissed her back, thoroughly. Then he pulled his head back, and with a lazy smile, asked, “Who are you?”
She laughed, “Ariel, silly. What game are you playing now?”
“Ariel? Ariel?“ He released her, and looked her up and down in such a way she would have been insulted, had she not always secretly wanted him to look at her just that way. “Well. I
always knew you’d make a gorgeous woman.”
His words were wrong, they did not make sense; but before Ariel could ask anything, Cal came in.
“Boss? The plane coming in today? ‘Cos the bar’s all stocked, and the Hall is as clean as it’s going to get without tossing some of that junk.”
Roarke stared a moment before asking, “Who the hell are you?”
Cal looked hurt, and Ariel put a hand on his arm, “It’s okay, Cal. Mr. Roarke is not himself to day.” She stared quizzically at Roarke.
“Cal?” Roarke gave Cal a once over and said, “My god. And to think I slept with you.”
Ariel joined Cal in staring back at their boss in open mouthed astonishment.
“When you were a woman,” he qualified. He switched his gaze to Ariel. “Hell, I slept with you when you were a man.” He looked her up and down again: “Although I must say, I like
this better.” His voice was rich with innuendo.
Cal, not taking his eyes off Roarke, muttered, “He’s scarin’ me, Ariel.”
“Me, too. Call the infirmary and get Harry fast.”
“And put on your real body, Callie, dear. This one doesn’t suit you at all,” Roarke called jovially after him. He then confided to Ariel, “ I didn’t know she could shape-shift. I didn’t know you could shape-shift.”
She stared at him, “You hired me because I’m a shape-shifter, Roarke. Look, you’re obviously not yourself today-”
“On the contrary. I’m fine. Everything else is insane.” He ran his hand across his temple, and for a moment Ariel glimpsed real emotion. A mix of confusion and fear. She instantly
forgave him.
“Lets go into your office and start again,” she said gently. “How are things supposed to be?” She led him into the office, leaving the door open.
He sat down gingerly in his chair and gave her a funny look. “You have his eyes, his smile, but you are not simply Ariel with a Y
chromosome changed to X, are you?”
“That’s not the beginning. Try again.” There had to be a reasonable explanation and Ariel was going to get it.
“Fine. You’re supposed to be a Fire elemental. Not a shape-shifting whatever.”
“Uh-huh. Cal is supposed to be Calliope, an Earth elemental. Harry is an Air elemental and Stephanie is a Water elemental.”
Ariel processed this information. Elementals? “Since when?”
“Since I was trapped on this damned island five hundred years ago! Since always! The Elementals are part of the whole island experience!” He sounded irritated, as if this was obvious.
“Ah. But your name is Roarke.” She watched him closely.
He glared at her. He certainly looked like Roarke. Harry and Cal arrived, Cal still looking nervous. Roarke looked at them. “You’re not elementals?”
Ariel said, “They’re just these guys. Dead, but you know, ordinary.”
Roarke, looking a little more like his old self, said incredulously, “You’re telling me this island is staffed by two dead men and a demi-goddess? And we provide fantasies for people to
help them stay on the right course?”
He shook his head, “And I thought my job was hard." He thought hard a long, silent moment, looking from one the other and frowning. "Well, it seems to me that there are three possibilities: One, I am the only thing real here, and you all are the result of Ariel’s cooking. That man couldn’t cook to save his life,” he confided.
“Neither can I,” Ariel smiled.
“Don’t say that,” Roarke held up a hand of protest, “I don’t care to think along those lines, at least not yet. Two, everything’s real, and what I remember as my entire life is a false set of memories, courtesy of the PTB. Three, there are two of me, and we’ve switched
places. Or at least, I’m here and not where I belong.”
“Three,” Harry said, after a long silence filled the room.
“Three,” Ariel agreed.
“Why not two?” Cal wondered.
“Because the PTB might slip some of the waters of Lethé into his drink, that’s not beyond them. But a whole new set of memories? That’s a lot of work,” Ariel explained.
“The PTB,” added Roarke ‘B’, “Tend to the path of least resistance, even when playing practical jokes. At least in my experience.”
Harry nodded.
“The question then becomes, how do we get you back?” Ariel asked, practically.
He looked at her, “What makes you think I want to go back? You look fantastic, Ariel... besides, when Fisher’s having an off-time like this, do you know how much work it is to keep Elementals happy? They’re so ... extreme.”
The intensity of his gaze made her blush, it was almost tangible.
“Gentlemen. Don’t you have someplace else to be?” he said softly, in an unmistakable tone of dismissal.
Ariel had the presence of mind to toss Harry the Library key from Roarke’s desk as he and Cal left, Cal muttering, “Now that sounds like Roarke.”
“Ariel.” His voice was a caress, and she shivered, heart racing.
“Uh,” she stammered, and blushed again. “This, uh, is probably not a good idea...”
“On the contrary,” he said softly, stepping close, only inches away and staring into her dark eyes, “It seems a very fine idea.”
He may not have been her Roarke, but she still melted when he kissed her, the lips were the same, the hands were the same, and her body insisted it was him. Her body won. Roarke
would understand.
“Problem on the ‘B’ side.”
Roarke ‘A’ sat gingerly in his counterpart’s office, noticing that he hadn’t bothered to computerize. He thumbed the intercom, “Ariel...”
“Do you want me to hold your calls?” he said hopefully.
Roarke had no idea what he meant - nobody called Fantasy Island. “No, I was just wondering what the island’s power source was.”
Silence. “Why are you asking me? Ask Harry, he knows all that kind of stuff.”
“Well, perhaps as my assisstant you could ask Harry for me, and then tell me,” he said sarcastically. Cal was right, what had he been thinking when he made Ariel his assistant? Or rather, what had his other self been thinking?
“Are you too busy to ask Harry yourself?”
“Ariel, please.”
“Well,” he sounded mollified, “since you said please.”
That got Ariel out of the building and Roarke felt better. He then started rifling through the desk, hoping to find... Something. He looked at the telephone on the desk, identical to one in his own office. He could just ask the PTB... he picked up the receiver of the phone, half expecting it to be dead. But he heard...something. A small sing-song voice, ghost-like and almost malicious, "be-careful-what-you-wish-for, la-la, careful-what-you-wish-for, la-la, you-wish-for..."
Roarke was pretty sure it was not the PTB. He hung up gently. But if the PTB hadn’t done it, they hadn’t stopped it, either.
Lets see, how does a Fantasy work? You get what you ask for, find out it’s not what you really wanted, but there’s almost always a problem to solve first, then you get your life back...
He let his gaze wander, unfocused, as he tried to figure out what the problem was...and saw a great flame leap into the air. Roarke willed himself to the Library instantly, and found Harry standing coldly aloof while Ariel raged around him. He looked exactly like his Ariel when she was angry.
“Gentlemen,” Roarke said firmly, “How many times must the Library of Alexandria be burned?”
Harry looked shocked and glared icy daggers at Ariel. “You idiot! If you’ve hurt my library...”
“You are so uptight! I just asked a simple question... If you ask me you need a fire lit under you.” Ariel grinned predatorily.
“Gentlemen,” Roarke interjected again, “Ariel, douse those flames now. And I want both of you to behave or I’ll send you to your room without supper!” If they were going to act like children he would treat them like children.
Ariel flashed him a heated look.
Roarke sighed, “Now, now, Ariel. Where’s Stephanie? I need to talk to her.”
“What is this, Elemental review week?” Ariel sulked.
“Check the bar,” Harry said disdainfully.
Roarke found what had to be Stephanie at the bar, as Harry had suggested. She was a stunningly beautiful woman, with pale blonde hair and hazel eyes, and dressed in the white “I shouldn’t think rum a particularly nutritious breakfast,” he remarked.
She smiled at him. “Roarke, my spirit-love. You’re probably right." She sighed. "Cal is doing a brunch in the dining room, I should probably see what she’s got.” After a pause and another delicate sip, she added, jealousy evident in her voice: “She cooks for him you know. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, she says. But she’ll see. In the end, I’ll win.” She tipped the glass back, draining the contents.
“Not at that rate,” Roarke said, thinking: Ariel. Ariel is the problem.
She came from behind the bar and flung herself against him, weeping copiously. Taken aback, and not exactly used to giving comfort, he awkwardly patted her back. Then he sighed mentally and gave her the hug she so obviously expected.
Something Ariel said came back to him as he escorted Stephanie to the dining room. Elemental reveiw week. The smells coming from the dining room made his mouth water, and had even drawn Harry from the hallowed Library, and brightened Stephanie’s face considerably.
To his surprise, she did not seem to be angry with Ariel - indeed, the two appeared to be on amicable terms. Choosing a table alone, “I need to think about something,” he watched them. Ariel flirted freely with both women, and even ventured a sally or two towards Harry, who sat tight-lipped and ignored them all.
Eventuallly Stephanie, Cal, and Ariel engaged in a very close, intense conversation that he could not hear, and Stephanie who had seemed downright happy, suddenly burst into tears again and ran from the room. Cal gave Ariel a disapproving look and said clearly, “That
wasn’t nice,” before flouncing after the weeping blonde.
Ariel smirked and sat down with Harry, who promptly moved to another table.
Ariel didn’t seem to be very good at making friends. Elemental.
What did he know about Elementals? He leaned forward over his tea and steepled his fingers thoughtfully. Harry, coldly intellectual. Stephanie, over-emotional. Callie, nurturing. Ariel... Ariel was Fire. The extremes in personalities made sense. That is why there was four of them, of course, as Callie had said. She was the Earth elemental, Stephanie had to be Water and Harry was Air.
shirt and black bow tie of bartender. Sitting behind the deserted bar, she was sipping a tall glass half full of amber fluid.
“To the ‘A’ side, to the ‘A’ side”
Cal went down to the infirmary and spoke with the doctor, reassuring him that everything was fine, and they didn’t need him after all. Cal wasn’t quite sure of this in his own mind,
but Harry and Ariel seemed to have a good grasp of what was going on. Not that that in itself was all that reasurring. Still, Mr. Roarke had seemed more his usual self.
Even if he wasn’t. The idea that there were two Roarkes in existence - well, he just hoped he never had to deal with more than one at a time. And just what had he meant by that crack, ‘I slept with you, when you were a woman’? Of all the things he’d been transformed into since being on this island, he’d never been a woman, and even if he had, he certainly wouldn’t have slept with Roarke.
But this wasn’t their Roarke, was it? Cal squeezed his eyes shut. His head was starting to ache. Until this was over, maybe it was a good idea to just keep his head down and play good little penitent. Better the Roarke you know than the one you don’t, he thought, and snickered to himself.
Harry stood inside the Library, helpless. If only Roarke would let him in here, he could have started organizing, indexing some of the countless works in here. As it was, things were vaguely organized by place of origin, and where did Elementals originate? What in here
could possibly shed light on an alternate universe Roarke and Fantasy Island?
A light went on in his head, and he went to the ‘America’ section. No scrolls here, although there was a glass display case on a pedestal. It contained engraved brass plates and a huge sign that said, “HOAX”. Alternate universes were the specialty of science-fiction writers, and the gods knew that America had plenty of those. Like everything of worth, though, it had begun in England.
Armed with nonfiction by Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, and some dozen SF novels that looked promising, Harry made himself comfortable at a long wooden table.
Roarke ‘B’ was delighted at this turn of events. While he missed Cal and Stephanie, Ariel was wonderful. And while this Cal and Harry might be mere deceased mortals, they were at least far more balanced than Elementals - and far less demanding. As long as Fisher wasn’t fishing, he was free to pursue pleasurable delights with this wondrous goddess Ariel.
Sooner or later he would have to go back. And some part of him wondered not only how, but why this switch had occured. And who, for that matter. It seemed unlikely the PTB would put him in such a pleasant position, no matter how much his counterpart may have deserved to deal with Elementals who had too much time on their hands.
He contemplated this seated at ‘his’ desk, admiring the oak console behind it. The smooth black finish of one surface engaged his curiousity. He thumbed the intercom. “Ariel? Hold my calls...”
“Nobody ever calls here, Roarke,” her voice floated through the small box.
He grinned, “That’s code, my dear. It means, come in here and lock the door behind you ...”
He knew that she felt this was not the correct thing to do, but he took advantage of being the twin of the man she loved, and happened to find sexually irresistable. Every job had to have it’s perks... Although he would ask about the shiny black thing, first.
She walked in breathless, and closed the door tightly behind her. It was so strange to see Ariel’s luminous brown eyes, sensuous smile, and other little mannerisms in a woman. It was as if she were his sister, only more well-rounded. Pun intended.
“Ariel, you are breath-takingly gorgeous,” he said, meaning every word. “Come over here, my dear, I have a question first...”
Instead of pouting, as his Ariel would have done, she grinned, “That’s a first?”
Ah, beautiful and a fine sense of humour. He could love a woman like this. “What is this?” he pointed to it.
“That’s the computer. Roarke had it installed recently.”
He noted her use of his name. No matter what she might do with him, she was always aware her was not her Roarke. His counterpart really had a nice set-up here. “Computer? Where
did he get one of those? The PTB must really like him.”
She laughed, “The PTB would be happy if we still used ink and quill. Roarke got this from a friend of his, Outside.”
“Outside? You mean more than just the real world, don’t you?”
“Yes. I’m given to understand that by the time ... the new person takes over, it will be state-of-the-art.” She showed him how it worked, and he had to admit it was pretty impressive. Then she added, “He also uses the nice reflective surface for scrying.”
Scrying. That teased at something in his mind. But Ariel was giving him other ideas, and for all he knew, time was short. He pulled her onto his lap, overcoming her weak resistance with a kiss that turned her to putty in his eager hands.
Cal was polishing glasses that didn’t need to be polished, just for something to do. Roarke ‘B’ came and sat down on a stool. “Afternoon, Cal. Cal...” he shook his head. “You know, on my Fantasy Island, there’s a Cal. Her name is Calliope, and she’s an Earth elemental.”
“Yeah? You two close?”
“After a fashion. Elementals are intense creatures.”
“Uh huh. Do they fall in love?”
Roarke laughed. “Stephanie falls in love daily. With me, with Ariel, with everyone. Especially Harry. Of course, she hates us all daily, as well.” He frowned. “Your Mr. Roarke may be in for a bit of trouble.”
Cal considered this, as he picked up another glass to polish. “Nah. He always wins.”
“Really? He got stuck here, didn’t he?”
“Harry says he was tricked, betrayed by a lover.”
“Lover?” Roarke laughed derisively, “He loved Scathach? What a novel idea.”
Cal was annoyed to find that he wanted to defend the Roarke he’d come to know and resent. “What about you, how’d you get stuck on your Fantasy Island?”
“Oh I was tricked by Scathach, too. Abducted and intoxicated, she forced me to take the Oath rod, and ... well, here I am. I killed the treacherous bitch, as soon as I sobered up.”
Cal stared, and when he realized what he was doing, he looked down at the glass he was polishing, and replaced it with another. He sought for a change o subject. “You figure he’s in your place?”
“It seems most likely.” Roarke ‘B’ scanned the horizon.
“Can you, like see your Island in the water, you know, the way...” Cal trailed off as the man who looked like Roarke turned piercing blue eyes on him.
“Cal, I came to you, because my Cal is the best, sweetest person to talk to. You’re nothing like her. But if you don’t mind my saying so, that’s a brilliant idea.” He got up and walked with long strides back to the hotel.
“What? What did I say?”
“Ariel, do you people have staff meetings?”
“Of course, Roarke. How do you think we co-ordinate fantasies?”
“Call one, please.” He stopped and grinned, “Though why I should be so anxious to leave you is a mystery...”
She blushed prettily and he left her to it.
“I have an idea,” Roarke 'B' said, “I think we might be able to communicate with your Roarke via scrying.”
“I thought that was just pictures.” Cal commented.
“Yes, Cal. But think of it as the potential of video conferencing,” Harry urged, then turned to Roarke, “Sir, I’ve been reading up on this-”
“Glad to see some things never change.”
Harry raised an eyebrow before continuing: “This might even have the potential to switch you back. But I think, both of you must be viewing at the same time to make it work.”
“Thank you, Harry,” Roarke ‘B’ replied gravely, “But I think, since the PTB aren’t overly fond of me, and this is a nice place, that your Roarke did something to tick them off. We’ll switch back only when THEY decide it’s time.”
“Did you ask?” Ariel enquired, gesturing toward the phone.
He looked at it uneasily. “I’m not overly fond of the PTB, either. It’s a mutual thing. They’ve never forgiven me Scathach’s death.”
Ariel rolled her eyes, but said nothing.
He concentrated on the black screen, and slowly an image formed. Himself, startling even though he expected it - spiky white hair, piercing blue eyes, lean but stern face.
“It’s him,” breathed Ariel, over his shoulder.
The veiw widened to encompass the room. Ariel, his Ariel, was standing face to face with his counterpart, and he grinned mischeivously. “Want to hear it?” he asked.
“Yes!” came the chorus, and Ariel added, “He- Is that...Ariel?”
From the console, faint but clear came the voices:
In mid-sentence, the handsome man with Ariel’s name finished, “ ...with you? You’ve been avoiding me all day.”
Roarke frowned, a familiar expression: “ Nothing’s wrong. I have a problem to work out and I can’t be distracted.”
Ariel moved slightly closer and to the left, saying in a soft voice, “I could force the issue. I know what you like.”
Roarke colored. Cal said incredulously, “He made a pass at him!”
On the heels of that Ariel exclaimed, “I’ve never seen him blush before!”
“Poor Ariel,” chuckled Roarke ‘B’.
“Maybe you could help me, instead.” Roarke ‘A’ offered.
Ariel pouted, “I’d like to but you won’t let me...”
Roarke sighed, “Ariel, please-” Ariel the demi-goddess moved closer to the screen. “He's very... compelling,” she said distractedly, then blushed herself.
Roarke ‘B’ patted her backside slowly, leisurely. “Fire Elementals are all like that, my dear. Desirable, impulsive, spontaneous, demanding ... and a frightful temper. Irresistable. You should try standing in the same room with one. Your Roarke, he reminds me of how I reacted, on first meeting Ariel.” He chuckled at the memory, “Although I wasn’t nearly so composed.”
He let the vision fade, and Ariel, this Ariel, jumped, realizing he was still stroking her from waist to hip to waist.
“Hey, wait,” Cal protested, “What’s gonna happen?”
“That’s none of our business, is it?” Roarke looked pointedly at him a moment before adding, “Well, at least he knows there’s a problem. With luck- what am I saying? If he’s afraid of Ariel, he’ll never manage to get Harry back in line.”
“What’s wrong with ‘Harry’?” Harry asked.
“Harry, I hesitate to say 'your counterpart', although you look more like your namesake than the others here -” he grinned, and tugged Ariel onto his lap.
She jumped up again, and slapped his face. Another reminder that she wasn’t his Ariel... He rubbed his cheek thoughtfully, a sparkle still in his eye, and continued, “Harry swore an Oath about two hundred years ago, and since then, things have been steadily getting worse. I thought it was just a phase, but he seems intent on keeping it.”
“What kind of oath,” Harry asked cautiously.
Roarke ‘B’ told him.
“Too long with no special song”
Roarke ‘A’ was only a demi-god, and not prepared to resist a Fire Elemental in full manifestation. But afterward, at least, Ariel grew quite chatty, and Roarke found his education had increased in more ways than one.
When Callie had said that one doesn’t have a ‘relationship’ with Ariel, he understood what she meant. He was a simple being, and happily recounted the history of his affairs on the island, with the other Elementals, and guests.
So it was that Roarke learned of Harry’s oath, and realized that Ariel wasn’t the problem. Harry was. Stephanie wasn’t drinking herself numb over Ariel, whom she could have merely by crooking her finger, but Harry. Calle didn’t cook to win Ariel, but Harry. Harry who had sworn an oath of celibacy, saying that sex interfered with his ability to think.
When Ariel left to do whatever it was he did, Roarke returned to his office, with a cup of tea happily supplied by Callie. He just couldn’t bring himself to think of this warm, smiling woman ‘Cal’, no matter how much she preferred it. “How’s your memory?” she’d asked.
“Almost as good as new.”
“That bad,” she'd laughed.
He’d had to bite back the response that she had Ariel’s sense of humour, knowing the comment wouldn’t make sense to her. Ariel, as Callie knew him, didn’t have a sense of humour.
So now he looked into his tea and called up Harry, to see what he was up to. He did not know how he could fix this, if even Ariel couldn’t get through. But Harry was just poring over some of da Vinci’s diagrams....he frowned. Those should be in the Hall, not the Library.
A minor detail. He wondered if he could use the scrying technique to see his own Island. He tried. When he saw Ariel’s sweet face, he couldn’t believe how much he’d missed her. He hadn’t realized quite how much he’d allowed himself to feel for her.
The computer beeped, startling Roarke ‘B’ and Ariel just as they were about to start something. She slid off the desk. How could she convince her Roarke to do these things with her?
“Ah,” he said, “He’s looking at us. Lousy timing.”
She tried not to blush, but he was looking at her with such frank appreciation... then to her relief, he turned his attention to the console. “Amazing machine,” he murmured, as a face, twin to his own, appeared, seemingly looking right at him.
And it, he was. Ariel stared, fascinated. They looked exactly the same. By visual alone, she could not have picked one from the other with any certainty. It was uncanny.
“Hello, Roarke, you old dog,” Roarke ‘B’ finally said, grinning lazily. “How are my Elementals?”
“How-? Never mind... Did you have anything to do with this? I can’t believe I’m talking to myself...”
“Now, now. That’s my line. No, I didn’t. Although I couldn’t have asked for a nicer diversion...”
Roarke ‘A’ moved his finger toward them and the image shivered, threatened to break up. “I wondered if a bigger mirror ...”
“I think you’re there until you get whatever it was you had coming for you. What did you do, anyway?”
The man in the mirror grimaced, “I wished for something different.” His gaze shifted from his counterpart to Ariel, “My dear, remind again...”
“Be careful what you wish for,” she recited, grinning, “You might just get it.”
His focus returned to his mirror image. “I didn’t realize we could communicate this way. Were you aware that your Air Elemental is causing major upheaval here?”
“Yes,” Roarke ‘B’ sighed, “I was hoping he would get over his silly ideas on his own, but it’s been two hundred years, and things can’t continue...”
“What do you recommend...” his gaze shifted, changed, and he said, “Not now, Ariel.” His attention returned to the screen. “Why did you pick Ariel as your assistant anyway?” He sounded exasperated.
“Same reason you did,” Roarke grinned, giving Ariel a light slap on her bottom.
She gave him a dirty look and blushed anyway. So did her Roarke. That was one question she had answered. The peculiar symmetry made her smile.
“I’m having a wonderful stay. Ariel here is looking after my every desire,” Roarke 'B' said, laughing.
Her Roarke looked at her, and said, mockingly, “’Always true to you’?”
She grinned and blew him a kiss. “In my fashion,” she agreed, finishing the pledge she’d made him, knowing that he was teasing her.
He looked like he was about to say more to her, opened his mouth, then closed it again, and focussed on Roarke ‘B’. “What do I do about Harry? Ariel has set the Library on fire twice today, Stephanie is barely able to walk, and Callie just wrings her hands and feels helpless.”
“Callie? You don’t call her that to her face?” Roarke 'B' sounded fascinated.
“No, I know she doesn’t like it. I just can’t think of her as ‘Cal’.”
“Having met your Cal I can understand why,” he replied dryly.
“Harry," Roarke 'A' insisted.
Roarke ‘B’ sighed again. “You can try having the others gang up on him, but I’m afraid it would be most effective if...”
Roarke ‘A’ put a hand to his temple and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “If I were with them,” he sounded resigned.
“He is an intellectual elitist, and it’s gotten worse since he cut himself off from the others. I am, you are, the only one he really considers close to his intellectual prowess. And that’s his weakness. Use the Oath Rod to get around his ‘I swore an Oath’ protest,” he paused, “Ask him to make faith with you again, as it was when you first got here.”
“Will that count? I am not you,” Roarke ‘A’ pointed out. Then he looked behind him, startled. “Uh-oh. You’ve got mail...”
“Fisher?” Roarke ‘B’ sat forward excitedly, “Something from Fisher?”
“Anybody else send you papers in canisters via pneumatic tube?”
“Leave it. Get Harry straightened out, pardon the pun, so I can get back home.”
“You’re sure that’s what I have to do?”
Roarke ‘B’ looked annoyed, “It’s my job to know these things-” He broke off, staring at the man who might be his twin brother. They both started laughing, although Roarke ‘A’ seemed rather less than genuinely amused.
“Man who leap off cliff is jumping to conclusion.”
Roarke ‘A’ blew on his tea, and took a sip. He made a face. He’d talked so long, it had gone cold. He sighed again, and thumbed the intercom, “Ariel?”
“You want me to hold your calls again?”
He chuckled, “No, I need you to actually do some work. Can you and Cal get Stephanie sobered up enough for a staff meeting? Don’t tell Harry.”
“I like it already, and I don’t even know what it is. Will do, Roarke.”
An hour later, there was a knock on his office door. It was Callie. Cal. “Roarke, honey? It’s dinner time. Stephanie will benefit from some food.”
“Dammit, Cal, I wanted to do this behind Harry’s back.”
She looked offended. “I know that. Ariel knows that. Stephanie knows that. She’s trying, Roarke, but she needs to eat.”
He sighed and rubbed his temple. “I’m sorry, Cal. You’re right.”
She grinned in instant forgiveness, and touched his arm gently, “It’s okay. Harry... he’s a trial to us all.”
“Once Harry goes back to his ivory tower, have everyone come here.”
Roarke ‘A’ led the Elementals to the Library. Inside the cool marble halls, the four of them formed a square around Harry, who sat at the main desk, making notes and sketches in his notebook.
He looked up, saw Roarke with his hands behind his back, but did not immediately register the others. “Mr. Roarke! What brings you here this time of day? Something from Fisher?” He sounded hopeful.
“No. There’s a problem on Fantasy Island, Harry. We’ve lost a vital component and the structure is falling down around us.”
Harry frowned and took off his glasses. “Really? I hadn’t noticed. But you should see the great ideas I’ve got for upcoming fantasies!”
“Harry, right now we don’t have any upcoming fantasies. But you are the key to solving Fantasy Island’s problem.”
“Me?” He sounded shocked, and looking around, saw the others. Stephanie’s large hazel eyes were filled with longing. Ariel looked predatorily hungry. Callie had a sad, yearning expression on her face. “No. No way. I’m happy, Roarke.”
“We are not.”
“We? You, too?”
Roarke mentally braced himself, “Me, too.” This would be a lot easier if Harry didn't look so much like...Harry.
Fortunately, Callie came to his rescue, “We are family, Harry. And more. We are the Five who are One. And only the spirit changes. We need you.”
“I am better without you,” he stated flatly.
“That you think so is indicative that you need us,” Roarke said.
“Harry, let us, let me love you,” beseeched Stephanie.
Roarke nodded ever so slightly and as one they advanced two steps closer, surrounding Harry, who rounded on Ariel. “And you? What have you to say?”
Ariel smiled warmly, “Harry, there ought to be no quarrel between us. Ever and always I want of you what I want of the others, no more, no less.” He looked wistful a moment, “You used to say that my essence in you transformed to greater heights of creativity. How did that turn into ‘I am better without you’?”
Harry stared. “Where did you learn to put so many pretty words together?”
The Fire Elemental grinned back, “From you, of course.”
“We’ve had no guests for several weeks, Harry, because Fantasy Island is no longer a functional place. We cannot do our work without you,” Roarke told him. It was as likely to be true as not.
Harry moved out from behind the desk, an opening Roarke had told the others to watch for. Immediately he was ringed round by his fellow Elementals and Roarke. “I swore an oath,” he protested, as Callie, Ariel and Stephanie joined hands.
Roarke put his hands in front of him - he held the Oath Rod. “This can unmake it. As it should not have been made in the first place, it is a simple thing to undo. Give me your hands, Harry. Make faith with me, as when I first came here.”
Roarke realized that the others were channelling their special powers through him, using him as a focus. His eyes burned with all Ariel’s hunger, all Stephanie’s love, all Cal’s worry.
And Harry stared into those piercing blue depths, mesmerized. Slowly his hands moved to hold the Rod, and Roarke covered them with his own. Then the other Elementals all took hold, hands over hands. As they were about to swear anew the bonds they’d sworn five hundred years ago, light flashed over Roarke, making them pause, until his wavering form stabilized. “I love you,” he said to all of them, and they swore Oath.
“And the dreams that we would try for
Are in another space and time..”
Roarke awoke with a jerk, startled to find himself sleeping at his desk. The last thing he remembered was ... Harry the Air Elemental taking the Oath Rod? What a vivid dream... and an appropriate reminder to be careful what- “Roarke?”
“Ariel! I’m so glad to see you!”
She sat on his desk, and leaned towards him, one hand supporting her. “You are,” she said, making it sound like, ‘really? do go on.'
This wasn’t like her... maybe it wasn’t a dream. Maybe he wasn’t home. Or maybe he wasn’t awake. “Ariel? You are my Ariel, aren’t you?”
Then he saw the mischevious glint in her eye, and she grinned, “Do you want me to hold your calls?”
He could only laugh. And then the phone rang. They both stared. He picked it up. “Roarke here.”
*”Roarke! What the hell is going on? We got a call from Clia, the Travel Agency has clients lined up on the street and Fisher is still gibbering in the corner about some blind woman telling him not to send any to you. What are you up to?”*
"It wasn’t me,” he said slowly. “But something strange did happen. I’ll file a report on it, if you like.”
*”That would be a novelty. Just tell Fisher to start firing canisters at you, four at a time, until you’re caught up.”*
Roarke heaved a huge sigh. “Very well.” But as usual, there was no reply. The PTB weren’t big on small chat. The mystery of the blind woman could wait until another day. He hung up the phone. “Ariel?”
“Hold my calls.”
Don't get chocolate fingerprints
on the forms...