Welcome to Tai Yevins Black Market

Here you can buy many things for SW RPG

This page is run by Tai Yevin
He is now accepting applications to join his regiment
Click HERE to get more info on applying for a job
Here he has many things that can be sold to you if you have the credits
Tai's motto is "If I don't have it I can make it or get it"
Tai is the owner of many factories of unknown whereabouts
His capacity for construction is massive and is able to produce almost anything he has the prototype for
If you have a prototype that you think I might like tell me and I will consider it...
The selection here will increase quickly as I have time to update it...
If you don't see something here tell me and I will get it for you
If you want to Buy something e-mail me with an order and I will get around to it quickly
All of my stuff in the following links is just my Prized items...
I can make anything for a cheaper price for you
YevinWorks Poll
What's your favorite item for sale at YevinWorks?

The Rapier
The Aero
The EM Powersuit
The Phantom
The Praetorian

Current Results

Click Here To enter Tai Yevin's Chat for negotiations

This is the New YevinWorks Rapier And if you want one then you must give me a good reason in your order because I don't have many at the moment
I have changed the name of The Destroying Angel to the Aero in remembrance of a deceased friend
This is a selection of Ships...

This is a selection of Droids...

This is a selection of Armor...

This is a selection of personal weapons...

This is a Selection of Vehicles

This is a Selection of Devices

Links to other sites on the Web

This is the Complete Star Wars Listing
The chat that I frequent

This page owned by Tai Yevin Click for{ Next| Skip| Next5}

Want to join the ring? Click here for more info.

© 1997 Mail to: Tai Yevin

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