Greetings traveller. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tenchi Ironspire. I am a sorceror that walks between light and dark. To me each serves its own purpose. I can remember days when I walked the elvish isles, wondering what lied ahead in the future. I've travelled to many places and seen so much. I've seen from powerful dragons to the abyss. The only "true" homes I can say is the abyss which soothes my dark side and artic comforting my lighter side. Those that are my friends somewhat understand me and my overall view on things on Doraak. To me, equipment is nothing if you have no mastery of your spells and instincts. I'm but only a watcher, dwelling in the shadows and watch things unfold. Cries of death are like music to my ears.
Well, I'm starting to fix up this page and hopefully in next couple of days be adding a picture of myself and among other things. Just been so busy that I haven't had time to do much to the page. Big thanks to everyone that has stopped by.
Anyone that wishes to find me or speak to me, I can be found at the following:
The Edge of Darkness Mud: telnet://
Darkstar Mud: telnet://
ICQ #23760753