Mr. P. Esquire - 11/04/99 18:26:49 Favourite fish: Gold Favourite planet: Zaphar | Comments: I ate a fish-stick today. Mmmmm |
_Zxr_ - 08/10/99 22:48:45 My URL: My Favourite fish: Sonic...Who else?? Favourite planet: home planet :o) Favourite chocolate bar: hmmmm Picnic :o) Favourite colour: i got loads Favourite actor: Chevy Chase he makes me chuckle alot :o) I do like to chuckle :o) Favourite brand of socks: socks have brands???? | Comments: Hiya Sonic :o) Remember me......I just thought i'd add me name to ya Guestbook again...i like to keep it updated. I MISS YOU |
Cory Keogh - 08/03/99 03:49:46 My Favourite fish: muskie Favourite planet: pluto Favourite chocolate bar: mars Favourite colour: candy apple blue Favourite actor: Tom Hanks | Comments: Like the web page. Cute!!! |
Cory Keogh - 08/03/99 03:49:12 My Favourite fish: muskie Favourite planet: pluto Favourite chocolate bar: mars Favourite colour: candy apple blue | Comments: |
Nikki - 07/23/99 03:27:40 My URL: My Favourite fish: I like those sharks from "Sherman's Lagoon" alright. Favourite planet: Vulcan? Favourite colour: Green Favourite actor: Harrison Forde, Bruce Willis, Claire Danes Favourite brand of socks: I'm not too acquainted with the sock world, but I must confess I'm partial to most tube socks | Comments: Hello Sonic. Just stopping by. Site's looking good! Visit my new site when you get the chance. E-mail ya later. |
Foxy_Chick - 03/23/99 21:29:43 My Favourite fish: My gorgeous Siamese Fighter fish Favourite planet: Earth Favourite chocolate bar: Kit Kat Favourite colour: Black Favourite actor: Johnny Depp Favourite brand of socks: Wilson | Comments: Hey you dont know my BUT your interest in fish is good I have loads of tropical fish and are breeding Molys at the moment so... if you know anyone who wants any mail me yeah. |
- 01/01/99 21:58:43 | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Colin Hanshaw - 09/28/98 10:55:33 My Email:titan66@hotmail Favourite fish: Discus Favourite planet: Mars Favourite chocolate bar: Penguin Favourite colour: Blue Favourite actor: Kate Winslette Favourite brand of socks: Explorer | Comments: Very interesting questions to ask people :)so I filled it in. |
Cindy - 09/23/98 07:12:07 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
joshka_of_all_colors - 09/19/98 01:20:15 My URL:http://sorry I dont have a My Favourite fish: those tasty ones! Favourite planet: planet of the apes Favourite chocolate bar: the fishy planet of the apes bar Favourite colour: the color of joshka Favourite actor: cousin bob Favourite brand of socks: them white ones | Comments: this is a groovin site but it needs more showgirl fish. (just a suggestion) |
Amanda - 09/12/98 01:29:22 My Favourite fish: I don't like fish. Except for the ones on this page. Favourite planet: Umm... I'd have to say Mars. Favourite chocolate bar: M&M's (yes, I realize that isn't an actual chocolate BAR but close enough) Favourite colour: Blue! :) Favourite actor: David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson Favourite brand of socks: Like most socks. | Comments: I like the music that you have playing. (Under the Sea). |
Sarah Rainville - 09/12/98 00:06:16 My URL: My Favourite fish: ANGELfish! Favourite planet: Jupiter Favourite chocolate bar: MARS Favourite colour: periwinkle Favourite actor: Joshua Jackson Favourite brand of socks: GAP | Comments: Very cool page! |
ray hallworth - 08/25/98 01:31:27 My Favourite fish: sunfish Favourite planet: earth Favourite chocolate bar: no chocolate Favourite colour: blue Favourite actor: all comedians | Comments: |
Tricia - 08/24/98 05:50:05 My URL: My Favourite fish: Clown Loach Favourite planet: Jupiter Favourite chocolate bar: Krackel Favourite colour: Purple Favourite actor: Too many!! Favourite brand of socks: Can't remember the name LOL | Comments: Hello there!! Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a cool site here, I love all the fish. You have some interesting information and some great images. See ya!! |
Maryjane - 08/18/98 04:04:13 My Favourite fish: Rainbow Favourite planet: Earth Favourite chocolate bar: Hershey's Favourite colour: Blue-Green Favourite actor: Robert Redford Favourite brand of socks: Reebock | Comments: I love your website! Do you really eat algae? I do!!! Email me back're a hoot! |
Tom Chenault - 08/08/98 00:51:40 My Email:Twohrlvr@nightmail Favourite fish: Angel Favourite planet: This one Favourite chocolate bar: 3 Muskertears Favourite colour: Blues & Yellow Favourite actor: Sean Connery, Tom Cruze Favourite brand of socks: Burlington | Comments: I enjoyed talking to you, hope to do alot more talking that is, always have a great day,if they are bad just blame it on me. haha |
rosalee75 - 08/03/98 01:19:05 My Favourite fish: kissing gourami Favourite planet: mars Favourite chocolate bar: nestle crunch Favourite colour: clear Favourite actor: Gary Oldman Favourite brand of socks: any pair from the Gap | Comments: |
Tiggeerr - 07/21/98 16:22:33 My Favourite fish: Flounder Favourite planet: Pluto Favourite chocolate bar: Hershey's Favourite colour: blue/purple Favourite actor: Robin Williams Favourite brand of socks: the cat | Comments: Hey I love the little mermaid and this is really cool. Have to visit often. Hope you like my since of humor talk to you later. |
LILSPHYNX - 07/14/98 02:52:56 My Email:You already have it Favourite fish: I cook a mean chicken and peppers Favourite planet: mine Favourite chocolate bar: Nestle white cookies and cream Favourite colour: Green Favourite actor: Courtney Cox Favourite brand of socks: sandals | Comments: |
LILSPHYNX - 07/14/98 02:51:35 My Email:You already have it Favourite fish: I cook a mean chicken and peppers | Comments: |
Misty, aka Poco Rit - 07/06/98 22:35:45 My URL: My Favourite fish: Have always been partial to Dr. Seuss' fish with the little star. Favourite planet: planet of poco Favourite chocolate bar: anything with CHOCOLATE!!! Favourite colour: i like blue Favourite actor: Sean Connery has got to be THE sexiest actor alive. Favourite brand of socks: don't check...just wear ' the question though! | Comments: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Black fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish. This one has a little car. This one has a little star. My, what wonderful things there are! Heh...i love your fishies! You've got quite an imagination on ya there! (BTW, i'm Woody and Snuggles' little sis) Alrighty, well, i just HAD to check it out! We've spoken in Yahoo before, but not much, or for very long. Ah well. Take care, and keep up wit the creative site!! |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
H.K. - 06/24/98 02:23:01 Favourite fish: What ever is on my plate at the time. Favourite planet: Mercury. Favourite chocolate bar: Mr.Big. Favourite colour: Lavender. Favourite actor: Jeremy Bulloch. Favourite brand of socks: Sock, till you drop. | Comments: I could make a page thirty times better, but since you're new at this stuff, I give it three stars. |
Woody and Snuggz - 06/12/98 22:19:21 My URL: My Favourite fish: Angel Fish (snuggz) Favourite planet: Earth Favourite chocolate bar: Reeces Sticks Favourite colour: Purple & Blue Favourite actor: Patrick Swayze Favourite brand of socks: Hanes | Comments: We really love your page. We see now where you came up with your chat name. Woody and Snuggz |
FireOnTheMountain - 06/09/98 00:11:12 My Favourite fish: Salmon Favourite planet: Earth Favourite chocolate bar: Zero Favourite colour: Purple Favourite actor: Sean Connery Favourite brand of socks: Crew | Comments: |
Cointreau Onnice - 06/05/98 03:51:11 My Favourite fish: Mexican Walking Fish :-) Favourite planet: The one I'm on Favourite chocolate bar: Twirl Favourite colour: Blue Favourite actor: Can't say any particular one is my fave Favourite brand of socks: ?????? what kind of a question is THAT? | Comments: Hey Sonic!!! Daisy says MOO. Coin |
Topdog61/Steven - 06/04/98 01:47:51 My Favourite fish: marlin Favourite planet: Third rock from the sun Favourite chocolate bar: Zero Favourite colour: green Favourite actor: Jerry Lewis Favourite brand of socks: Rockport | Comments: I wonder love to live under the sea sometime |
Guess - 05/23/98 00:13:38 My Email:No thanx Favourite fish: Sunfish Favourite planet: Saturn (and good ol' Earth) Favourite chocolate bar: Cunchie Favourite colour: Red Favourite brand of socks: ???????? | Comments: Hi, Sonic! I don't think you know me but I'm Nikki and Ambers friend. I thought mabye I should check out some of my friends cyber-buddy's pages so here I am. Cool, and good job. |
Shane Harrison - 05/05/98 17:54:51 My URL:http://www.sorryidonthaveone:o).com My Favourite fish: Sonicsunfish :o) Favourite planet: Hmmmm...i think that Earth is a pretty good one Favourite chocolate bar: Cadbury's Picnic Favourite colour: Purple Favourite actor: Chevy Chase Favourite brand of socks: Pass :o) | Comments: You are Talented...I love the site so far Ha Ha Ha im here in your Site and im listening to a group called Aqua.....Strange :o) Well im going to check the rest of your site out. Bye bye |
McHeather - 04/26/98 18:50:01 My URL: My Favourite fish: Sharks:) I've seen "JAWS" more times than you can count! Favourite planet: Cardassia/Bajor/Qo'noS/Wherever the Kazon came from? Favourite chocolate bar: Mr. Big:) Favourite colour: red & black Favourite actor: Harrison Ford:) Favourite brand of socks: I hate socks | Comments: Hello. Just thought I'd check out your page. Amber's been bugging me to come here. Amber and Nikki are in my class so that's how I know them. Great page:) Bye for now, Heather:) |
gerald - 04/19/98 23:31:10 Favourite fish: puffer Favourite planet: pluto Favourite chocolate bar: oh henry Favourite colour: blue Favourite actor: Leslie Neilson Favourite brand of socks: argyle | Comments: way cool |
Tiffany - 04/17/98 22:53:59 My URL: My Favourite fish: Haddock Favourite planet: Cryogenically freeze me and I'll tell you in a few hundred years. ;> Favourite chocolate bar: Herseys Favourite colour: Earth tones Favourite actor: Too many to list! Favourite brand of socks: Anything that keeps my toes warm | Comments: Hi Sonic! I like the site. I use to have goldfish, when I was a child. |
solarsunflower - 04/12/98 00:28:31 Favourite fish: angel Favourite planet: neptune Favourite chocolate bar: caramilk Favourite colour: royal purple Favourite actor: alan rickman Favourite brand of socks: none | Comments: WOW!!!!! I'm water-logged!!!!! |
Ciler - 04/09/98 13:08:27 My URL: My Favourite fish: Dolphin Favourite planet: earth Favourite chocolate bar: Milka (white) Favourite colour: Blue Favourite actor: Robert De Niro | Comments: Still nice to be in contact with you. This was really what I wanted to see... An aquarium and nice fishes. Lots of hugs and kisses... Ciler |
Nikki - 04/05/98 18:05:03 My URL: My Favourite fish: barracuda Favourite planet: Venus... I'm aTaurus, so I'm obligated to like Venus. Favourite chocolate bar: Crispy Crunch or anything totally unnatural. Favourite colour: Green and Black. Favourite actor: Leonardo DiCaprio (yeah, he's mine) Favourite brand of socks: something that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside | Comments: Hi, you're my friend "Agent5"'s cyberneighbour and I just decided to visit you. You've got a cool page, especially compared to "agent5"'s other neighbor! Bye-bye. |
Cointreai Onnice - 04/05/98 10:01:15 My Email:cointreauonnice Favourite fish: Favourite planet: the one I'm from (wherever that may be) Favourite chocolate bar: mmmmmmPeppermint Crisp Favourite colour: blue Favourite actor: David Duchovney Favourite brand of socks: ????? | Comments: Hi ya Sonic Glad to see your page up and swimming LOL hope to catch you soon luv from your aussie mate Coin |
Joe - 04/05/98 00:18:28 My URL:http://you know it My Favourite fish: Sonic Sunfish hahaaha Favourite planet: Earth Favourite chocolate bar: the old 10cent ones | Comments: Good page. |
Bobcat - 04/04/98 01:26:27 My Favourite fish: sunfish Favourite planet: Mars Favourite chocolate bar: Hershey Bar Favourite colour: Black Favourite actor: Steven Segal Favourite brand of socks: Hanes | Comments: |
McAmber or Agent 5 - 04/03/98 23:24:37 My URL: My Favourite fish: Silver dollar, but I'm not really sure.... Favourite planet: URANUS ALL THE WAY!!!!! Favourite chocolate bar: As long as it has some chocolate in it, it's ok, but probably KitKat Favourite colour: Black Favourite actor: Don't really have one. Favourite brand of socks: Whatever kind I'm wearing. | Comments: Hi. I really came here because you're my cyberneighbour and probably the most sane and interesting page than the other one. Well, bye. McAmber or Agent 5 :( )) |
TjTiggs - 04/03/98 21:45:15 My Favourite fish: Flounder Favourite planet: PLUTO (look out Venus) Favourite chocolate bar: As long as it's chocolate!! Favourite colour: Green. No wait, Magenta. No, definitely green. Favourite actor: I like Pinky more than I like Brain. Favourite brand of socks: Hmm. Good question. | Comments: Hey Sonic!! Love your page!! Just spent some time floating around. Brought some pool toys with me, hope you don't mind. See ya!! |
Diane McCall - 04/03/98 03:13:47 My Favourite fish: Charlie Tuna Favourite planet: Earth since I'm stuck here Favourite chocolate bar: I'm the GodivaDiva baby! Favourite colour: Nathan's Eyes! Blue! Favourite actor: Sebastain from the Little Mermaid Favourite brand of socks: I'm in Tennessee remember? What's socks and shoes? | Comments: Diane! Hey girl! I'm visitor number 2? Are your pics on here somewhere? I'm too lazy to look right now, but I will in a few. Your webpage is cute! I love the Little Mermaid! I hope your life is going ok and that you'll send some of those hilarious emails y way! Sorry these comments are lame! I could sign like you do in people's yearbooks-Stay sweet and you'll go far in life! Ha Ha! Love ya ya little craaaazy! Diane McCall aka GodivaDiva aka Too many cyber names to type out... |
Conrad Kuiper - 04/03/98 03:08:04 My Favourite fish: shrimp (yum yum) Favourite planet: Uranus Favourite chocolate bar: Oh Henry Favourite brand of socks: JC Penney | Comments: Cool! I am the first to visit your page!! |
CucumberMan - 04/03/98 02:09:58 My URL: My Favourite fish: Fried! Favourite planet: That small green one Favourite chocolate bar: Penis Butter Cups Favourite colour: Blueishyellowypurple Favourite actor: That Planters Peanut Guy Favourite brand of socks: Bick's | Comments: Well When I first got here I fell in...But the water was nice, so very nice job! |