"What's your suggestion, sis?" asked Zack.

Ivy smiled. "You know that thing identical twins do?"

"Switch places? Yeah. So?"

"Have you ever wondered what it's like to be Luke for a day?"

"Ivy, have you officially lost your mind?"

"I mean it, Zack. Just put on Luke's clothes and act like him."


"Comb your hair to look like his. Yell a lot. Fly into a rage whenever
someone calls you Lukie. Act holier than thou. Step on any insect that
crosses your path. Hmm, am I missing anything?"

"Kick puppies. Poor little guys. It's bad enough with one Luke in the world."
Zack spotted something on the floor. "Hey, ant! What makes you think you can
live?" He brought his foot down and groaned. "Aww, now I feel guilty!"

Ivy nudged her brother toward the stairs. "Go change. I'll keep Luke busy."

Zack obediently went up the stairs.

Ivy slipped into the kitchen. "Luke?"

"Yes, coz?" Luke was taking a tray out of the oven.

Ivy eyed the brown lumps on the tray. "What's that?"

"Candy," Luke replied.

"What's in them?"

"Chocolate, caramel, coconut, sugar--the usual stuff you find in candy."

Ivy snatched one of the pieces and broke it open. She examined the fragments.
"What is this white powder? And these clear crystals? Arsenic and ground

"Argh! How'd you figure it out?" Luke snatched the broken piece. "I was
planning to sell this candy to little school children."

Upon hearing this, the detective grabbed the tray and dumped the contents in
the garbage disposal." She walked out, leaving Luke to fume.

Zack came back downb, wearing Luke's clothes. "Ugh! How does he stand these
loafers? And this outfit? I feel so formal!"

Ivy pointed toward the door. "Leave by the back way."

Zack bowed and left.

Luke came back and plopped on the couch.

Ivy's communicator beeped.

"Where are you two?" cried the Chief. "Carmen's stolen a publication of
Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors! And Zack, why are you wearing those funny

Uh oh, Ivy thought. The Chief's mistaken Luke for Zack! "Uh, Chief? Can we
get back to you?" She shut off her communicator.

Luke smirked. "Where is Zack anyway?"

Ivy hesitated. "He's--busy."

"Since he's so busy, why don't I pretend to be Zack?"


"Come on, Ive. I dress up like Zack, work the case, we switch back, and no
one's the wiser."

Ivy conceded the point. "I guess."

Luke turned and climbed the staircase.

Ivy watched him go. "Stop the world. I wanna get off."

A few minutes later, Luke re-entered, in Zack's detective outfit. "Ugh! How
does he stand these sneakers? And this outfit? I feel so grungy!"

Within ten minutes, Luke and Ivy entered Acme Headquarters.

The Chief was waiting for them. "Took you long enough."

"We're sorry, Chief," Ivy began to apologize.

Stretch came bounding in.

"I am so tempted to kick that dog," whispered Luke. "But since Zack would
never do such a thing, I won't."

"Good," Ivy whispered. "Maybe you better pet Stretch, too."

Luke blushed and bent down.

Stretch growled and snapped his jaws. Luke swiftly drew his hand back.

"What's the matter, Stretchy?" asked the Chief. "That's Zack. From the way
you're acting, its almost as if you didn't recognize him."The Chief shook in
his window. "But never mind. Carmen's been spotted in a Cancun museum. I'll
C-5 you there in a jif!"

Meanwhile, Zack approached Luke's podium. He tapped the microphone. "Uh, is
this thing on?"

The microphone screeched. Zack jumped. "So it is on." He picked up a paper.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to propose a plan. As you may know, the
Green Revolution spread methods of increasing yield across the globe...." he
trailed off. "Who the heck wrote this?"

"You did," chorused the trustees.

Zack blushed. "Um, guys, I'm gonna have to cancel the speech today."

"Awww!" the trustees groaned.

Zack sighed. "I promise my next speech will be twice as long."

"Yea!" cried the trustees as they dispersed.

Zack groaned.

"Oh,Lukie!" called a high voice. Sandra entered. "How would you like to have
lunch with me?"


"Yes. At the Rosebud Cafe."

"The Rosebud Cafe?" repeated Zack. "That's the most exclusive restaurant in
town! You need an invitation just to get in."

Sandra fluttered her eyelashes. "But you have a pass."

Zack gulped. "I, uh, left it in my other pair of pants."

Sandra smiled. "I'll see you later." She walked off.

[Cancun, Mexico]

Ivy and Luke sat in the eaves of the museum.

Luke checked his Rolex watch. "I give her seven minutes."

Ivy was confused. "Seven?"

"Yeah. One to arrive."

Outside, Carmen approached the building.

"Four to break in."

At the same time, Carmen rewired the alarm system in four minutes and slipped

"And two minutes to come here," Luke finished. The door opened. "And cue the

Carmen casually walked to a stand containing statues of the Hero Twins from
Mayan mythology."

Luke and Ivy jumped down.

Carmen eyed Luke's wrist. Odd, she thought. Since when does Zack wear a Rolex

Luke turned to the control panel. His fingers bypassed the alarm switch and
brushed against a large green button.

"Don't push the panic button!" Carmen called.

Luke perked up. "I wonder what the panic button does. Only one way to find
out." He pressed the button.

The museum began to shake.

"The buildings going to collaspe!" Ivy shrieked.

To be continued....