A handful of some of the other great Carmen sites to visit.
Sites higlighted like this shouldn't be missed

And since we actually have some new links, (yay!) they'll be marked with this tag:

The Basics
The central pages of online Carmendom

Personal Homepages fit for all ages
'nuff said.

The Archives
Places to store stories... pics... sounds...

Epic Fanfic
Khisondhanna--THE Carmen Fanfic. Often imitated, but never duplicated.
Institute of Spacial Research The latest from the wonderful, forumer-original Anie, is a mind bending fic through the folds of space, time and reason. You can read some of Anie's earlier fic, see how it ties in with her main epic, see some of her fanart (a real treat in and of itself! Anie is one of the best artists in the forum!) and just hang around in general.

Odds and ends

And for those who are really interested
My stash of obscure homepages:
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