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Well this is my home page as it is, I hope to make it the largest collection of unicorn images on the net, but with 6 megs to start out with……. I am either going to have to wait or make them seriously postage stamp sized J . I hope that you enjoy this page even though it is fairley small at the moment, But when I do get all the pictures up (or atleast the most of them) I would like you to know that I have all of those images on 8.5X11 sized files, Multiple pics specifically designed for printing, but considiring the fact that they are 500 k each or there abouts, you will have to email me to get them. I would update this page more often but if your with geocities you would know how much of a pain it is to have to readjust every picture on the page so that it points to the right one on the server. If they would just let you upload through netscape gold or somthing! *sigh* Oh well teh odds of that happening are like nul, and it is free so i shouldent be complaining.

Below are a list of links to diferent areas of my page, Also I host every night on IRC a chat room, #Unicorn's, from 9 till 11 MST. Please feal free to drop by. All of this page for the next few weeks is under construction. And if i deem it that it will be worthwile to those who visit here i will begin paying the moula to get more space so all my images can be put up. As is only my favs are up right now. I thank you for visiting and i hope that you enjoy youtself here. Cya lator! sincerley PC_Unicorn

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