Classy Sites


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Sydney Harbour

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In this page I'm going to put in links to some of the best Web sites that I have come across on the net. Not just for their presentation but for their layout and content. I'll start off with a couple of my favourites. I love the graphics in these. Oh I put the Jack Russell in here because I just love Jack Russells. :)

This is AusVet's Page. He's an Aussie Vet who now lives in Ireland. The graphics here are magic and go to show just what you can do when you put your mind to it. Click on the award to visit him.

The Alternative Irish Jokes Page. There's some crackers in here so if you need a good laugh hop on in

The O'Halloran Page!. I love the use of the frames, something I usually try to avoid but this makes me want to maybe have another look at how to do it (and I suppose because he works in the same line of work as I am although I'm on the government end) Click the icon.

Paul's Page. Paul lives in Melbourne Australia. He has an amazing web site...I think around forty pages and he will do graphics for you too. Go have a look! Click the icon.

This is Alan Dawson's page. He has made landscapes using Paint Shop Pro and they are aboslutely beautiful. They would look great on your desktop. He even has a tutorial on how to make them yourself. Click on the icon.

Chromium Graphic Communications. This is a Perth based Web Site design company. They have built their site using "Shockwave"...very impressive. There is also a list of their clients pages for viewing.

This is the official page of the Irish Tourist Board. A really good layout. I love the opening page setup.

This is the web page of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Tourist Office in the Western Australian goldfields. Gold was discovered there by three Irishmen in the latter part of the eighteen hundreds. One of them was Paddy Hannan a statue of who stands in Hannan Street Kalgoorlie. In this site you can look at videos of the goldfields area including the mines. Overall the site is very informative and well put together. Click the icon.

April Fools.Com
Now this is a funny site. I had a few people in work going with their fake E-mails. Click on the icon.

This is N.A.S.A.'s Image gallery. You can look at photos taken from space. Subjects include the earth, the solar system, Mars and spacecraft. They would look good as wallpaper. Click on the banner and have a look.

This is Clevermedia's Shockwave Arcade Site. There is some real funny stuff in here like Bill Clinton's Revenge and Dogs playing poker. You need the "Shockwave" plug in to view the programs but it should download automatically when you access the any of the programs. Click on their banner and have a look!

This site is a scream. It should automatically download the shockwave plugin to your browser. When you get to the menu page go and have a look at what's showing in the theatre. Cracks me up every time I go there. Just click the logo

Music by Sash

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