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Welcome to my Second Page

Its just like my first page, only... not.

For Space Lovers Everywhere!!!

Live feed from Nasa TV - You would have to have the Real Player installed on your computer to play this one.

Broadcast.com - The best site to get live radio and television feeds.

Real Player's web site

Real Player.com

The Funnier side of the Web!!!

Jar Jar Binks - A site devoted to bashing Jar Jar, (Parental Discretion is advised).

Bert is Evil - A site devoted to bashing the Bert muppet of Sesame Street; (Highly Recommended, Viewability Factor of 10).

This page is still under construction. I would like some feedback to tell me what you, the public, wants to see on this page. You can click on this link to send all comments to: tone1701a@icqmail.com (Kindly specify to which page you are referring when giving your feedback)

Thank you :o)