Welcome to MY world

I found this web site - It's a FREE browser based game. Click the banner below to join. I don't get any money from you signing up - FYI. :)

Here are some web-sites for my adoring public.

A kick-ass page!!! - My best friend Clarky wrote this page... Not for the average web-stoner.

Clarky's homepage

Angie.com - My sister's website, (For all you space buffs out there this page has it all)!!!

Adam's home page

John's home page

Scott's Web Page - One of the ITSeabass band members. (Great Page)

420 Guild Guy - For all of you fans of Furcadia (TM), visit this one. You'll be glad you did ;o)

Pick a chat, any chat.


College Club

Skate Chat

Goth chat

Paranormal (for the everyday reader)

Astrology on the internet

Free Clairvoyance - Tarot readings and more.

The Black Vault - The government's hidden truth.

The much anticipated... PICTURES!!! (More on pg 3)

My Senior Pic. '98 - Sorry about the quality of this pic, (but you can still see it).

My friend Missy's pic

Clarky's pic

More pictures are on page 3 of me and other people I know and love. (There's a link at the bottom of the screen)

Hey all you weird song fans out there!!!

Here's a good little song i picked up. It is a download to your computer. You would have to have an unzip utility already on your computer to unzip and play it though. Here's a link right under the song to get WinZip if you don't have it already.

***NOTE- THIS IS NOT AN MP3!!! (Parental Guidance is Suggested)***

"Shoulders of Freaks"

WinZip Homepage

I have to appologize for the sound quality of the song. It was recorded from a tape-player onto the net via Sound Recorder 32. The humor of the song remained unchanged though.

Thank you for visiting this site. Please take a minute to tell me via e-mail if there is anything I can do to accomodate what you want to see on this page. You can click this link to send an e-mail directly to me: tone1701a@icqmail.com (Kindly specify to which page you are referring when giving your feedback)

Tell others to visit this site and remember to bookmark for fast and easy reference.

I would like to take this space for dedications. If it weren't for them figuring out how to read html and helping me out with it, I would have had a very tough time creating what you see before you.

Adam, Angie, & Clarky. This site is dedicated to you. Thanx.

Go to Page 2 Featuring live Television Feeds!!!

Go to page 3 About the Author of this site. (& More pics)!!!

Go to page 4 This is linked to another web site of mine for purposes of more space.

Go to Page 5 Featuring a story i have been working on. Tell me what you think.

Go to Page 6