Home Of Bradikus
My Dungeons & Dragons Web site

Adventure Tales
The Dale Defenders (Eleasias 30, DR 1382 to present) - Latest Campaign
Rannor Daul's Journal - (Hammer 24th  1381)  
The Brood (Eleasias 10th 1380 to Hammer 3rd 1381), Recent Events
Company Of The Night (Eleasias 17th 1375)
Company Of The Dales (Tarsakh 4th 1375)
Brotherhood of the Blade (Uktar, 1375)
*Interpretation of Forgotten Realms Months

Character Sketches
by Doug Beardsley (1982-1986 time frame) by Ken Beardsley (1990-1997 time frame)
Drow.jpg  This is a picture of The Red Drow destroying his enemies
Drakon.jpg  This is a picture of Drakon and one of his companions having fun
Side kick.jpg  This is a picture of Realm and his side kick Drakon
pick pocket.jpg  Bonsai catches a pick pocket... Ooops.
The Four.gif  Kwilm, Bonsai, Khaat and Coone long ago.
Caelus Moonstalker.jpg  He is just hanging out
Ker Mirak and Friend.jpg  Ker Mirak and Mourum wander the swamps
Agamemnon.jpg  On his throne... but it is probably an illusion... in fact, is he really there?
Kwilm Showing his impatience for the sketch artist taking so long
Visit Ken Beardsley (or as we like to call him Slash) @
*Of all of these only Kwilm and Caelus plays a part in the continuing adventures.  Kwilm as an evil NPC warlord,
probably appearing just as in this picture, and Caelus as part of the Brotherhood of the Blade.

Other Cool Stuff
Some of Trae's Spells
Cool Baldurs Gate desktop Theme

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