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"Somebody's going to be ruling the world in the years to come. It might as well be me.
I'd feel a lot safer that way." ---Jesse Enlow
See what the Daily Wildcat had to say about me, way back in the day.
Some Stuff on Orion!
Some Cool Bands

This is Ashley
**What a looker**

This is Dopey, my favorite rah-rah.
This is for you Jenny.
I realize I haven't updated this page in a very long time, but hey, I've been busy what with school and what-not. I was a fool and picked a major that requires that dirty four lettered word (work). But hey, I'll be making some bank when I get out, and that's a good thing. I don't know if all the work is worth it, but I guess I'll find out.
My name is Jesse Orion Enlow and I'm now a Junior here at the good ol'
University of Arizona, majoring in Materials Science and Engineering. Fun stuff. I'm extremly lazy and I hate work, but I'll do it if I have to (and it seems that I always have to, but I still don't like it). It's much more fun to go on adventures. I run, play the guitar,
and in about three years I'm going to rule the world. That's right, I'm going to rule the world, all you doubters beware! Trust me on this one.
"Therefore: whosoever honours the world in his persona, to him one may entrust the world."--Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu
I like fantasy and adventure, no, I love adventure, and I'm not just talking about books and what-not, I love adventures. A few of my favorite books are Terry Brooks' Shannara Series,
and theElfquestcomics by Wendy and Richard Pini.
You should check them bad boys out. I also like to draw.
These are a few of my thoughts
on things. Which haven't been updated in about 50 years.
Read this: Invictus by William Ernest Henley
As of April 1, 1998.
Email: orion01@rocketmail.com