Welcome to Role Call (character profile), where you can learn everything you every cared to know about your favorite Beetle characters.

  • The Beetle Real name: Unknown Age: Unknown Height: 5'9" Weight: 175 Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Sneaker of choice: Asics Favorite Comic: PEP-an old

    crappy "Archie" comic series Powers: None Intelligence: Probably some Origin: The Beetle is just a

    crazy guy who broke out of a

    mental institution and thinks

    he's a superherowith the powers

    of a beetle

  • The Eradicator Real Name: Unknown Age: 18-34 Height: 6' 3" Weight: 165 Eyes: Hidden Hair: Also hidden (but dark) Sneaker of Choice: Reeboks Powers: He has the gift of evil. Intelligence: terrorist level (fairly high) Origin: Starting his criminal career as a

    petty thief mugging innocent victims on the

    street, The Eradicator was the very first

    "villain" to square off with The Beetle.

    This took place the day that the Beetle

    broke out of the mental hospital. The Eradi-

    cator happened to be at the wrong place at

    the wrong time. In the course of the struggle,

    The Eradicator was thrown into the oncoming

    car of the future police chief. This accident scarred the Eradicator's mind so

    badly that he thought he was hideously disfigured. He became a small time

    terrorist who tried to take over Smash City in order to get revenge on the Beetle.

    His plans were foiled however, as the Beetle triumphed over all odds and defeated

    his legions of thugs and his made-to-order supersoldier. In his last scene, The

    Eradicator appeared to have disappeared in a random event of SHC (that's spontaneous

    human combustion, lowly peons).

    What's the buzz about: Let's just say that we never saw

    The Eradicator's charred corpse.

  • visit again soon , this site never stays the same.