Alchemiae Basica
Poetry Tutorial
man silently surveys the distruction before him.
lack ash covers the ground.
arefully, he steps over the scorched rubble.
oubts fill his mind.
verywhere the remains of his life lie in ruin.
riends - family - all gone.
rief grips his heart.
e swallows an presses onward.
n front of him is a box.
udging by its appearance, the contents are safe.
icking it, he hears a muffled thud.
eaning closer, he finds the latch.
ustering up his courage, he opens the box.
estled inside is another box.
range and red symbols are scribbled across it.
ushing a black button, he lift the lid.
uestioningly, he peers inside.
ed sand greets his astonished eyes.
ifting through it, he find a device.
rembling, he removes it from the inner box.
ndulating sounds emit from it.
oices fade in and out.
eeping, he hugs the device to his chest.
-rays had not fried everything.
esterday's nightmare is not the end.
ues shall live again.
Copyright © 1999, Amanda D. Doerr