Hi! Welcome to The Mars Bar main page. You'll find the picture catagory's are just under this message and a page about me is just under that. Other catagory's will be added later. Please sign my guestbook and leave a message about anything at all. Or, you can e-mail me. The address is at the bottom. Well, please have fun during your stay at our bar, and a little suggestion, don't patronize the Skraldians, they're a little aggressive. HAVE FUN!

Crop Cirlces

Mutilations (WARNING: Some of the pictures are gory. May disturb some people... otherwise, enjoy!)

Area51 Photos


Here's a page about me... I'm still working on it... but anyways, took a lookee!

My Page


My buddy Nick's Soccer Page

The Lucasarts Entertainment Company Homepage

And of course if want to e-mail me, just send it here


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