Laurie King's Beekeeper novels are the number one most exciting thing ever to happen in the world of Holmesian pastiches! I would recommend them unreservedly to all but the stuffiest of Canonical devotees. Her latest is The Moor (4th in the series) and is available from Amazon Books now.
A wonderfully talented writer and a lady I'm proud to call my friend, Rebecca Anderson keeps a home page featuring Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Who, Trek and X-files information and fanfic (she also does the official Laurie King page for the Beekeeper series) and some very insightful Christian writings
JoAnne Soper-Cook's page of fan-fic (Holmes, Vampire, Due South)
An entire page of interesting and entertaining Holmesian pastiches
Sherlock Holmes International has a very large web page in several languages
Links to Sherlockian sites, and more links
Geocities' Sherlockian sites of note link page and Baker Street Irregulars
The Mysterious Home Page
Sherlock in Comic Books
Basil Rathbone Sites
Holmesian Canon Word Search where you can find all the occurances of a particular word or phrase in the Canonical Holmes
Mrs. Hudson's Home Page
Sherlocktron's Home Page
Teapot Press - Victorian resources
Interactive Map of Europe, etc with Sherlock Holmes references marked
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