Welcome, one and all...
...to the St. Mary's of the Valley Reunion home page! I'll try to keep it as current as possible.
Date: Saturday, September 19, 1998 (formerly August 22)
Place: St. Mary's (now renamed to Valley Catholic) in Beaverton
What's Going On:
Catered lunch from Buster's BBQ
List of the Class of '78
This is a list of the class, with the current "status" of each person,
listed everyone alphabetically by their maiden name so it would be
easier to find each other. If anyone notices any misinformation,
or has an address or phone number for anyone listed as unknown please
email me right away.
If I haven't been able to find any way to contact a person,
there will be nothing beside their name. If I have an address
(possibly incorrect) for a person but she has not yet responded,
I have put the city name for that person's current known location. If
she has replied that she will be unable to attend, there's a black "X".
If she's going to be there, she'll have a butterfly.
(Yah, a little hokey but I liked the icon :)
If you have any way of getting in touch with someone with just a city
beside her name, please ask her if she has received
information from me yet.
If I have the email address of the person, I've put up an automatic mailer
for you to use. Just click on the underlined "email " after her name
and you will be able to easily send that person an email message.
Also email me if you would like me to put any additional personal information
up after your name (address, phone#, email, change of name) or if you would
like to leave a message for someone (see the "bulletin board" in the last
section of this page).
Ardell Allen
Elizabeth Baird Ingram -- Gresham
Andrea Bellisario Scalon -- Lake Oswego
Marion Bieber Pfaff
Barbara Bonn Taylor
Mary Brock Johnson -- Aloha
Tricia Burger Davidson -- Portland
Jeanni Wilber Capell
Joan Caldwell -- Gresham
Gayle Christensen -- Forest Grove
Melinda Clemens -- Kirkland
Teresa Cooper Jacobs -- Missoula
Maureen Currie-Dose -- Eagle Point
Dorothy Darby Johnson -- Lake Oswego
Francine DeGrood Taylor
Josie DeNicola -- Bend
Ellen Dernbach Nadeau
Colleen Doran Stacy -- Gig Harbor
Annette Dusa -- Newberg
Julia Ferrero -- Alexandria
June Fillback Hainley -- Portland
Sarah Fluge Martin
Suzanne Franulovich
Nora Garcia
Molly Grierson
Jean Grissom
Janine Hager -- Tualatin
Cynthia Hanning -- Renton
LaDonna Harmon Burgess -- Beaverton
Michelle Hogan
Kirsten Hollister Keller -- Portland
Stacey Inman
Luanne Kleffner Strickler
Janice Lamb Smith
Deborah Liebertz Woodall -- Hillsboro
Margaret Linblad Schuster -- Portland
Terrie Malony -- Portland
Judy Mann
Barbara Martin Leque
Patty Mason Evans
Jonnie Massey
email Jonnie
Suzanne McDowd Swales -- Beaverton
Madeline McFadden -- NYC, NY
Debra Meeuwsen -- Salem
Shelly Messler
Alison Miller Wallis -- Portland
Mary Murdock Parker
email Mary
Michelle Murphy Simons -- Beaverton
Monica Newman -- Somerset
Kathleen Norris Records -- Corvallis
Lourdes Ornelas de Arroyo
email Lourdes
Elysia Pratcher -- Everett
Daedre Prehn Graham -- Portland
Nancy Rand Sidell -- Lewiston
Peggy Reding Jasmin -- San Jose
Betsy Richards
Linda Richardson Hendricks -- Salem
Cynthia Rodlun -- Beaverton
Betsy Scholze -- Sherwood
Christine Stadick Marmon -- Aloha
Gail Stein Spencer -- Vancouver
Bridget Stickel Otto
Shawn Stinson L'Esperance -- Avon Lake
Tracy Thompson -- Beaverton
Kim Ueland -- The Dalles
Anne Veary -- Hillsboro
Stephanie Vennes -- Portland
Carolyn Wall -- Goldendale
Janice Watts
Molly Weinert Elberier -- Bellevue
Jeanni Wilbur Capell
email Jeanni
Julie Wood
email Julie
Kathleen Weber
email Kathy
Cheryle Walters
Grace Wong -- Singapore
Classmate News
As the confirmations come in from folks I'll post their news here.
Janice Lamb Smith - "I've been married 16 years, have three daughters: Sarah (15), Amanda (12), Amy (7). I volunteer at the local Catholic School, manage the girls' activities, quilt, play volleyball, soccer, softball."
Barbara Bonn Taylor - "I am married with two children - Chris age 13 and Holly age 11. I work at St. Vincent's Hospital as a labor and delivery nurse. My two children attend St. Mary's"
Kathy Weber - "Just turned 38 this week. Beginning to feel like my parents looked! Busy year coming - building a new home in nearby Kirkland. Married to Mike over 3 yrs. Choppy stock market make work intense. Would love visitors. Lots of room here. Life is good!"
Barb Martin Leque - will be attending with 2 children (Aaron 4, Mollie 3) & husband, Tim.
Bulletin Board
This is our bulletin board. If you would like to put up a short message for someone or a general message for everyone just email me.
Return to Francine's personal Home Page,
or send email.
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