Welcome to my page of pet links!

I raise satin mice in my garage. Okay, so it's a little wierd, but everybody's got a weird hobby or two, right? Satin mice are mice (of all colors) that have a gene which gives their coats an extra shine to them. It's very pretty, which is why I raise them. I've got silver and steel colored mice, as well as whites, spotted mice and mice with siamese color patterns (dark nose & tail & paws)
American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association
Lots of resources for mouse fanciers. Very non-judgemental, non-political.
Rat and Mouse Club of America
Slanted towards pet owners. Dedicated to the welfare of "our small friends". Against selling rodents as food.
Mouse In the House
A really nice little feature by Henry Velez about his mice.
Rodents' Ring Home Page
Turnbaugh Design Mousery
Many varieties of mice and rats.
Page of Rodent Links
London & Southern Counties Mouse & Rat Club
English mouse & rat club, resources and show information.

Snakes, reptiles, amphibians
In general, reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards) and amphibians (salamanders, newts, frogs) are grouped together under the term "herps" (from herpetology).
Big Apple Herpetological
Reptile and Amphibian Supplies
The Herp Mall
Links to places that sell reptiles and reptile supplies.
Desert Serpents Reptiles
Captive bred reptiles, links to clubs, herp care sheets, other reptile pages.
Zach Twist's Reptiles & Amphibians page
Zach has info on chameleons, iguanas and others.
Reptile Database from the European Molecular Biology Lab
Listed by their scientific names, pretty dry, no pictures, they do have some links to more interesting places.
Nature's reptile Galaxy
A fair selection, don't give scientific names so be sure you know what you're getting.
Info Service's Reptiles & Amphibians links
Reptiles page from The tame Beast
Frank and Kate Slavens' page of Her
A very long list of links.
Links to snake sites
Maintained by the European Snake Society.
The Reptile Information Network
Has links to art, vets, societies, vendors, events, advertising.
Herp Link
Links to care sheets, organizations, publications, resources, dealers.
Herp Links
Snakes, other web pages, dealers, lizards, herp supplies, clubs, turtles.
Reptiles Pet Store
Pet store specializing in herps, has many articles for herp owners. An excellent source of information; Justin Corliss is articulate and seems to know what he's talking about.
Herpetology on the Web
Links to herp web sites, from the Florida Museum of Natural History.
Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care Sheet
Articles and care sheets for herps. Many marvelous articles with advice to snake owners.
Home page for herp domain.
Victorian Herpetological Society
Australian based, many articles, links, parks, museums, magazines, price lists and list servers.
Michele's Reptile Page
Included here mostly because of the cute animations and page bars.
Reptilia Technologies
Buy and sell reptiles.
International Reptile and Amphibian Foundation
Reptile breeder.
Rainforest Reptile Refuge Society
Shelter for unwanted and abused reptiles and amphibians. Dedicated to the care, rehabilitation and conservation of native and exotic species.
The Dragon's Oracle
Captive bred snakes: kingsnakes, milk snakes, boas.

Tina's Collection of Cat Links
The Feline: From Goddess to Pet
Nicely done short essay.
Cat Pages
Links to other cat pages

Insects and other creepy crawlies
Scolopendra: The Pede Page
Info page dealing with the husbandry and reproduction of centipedes and millepedes. Some lovely pictures. Not for the bug-squeamish.
Plasmid Study Page
Resources for those interested in stick and leaf insects.

Some general pet sites
Pets Warehouse
Pet shop in New York, has online catalog.
Chad Arment's Zoological page
Herps, invertebrates, fish, mammals, other.
Santa Ana Zoo Tour
HandiLinks - Animals
All animal sites registered to HandiLinks.
Robin's Animal Page
Lots of links to animal related sites.
Canny Link pet sites
Arachnids, birds, cats, dogs, horses, insects, rabbits and herps.
Online pet shop.
The Tame Beast
An internet directory of pet resources
The Info Service's Pets Links
Info on Veterinary Insurance for your pets
Zac's Vet-Net page
Links for those interested in Vet medicine, vet stuff.
Waltham World of Pet Care
The Fish Connection
A few links to cichlid and other aquarium sites.
Coping With Pet Loss
An article from the Mining Company, with links to other resources.
John Ancrum's SPCA Page Links
Mr. Christal's Pet Links
Cyber Pets
A C-News article on the cyber pet craze.
Pets Warehouse
Pets and supplies, New York. Saltwater fish & others.
Dick's Pages
Dog related links, art, pet loss/grief, articles, stories
The Pet Ring
Acacia Pet Clinic Online
Offers pet care information from a full service veterinary clinic in San Jose. Includes dentistry, diseases and injuries, general. Links to the Vet Ring.
Pet Life
Articles, resources, products.
The Pet Channel
Stories, articles, classifieds, news, tips, pets.
Acme Pets
Articles, links, news, products.
Pet Expo
Pet supplies, including food, toys, books.
Exotic Pet and Bird Clinic
Skip Nelson, Pet Doctor, tips on pet care, classifieds, pet adoption, calendar of events.

Cyber Pets
Sure, it's a little silly, but just in case you want to participate in the adopt-a-cyber-pet craze, here are some places to get pets:
Anime Pets,
Cyber Mascots,
Jennifer's Teddys,
Animation Grove,
Guinea Pigs,
Enchanted Forest,
Bagel City,
Yahoo's Virtual Adoption

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