Like many of you, I have always been fascinated by mythical and fantastic creatures. Some of them are bright and beautiful, others dark and terrifying. The unicorn represents purity, the werewolf bestiality and the vampire is often used to create the literary construct of man pitted against his own evil nature. Among other things.
There are some people who believe in the existance of mythological creatures. There are some people who claim to be werewolves or witches, or to have supernatural powers. My personal beliefs lie counter to theirs, so although I would certainly never deny them the freedom to choose what path to follow, I have no wish to be mistakenly identified among their numbers. I am a Christian, and my fascination with vampires and unicorns is from a fictional perspective only.

Dragon Fiction
A fiction archive for dragon stories from
The Main Gate: Dragon's Realm
Jade's Dragon related sites
Drakaina's Home Page
The Dragon's Lair.
Dragon Lady's World
Poetry, pictures, links.

Neysa's Unicorn Picture Page
A very lovely collection of unicorn pictures, some are created art, others are pictures of unicorn figures and items Neysa has in her possession.
The Unicorn Hunt
Unicorn images, the Last Unicorn, some lyrics.
Land of the Unicorns
Like a web ring, featuring unicorns and pegasi.
The Mystic Cavern
Averyl's unicorn web page.
Unicorn Dream
Matthew Webber's unicorn page.
Geoff's Unicorn Page
Links and site news, art and several web ring links.
Life's Great Mysteries
Some pictures and poems about unicorns.
Kiwi Red's Page
Links to her poetry and unicorns.
The Unicorn Web Page
Features unicorns in art, categories change every month or two.
C.K.V.'s Unicorn Page
Studies various types of unicorns, including the Chinese Ki'lin, the Japanese Ki'rin and the Indian Yale.
Chrissy's Unicorn Web Page
Some lovely pictures, but very slow loading.
The Unicorn Tapestries
A set of pictures of old tapestries, courtesy of Colleen McClure.
LLFW: Unicorn Page
Some links and a rather interesting page background.

Vampire BooksA list of vampiric fiction, some with short summaries.
The Vampire's VaultBeverly Richardson's vampire page, with general vampire info, some lectures she has done, book reviews.
The Vampire-Pages of LabichAn article, poetry, stories, links, gallery and webrings.
The Countess' Darker SideThoughts on vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies and the like.
Vampire JunctionStories, poetry, articles, links to vampiric things.
The Whisper Wars
Site for a vampiric LARP, has links to vampires on TV, vampire art, lots of other vampire links.
U.S. Vampire WWW Archive
Links to many vampiric sites.
Kitten's Korner: Vampires
Poetry, short stories and vampiric links.
Theatre Des VampiresVampiric links; book reviews, chat, poetry, original fiction, goth.
H. Warren's Vampiric Links Just a page of vampiric links.
Lynn's Vampire Page
Vampiric TendenciesLinks to vampiric sites.
More Vampiric LinksFan-fiction, reference, comics and search engines.
Anduril's Lair: Vampiric TendenciesLinks to vampiric sites. Member of the Ring of Vampires.
The vampire PagesOriginal fiction and some other links.
Vampire Page LinksA page of vampire links.
Transylvanian Society of Dracula - Canadian ChapterHome Page for the society. Has membership information, FAQ, some home pages and links.
Vampire Princess MiyuWeb Site featuring the anime series Vampire Princess Miyu. Member of the Vampire Princess Miyu site ring, and the Dark Side of Anime site ring.
Porphyria PagePorphyria is the very rare disease that some think may have caused or contributed to the vampire legend.
World of DarknessLinks to many White Wolf oriented sites.
Dark Side of the WebAn extremely comprehensive list of Dark resources. It's hard to say exactly what that means, but it includes all the horror, monster, occult and paranormal books, movies and entertainment. Fan fiction, role-playing, comics, webrings, chats, zines, literature and much more.
Vampirish PassionsLinks to vampire fiction, fantasy and information on the web. Stories, poetry, research, articles and other vampirical sites.
Morticia's MorgueVampires & Gothic links.
Vamps: Cultural ReferencesLinks to vampiric sites.

Call of the WildA wolf page with many lovely pictures.
The Werebeasts' ringList of links to sites on the Werebeasts' webring.
Transformation RingList of sites with stories about transformations.
Benjamen Freeman's Home PageSome links to pages, member of Web Ring of Darkness, pro-White Wolf (gaming) site.
Garou, The MUSHHome page for the GarouMUSH game.
Web of Darkness central linkList of links to Web of Darkness sites. Lots of werewolf and vampire LARP sites, very White Wolf oriented.
Black Dogs and WerewolvesAn interesting site with several legends from SE England.
John Sutton's wolf linksMany links to wolf, werewolf and "furry" sites.

Miscellaneous and Mixed
Yahoo's list of Fabulous CreaturesCurrently includes Bigfoot, centaurs, dragons, faeries, ghosts, griffons, the Jersey Devil, the Loch Ness monster, mermaids, unicorns, vampires, werewolves and zombies.
Legendary Animals
Links to dragon, gargoyle, gryphon, merfolk, unicorn and phoenix sites.
Windstone Dragons
I bought one of these dragons for my husband many years ago. The rather poor quality pictures on this page don't do it justice at all. The Windstone dragons and other figurines are incredibly likelife and beautiful. A little spendy, but well worth the price (I paid about $150 for a "mother dragon" which sells here for $76). The winged "flap cats" are really beautiful as well.

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