Not much to say about computers, except that I have found a couple of mail-order computer places I would recommend.
These folks have great prices and send out a lovely full color catalog a couple of times each month. They often have rebates that bring prices down even farther. Phone: 1-800-554-1638
PC ConnectionOne thing that drives me absolutely nuts is the way mouses keep breaking on me. I looked all over for an optical mouse and found a very reasonably priced one at PC Connection. Only about $35 with shipping, and they got it to me the next day.
Pricewatch search engineIf you know what you want and you just want the best price on the net, check it out here. I went through and checked out prices for all the hardware we purchased in the past three months and compared prices, and in all but one case we could have gotten a better deal here.
HTML Font ColorizerA nifty freeware program which allows you to make your own fonts for HTML.
Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples
HyperNews Home PageForums and other stuff including WebStyle
Domino's HTML LessonA nice little one page demo on font types, styles, colors, sixes, etc.
HTML Programming Resources Page
Web-SolveSome free and pay-per HTML tutorials and other stuff for internet business web stuff.
UWired Intermediate Hypertext Markup Language LabA nice little tutorial on font, background, alignment, tables and frames.
WWW Information PackA web information page from the University of Aberdeen.
The HTML Pit StopNice little HTML tutorial, basic to advanced.
Donna's text colors on all backgroundsA wonderful page that shows you how all the text colors look with all the background colors.
Sign your Web Page up with the search enginesThis wonderful site helps you sign your web page up with Hotbot, Infoseek, Lycos, AltaVista, Excite and Webcrawler. Easy to use. All you need is your URL and email address.
Search Engine WatchLots of information on search engines and how to use them.
Web Page Promotion from YahooA list of pages that will help you promote your web page more effectively.
Jo's WorldWeb design and lots of cute animations.
InfoSpaceRegister your web site with a bunch of search engines at once.
Submit It!Web site marketing services and tools. Has PositionAgent (evaluates your position in search engines), mailing list, fast counters, ad banner network, mass web site announcement services and other web site stuff.
SiteOwnerServices for site owners. Free submission to seven search engines, meta tag analyzer and builder, position finder (find out how your site ranks in the search engines), link finder (who links to your site).
ComputerESPGuide to where to buy computer products.
Web 100Rates web sites. Gives you top 100. Updated hourly.
How To Make An Animated GraphicStep by step instructions.

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