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          Computer Games

          Current favorite: Master of Orion II

          Current favorite: Master of Orion II

            Chris Richards' MOO2 page explains using a network and editing saved games.
            MOOniac's Guid is a well designed page full of tips, gripes & strategies.
            Antares MOO2 Page has tips, forum, screenshots, reviews, links.
            Chris Chang's MOO2 page
          Past favorite: Pax Imperia

          There are lots of places on the net to get demos, downloads, game tips and lots of other game related goodies. Mostly, I prefer strategy and card games and other quiet, intellectual games. Here are a few of the places I've found:

          Computer Games Online has reviews, demos, forums, contests, tips and gaming news
          Computer Games Online has reviews, demos, forums, contests, tips and gaming news
          Gamers City has news, demos, previews and articles
          MeccaWorld has demos, reviews, demos, articles, previews, halls of fame for various games
          Web-Grognards Strategy and Wargame Shop
          Game Depot has articles, reviews, muliplayer games, chat sites, ads, jobs, downloads, demos
          Gamebot links, searxh engine, tips, cheats, walkthroughs, reviews
          SoftSeek has lots of shareware, freeware and evaluation software
          PC Game Finder is a search engine for game stuff
          2 AM Games has multiplayer games you can play with others
          Software Zonehas an interesting "chat" system which follows you around while you navigate through the site. Site has downloads. Focuses on less well known games.
          Happy Puppy has demos, hints, shareware
          3DFX Mania has patches, demos, reviews, cheats
          Demoland has lots of demos
          Cheatland has game "cheats"
          Adrenoline Vault has downloads, previews, articles, forums, searches
          Gamespot has lots of info (hints, cheats, reviews, previews) about games by category
          Gamepower has the Game Guru as well as all the usual stuff (reviews, previews, demos, cheats, etc)
          Gamesmania has all the usual, plus you can request a cheat, demo, patch or ?
          Gamezone calls itself the internet's most comprehensive gaming site, has all the usual
          Hotfiles Software library, good site
          Gamer's Inn has message boards, live chat, free web page, library of demos, shareware, freeware
          Freeware32 has freeware for 32 bit
          Rocket Download has lots of downloads
          Jumbo Download Network

            CGW IBM PC Games
              Strategy, war, role-playing, flight sim, space blasters, racing, arcade, adventure, puxxles and much more.

            Pages of links:
            Purple Frog
            Imagine Games Network

            Software for children: Creative Kids



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