Welcome to my web page!

          First a little personal info. My name is Francine DeGrood Taylor, and I live near Portland, Oregon. I'm 37 years old and have been married for 7 years to a wonderful man named Calvin. We're both computer geeks; he's the hardware guy and I'm an applications programmer.

          My programming job has a lot of time demands (80 hour weeks will really burn you out) that make it impossible for me to spend much time writing so I'll probably be eighty or so before I actually get a novel finished, but I love to write anyway! I read sf/f almost exclusively (and the occasional romance). One of my other favorite activities is role playing, though I don't have time for more than one game a week (ah, for the good old days in college when I could manage two or three :)

          I also love animals. Our little house in the suburbs with its tiny 1/3 acre backyard doesn't allow for many pets, but we do have four cats and a German Sheperd, as well as a constantly changing number of mice which I raise in the garage. When the weather is good I do a bit of gardening; I have been cultivating four leaf clovers for many years. My stock seed now produces anywhere from 5% to 50% four leaf clovers, depending on the plant and its age (older clover produces more).

          Anyway, having had a fair amount of time on my hands lately, I've been surfing for interesting and useful places. I've divided them up by topic of interest. If you know of any sites which you think I ought to include, please let me know. Also, be aware that these pages are still under construction and change almost daily so new links, pages or subjects could be added at any time.

          Subjects contained in my web pages:

          Science Fiction & Fantasy
          Writers' Resources
          Sherlock Holmes
          Fantastic and Mythological Creatures
          Role Playing
          Computer Games (freeware, shareware, reviews, tips, cheats, etc)
          Gardening Page
          Search Engines

          One last personal note. I'm coming up on my high school's 20 year reunion, and the web page for this gala event has just been created. All St. Mary's grads please pop on over and take a look.



          Back to the top of my Home Page, go to my Writers' Resources Page, my Science Fiction/Fantasy Page, my Fanfic Page, my Fantastic and Mythical Creatures Page, my Pets Page, my Gardening Page, my Computer Games Page, my Sherlock Holmes Page, my Role Playing Page, my Computer Page, my Crafts Page, my Music Page, my Page of Search Engines, my Miscellaneous Page, or email me.

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