
A List of all the disciplines in the World of Darkness

~ Animalism~ Auspex~ Bardo~ Celerity~ Chimerstry~ Daimoinon~ Dementation~ Dominate~ Fortitude~ Melipominee~ Mytherceria~ Necromancy~ Obeah~ Obfuscate~ Obtenebration~ Potence~ Presence~ Protean~ Quietus~ Sanguinus
~ Serpentis~ Spiritus~ Thanatosis~ Thaumaturgy~ Vicissitude~


Animalism concerns friendship for and empathy with the animal world. It is an expression of the Beast which lurks within every Vampire. This Discipline grants vampires those powers which have to do with animals, with the exception of those that involve taking animal form, which is an aspect of the Protean Discipline. Anyone with this Discipline can understand and soothe the emotions of animals as well as control the creatures at higher levels of ability. Vampires who do not have this discipline may be considered offensive to animals, for beasts do not feel comfprtable around them.
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This Discipline is one of awareness, sensitivity, empathy and extrasensory perception. Those with this Discipline tend to be strongly affected by enviromental phenomenona, especially beauty. Loud noises can be very disturbing. Nearly all Auspex powers require some variation of a Perception roll to see how much is learned and understood.
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This is the Children os Osiris' Discipline, handed down since Osiris himself first discovered this path. It involves attainment of a constant state of mystical consiousness, only achieved by living the rigid, escetic life of the Children. It is named after the Tibetan word for the half world, the place entered between life and ressurection. This is the realm where the Children of Osiris' conciousness resides.
The Child must maintain Humanity equal to their highest level of ability, or else lose that ability. For example, a Child must have a humanity of 9 to gain the ninth level of attainment. If the Child's Humanity were to drop below the required level, then the ability of that level is lost amd must be bought all over agian with experience points. The Child can counteract this with their first Discipline.
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This Discipline explains the superior quickness of Vampires. A rating in Celerity allows the character to move extremely quickly in times of stress and take multiple actions in a single turn. While anyone can divide their Dice Pool suring a single turn, characters with Celerity can perform extra actions without penalty.
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The Ravnos are masters of trickery and deceit, and often utilize their ability to create illusions and hallucinations. The most basic illusions can fool shopkeepers into taking one-dollar bills instead of hundreds, or scare a Kindred with a fake stake. At higher levels, the fake stake could actually hurt the vampire and make her believe she is paralyzed.
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This is the discipline of the mysterious clan Baali. They manipulate and utilize infernal powers to achieve their desired results through fear and summoning demons.
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This Discipline is possessed by a fair number of Malkavian antitribu. It lets the vampire pass its insanity on to its victim. It is similar to Dominate but acts more as a catalyst rather than a controller.
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This Discipline reflects a Vampire's mysterious ability to command others (usually mortals) and ensure that the command is heeded. It is an aspect of the power of the mind and the will. It affects the judgement of the target, not the emotions.
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This Discipline explains the Vampires' great resistance to harm that would normally incapacitate any normal mortal. Any time Stamina is rolled, you may add your character's Fortitude to the Dice Pool to reflect this extra capacity to resist damage. Most often, this advantage is useful in combat when a vampire rolls Stamina + Fortitude to soak damage.
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The Melipominee Discipline appeared simultaneously with the Daughters of Cacophony and is intrinsically linked to that bloodline. It allows its possessors to use speech and song for a variety of supernatural effects.
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The Mytherceria Discipline varies in it's content from Faerie Wards to the Riddle Fantastique. It appears to be a mash of several different things.
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This Discipline allows a vampire to summon and converse with spirits of the dead, possibly gaining advice and knowledge from them.
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The power to heal is nothing at which to scoff, for the might of Obeah has saved many lives. However, there is more to this discipline than just healing. It provides a form of control over other people's bodies and spirits. The ability to steal souls is gained at Level 5, and may well be at least part of the reason why vampires so readily believe the Tremere's propaganda.
Obeah seems connected to the Salubri's third eye, and any Kindred (Salubri or otherwise) learning this Discipline will also start to develop the eye.
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You excel at hiding among and away from crowds. When you do not wish to be seen, others, especially mortals, rarely notice you even if you're standing right in front of them. Your Obfuscate rating adds dice to any stealth roll you make, but it does much more as well.
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This Discipline relates to the powers of darkness. It allows the user to manipulate darkness and possibly the abyss in a powerful manner. This Discipline is primarily practiced by the Lasombra.
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This Discipline explains the superior strength that Vampires possess. Your rating in Potence adds directly to your strength almost every time you roll that Attribute. This additional strength allows for great feats to be accomplished, far beyond what a normal mortal would be able to perform.
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There is something about you that attracts people. The Presence Discipline is a power over emotions of people, not their judgement or mind. Unlike Dominate, it can be used on many people at the same time. Presence is not something that you can turn off or on, but it reflects something that you are. It is closely related to the Charisma Attribute.
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This Discipline allows Vampires to transform either their entire bodies or parts of their bodies into soemthing that is not human. No roll needs to be made; the transformation is automatic and takes only one turn to accomplish. However, in the case of the total body transformations (Earth Meld, Wolf, Bat and Mist) one Blood Point must be spent each time a change is made, including going back to mortal form.
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A quiet death is the goal of this Discipline, and those who know it can kill without anyone knowing they were around. It is a Discipline that all Assamites seek to master, and is invariably the highest-level Discipline any member of that clan has. Assamite blood can be as poisonous to other Kindred as their blood is to Assamites. Most of these powers reflect that all beings, in one way or another, are connected by the blood that is so central in vampires' unlives.
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This discipline is a rsult of a diabolical experiment made in co-operation between the Tremere antitribu and the Tzimisce. They managed to create packs of shock troops in a merger of Blood Magic and flesh-altering powers in which they refined the blood bonds to new heights. This Dicipline is the result of that heightened bond.
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This Discipline is derived and developed from the legendary powers of Set, and is entirely unique to The Followers of Set. Most of the powers revolve around the concept of corruption in one way or another.
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This Discipline comes from the spiritual forces existing in nature. The Ahrimanes learned this from Native American shamans. The discipline is highly versitile, giving Ahrimanes a strong edge over other Kindred in the wilderness.
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The practitioners of this Discipline are obsessed with the appearance of death, and generally find themselves shunned by all but the most twisted of Kindred.
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Few Vampires are able to practice the exceedingly rigorous Discipline of Thaumaturgy. This is the practice of magic, and is largely the providence of the Tremere Clan, who guard it's secrets jealously.
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This Discipline is common among Tzimisce vampires. It is similar in some respects to Protean, but the two are seperate Disciplines. Vicissitude allows a vampire to transform the shape and composition of bodies, both their own and those of others.
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