
A description of the Clans in the World of Darkness

~ Assamite~ Ahrimanes~ Brujah~ Caitiff/Pander~ Daughters of Cacophony~ Followers of Set~ Gangrel~ Giovanni~ Kiasyd~ Lasombra~ Malkavian~ Nosferatu~ Ravnos~ Salubri~ Samedi~ Toreador~ Tremere~ Tzimisce~ Ventrue


Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus

Havens: Assamite elders live at Alamut, a fortress located atop a mountain somewhere in Asia Minor. While away from the clan haven, neonates choose the most inaccessible and private locations as their havens.

Character Creation: Almost all Assamites are of Middle Eastern descent, and many are former soldiers, explorers, investigators or criminals. Their Natures and Demeanours are usually similar but almost never the same. Any Attributes may be primary, but skills are usually the primary Abilities. Popular Backgrounds include Mentor (the sire) and Clan Prestige (to get plum contracts).

Weaknesses: Assamites have two blood-related disadvantages. The first is the clan requirement that all of its members give a 10 percent blood tithe to their sires. The second is that they are unable to imbibe the blood of other Kindredm and if it is forced into them it acts as does poinson to a mortal. Each Blood Point from another Kindred that somehow enters an Assamites system inflicts one Health Level of non-aggrivated wounds before it is purged.

Gaining Clan Prestige: The most obvious route for gaining Clan Prestige is through successful assassinations, but there are other ways. Members of the clan often trade each other blood they have recieved as payment. For instance, a ninth-generation Assamite may trade two Blood Points of 10th-generation vitae to a 10th-generation sister in exchange for one Blood Point of ninth-generation blood. Assisting other clan members in this manner gains one Prestige as well.
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Disciplines: Animalism, Presence, Spiritus

Havens: Ahrimanes dwell in large mansions on the outer fringes of populated areas. They all maintain underground lairs, impenetrable to all but the most powerful enemies. There are no nomadic Ahrimanes. They stay involved in mortal affairs, and travel a good bit, but only within their territory.

Character Creation: All Ahrimanes, without exception, are female. Most have Professional or Working Jane Concepts. Their nature is usually Survivor or oriented towardssurvival or power. Their Demeanors may be anything, but most are Survivors or Loners. Common Background Traits include Contacts, Resources and Retainers. All Ahrimanes have at least 3 Background points in Mentor. **NOTICE** Ahrimanes are created only through a magical ritual and therefore cannot create Childer!

Weaknesses: Because of the nature of their existance, Ahrimanes cannot create offspring and cannot use their blood to bond others. They can still be bound to others. If Merits and Flaws are used in the Chronicle, they can still take the Flaw "Thin Blooded" but it is only a 1 point Flaw.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Due to their severely low numbers, there is no real Clan Structure to advance in.
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Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence

Havens: They live wherever they like, frequently kicking out whoever lived there before them. Seldom do they stay in one place for longer than a month.

Character Creation: Brujah often have a Criminal or Punk Concept, but many of them are intellectuals as well. They normally have very agressive Demeanours and very extreme Natures. Physical Attributes are primary, as are skills. Commonly they have Contracts, Allies, Herd as their Background Traits.

Weaknesses: The members of this clan fall into Frenzies far more easilyand quickly than other Vampires. However, the Brujah flatly deny this and become exceedingly hostile (even to the point of Frenzy) if teh subject is raised. The difficulty for Frenzy rolls is always two higher than the number listed.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Because there are three different Brujah subgroups, there are three different means of aquiring Prestige. (Note that Prestige itself is a nearly oxymoronic characteristic for this Clan.
The clan offers Prestige for gutsy acts of recklessness and daring. The more antiauthoritarian the act, the more the Prestige conferred.
Among the Iconoclasts, winning fights also confers clan Prestige, as does truimphing over a rival pack. Oddly enough, great Prestige is conferred when one individual or pack cooperates with other Brujah in times of need. Most Brujah understand the need to support one another during crises, and their pride in the clan will always cause tehm to protect their "bloods" against outsiders.
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Disciplines: None specified. Feel free to choose.

Havens: They prefer to stay in the packs communal haven to keep up with the action. Few young Caitiff/Panders maintain private havens, bot older members of the clan do.

Character Creation: Caitiff/Panders represent a melting pot of peoples. There is no way to classify the variety to be found in their clan. Ther share no preferred concepts, Natures, Demeanors, Attributes, Abilities or Background Traits.

Weaknesses: Caitiff/Panders have no specific weaknesses, but they find it difficult to rise in the Camarilla/Sabbat and often handle the most dangerous missions.

Gaining Clan Prestige: A Caitiff/Pander gains Prestige within his clan whenever he increases the unity of the clan, aids fellow clan members for the betterment of the Camarilla/Anarchs/Sabbat or the clan, or increases the respect others have for the Caitiff/Panders.
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Daughters of Cacophony:

Disciplines: Fortitude, Melpominee, Presence

Havens: Trendy appartments, lofts and nightclubs seem to be their residences of choice.

Character Creation: Daughters of Cacophony almost always have entertainer concepts. They split their popular Natures between Visionary and Praise-Seeker, though they may take any Demeanour. Social Attributes are and Talent Abilities are almost always primary. They always have at least some Fame, but can have any other Backgrounds they desire. Most will also have Herds for whom they perform. Many have developed the Baby Face Merit.

Weaknesses: The Daughters of Cacophony are so caught up in their music that they hear it constantly. As a result of this distraction, the difficulties of all a Daughter's Perception rolls are increased by one. Aditionally, a Daughter's alertness can never exceed three.

Gaining Bloodline Status: The easiest way to gain Prestige among the Daughters is through musical ability. Some rumors speculate that Daughters also gain Prestige based on the number of Kindred and Kine their music has driven crazy.
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Followers of Set:

Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis

Havens: The Setites prefer to reside in caverns or bunkers deep underground. Often the walls of these havens are decorated with egyptian hieroglyphics telling the story of Set. These havens are known as temples, and they are always under or near the headquarters of the Setites' criminal activities.

Character Creation: Most Setites have outsider concepts, although there are a small number of dilettantes, criminals and politicians among them. They are often Curmudgeons or Deviants by Nature and will adopt whatever Demeanor is appropriate at the time. Social Attributes are primary as are Talents. Most have the Background of Retainers and many have Contacts and Allies throughout various criminal organizations.

Weaknesses: Settites are extremely susceptible to sunlight. Double the dice for damage from any exposure to it. They are also susceptible to bright lights and subtract one from all Dice Pools while in bright light (i.e., spotlights, nightclub strobe lights, searchlights, magnesium flares etc.)

Gaining Clan Prestige: Clan Prestige within the Followers of Set is gained by enskaving others through their own weaknesses. The more followers a Setite hasm the more respect she garners among her peers. Setites can also gain Prestige by corrupting people and Kindred in high positions.
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Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean

Havens: Wanderers by nature, the members of this clan almost never make any one place their home. Though they may live within a single citym they will usually not create a Haven for themselves. They are often found in parks, zoos or semi-wooded areas in the city. Most of them are able to earth mels and do so each night to escape the sun.

Character Creation: Gangrel often have a Drifter or a Working Joe Concept. Their Nature and Demeanor tend to be quite similar. Physical Attributes are Primary, as are Talent Abilities. Normal Background Traits are Allies (the Gypsies) and Mentor (their Sire).

Weaknesses: Gangrel become increasingly animal-like each time they Frenzy - the player must pick a new animan feature each and every time they fall into a Frenzy. They increasingly come to look like that which they truly are, the Beast. These features tend to have a negative effect on the character's Social rolls. With every three animal features gained, the player must lower one of his or her Social Traits by one.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Gangrel seldom meet with eachother, and consequently have little opportunity to jockey for Prestige. When two Gangrel meet, they describe all they have witnessed, and tell all the tales they have recently heard. This spreads the clan lore and history, and makes heros out of some Gangrel. As a result, some Gangrel effortlessly rise in Prestige as teh tales of their exploits are told and repeated.
Sometimes Gangrel do clash. The two tear into eachother until one yields. The winner gains Prestige and the loser drops in Prestige. The loser can rechallenge the winner at any time.
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Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence

Havens: Giovanni generally dwell in mansions and condominiums in the finer parts of town; most also maintain at least one hideaway in a sewer or graveyard.

Character Creation: Giovanni almost always have professional concepts. Their most common Natures are Deviant and Architect, though they may assume any Demeanor. Mental Attributes and Knowledge Abilities arealmost always primary. They always have at lease some Resources, but can have any other Backgrounds they desire. Most will also have Retainers, who are always siblings or cousins in the Giovanni family.

Weaknesses: Living creatures upon whom the Giovanni feed take twice as much damage as they otherwise should. This if a Giovanni drank one Blood Point, her victim would take two Health Levels of damage. For this reason, Giovanni are among the most prominent blood bankers and take vitae from people who have dies moments before whenever possible.

Gaining Clan Prestige: The easiest way to gain Prestige among the Giovanni is by accumulating vast amounts of wealth. A more difficult way is by discovering new understandings of death, either through art or magic.
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Disciplines: Mytherceria, Necromancy, Obtenebration

Havens: All Kiasyd maintain permanent havens. They usually stay in the same haven until it begins to fall apart. Their home is always roomy enough for uests; though Kiasyd will not live in the same city, they often visit eachother. They always construct vast underground galleries full of unusual stonework of their own design.

Character Creation: Most Kiasyd have a Dilettante or Working Joe Concept. Their Demeanors should be something normal, but their Natures should be completely different. Mental Attributes are always primary, as are Knowledges. Common Background Traits are Herd, Resources, and Retainers.
One unusual knowledge many Kiasyd posess is Faerie Mechanics. This Knowledge allows the individual to construct illogical machinelike objects of any size and shape, capable of producing odd, preternatural effects.

Weaknesses: The Kiasyd's strange physiques may be unsettling and inhuman, but it does not limit their appearance. In fact, many are considered quite beautiful. However, they do have a problem with pure iron. Being around it raises Frenzy difficulties by one, touching it causes an immediate Frenzy roll, and being damaged by it causes aggrivated wounds.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Due to their distant natures, there is no Clan Structure in which to advance. They are usually found alone, and if two Kiasyd other than sire and childe inhabit the same city for an extended period of time, it is a breach of Kiasyd etiquette.
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Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence

Havens: Most younger Lasombra do not maintain private havens, preferring the pack's communal haven. Most of the elder Lasombraprefer their own private havens, but stay with their pack when necessary.

Character Creation: Lasombra can hae any Demeanor, but their natures tend to be leader-oriented. Social Attributes are Primary and Mental Attributes are usually Secondary. Although most Lasombra have high Leadership scores, any type of Ability can be Primary. Background Traits include Contacts, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers and Sabbat Status.

Weaknesses: Due to a side effect of their Obtenebration Dicipline, the members of this clan can no longer be seen in mirrors, nor can they appear in photographs or on film. This allows them to bypass security cameras and teh like, but makes it relatively easy to detect them as vampires. Many Lasombra have human or ghoul retainers who groom them.

Gaining Clan Prestige: The Lasombra prefer their members to compete with one another and to pursue their own personal goals. However, any clan member who hurts the clan's position or reputation will recieve draconian punishment. Lasombra gain Prestige whenever tehy succeed in becoming leaders in the Sabbat, especially at teh expenseof a non-Lasombra leader. They also recieve Prestige for successfully increasing the wealth and influence of the clan. Prestige is very important to Lasombra, but they downplay this fact in the presence of non-Lasombra. They do not want other Sabbat questioning their leaders' loyalty.
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Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate

Havens: Anywhere they feel comfortable. Many of them seek out hospitals and asylums to reside in, They may even be assumed to be inmates by the staff.

Character Creation: Malkavians can have any sort of Concept, the weirder teh better. They may have a variety of different Demeanors and rarely are they very much like their Natures. Mental Attributes are primary, as are the Talents. They have nearly any Background Trait.

Weaknesses: All members of this clan have some sort of Derangement. In fact, characters begin the game with one. You can choose any Derangement, but you will never be able to completely overcome it, no matter how much Willpower you use. The touch of madness is always upon you.

Gaining Clan Presitge: Many Malkavians probably do not understand that they are a clan, and the rest are busy denying that they are Malkavians. This does not apply here.
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Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence

Havens: The Nosferatu most often live beneath the ground, either in dank cellars or sometimes even within the city sewer system. When they do live above ground, it is only in abandones houses or graveyards.

Character Creation: Most Nosferatu have lower class Concepts, and tend to have a strong contrast between tehir Nature and Demeanor. Physical Attributes are Primary as well as Talents.

Weaknesses: Nosferatu are so ugly that they have an appearance of zero. Simpky cross the entire attribute off the character sheet. Nosferatu fail any action that involves their appearance (they are really hideous).

Gaining Clan Prestige: High Prestige is accorded to those who consistently provide fresh, accurate information - information that increases feeding grounds, enables bargaining with other clans, and contributes to the safety of all Nosferatu. Generally, however, Prestige is granted with age. The older the vampire, the more he understands the real workings of the world, and the more valuable he is.
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Disciplines: Animalism, Chimerstry, Fortitude

Havens: Ravnos constantly travel from city to city. Though they my settle somewhere for a time and even establigh Havens, after a few months they always hit the road again. Usually the princes of their temporary abodes "persuade" them to leave much sooner than that.
Traditional Ravnos make their homes in gaudily colored, covered caravans that travel through the countryside, stopping here and there to trade, celebrate holidays or just for a change of pace. In North America, where Gypsies have moved into the cities, the Ravnos have followed suit. Now they make their homes in the basements of fortunetellers' shops and in the backrooms of Gypsy houses.

Character Creation: Ravnos usually have Drifter and Outsider concepts. They generally have Jester-type Natures but are willing to change their Demeanors ar a moment's notice. Social Abilities and Talents are generally primarym and they almost always have a number of family members as Retainers. Some also have high Resources in the form of gold and jewels they have accumulated through the years. Such trinkets are highly prized among them as symbols of success and expertise.

Weaknesses: Ravnos are infamous for their trickery. Each has a specific area of thievery and deception in which she is especialy interestedm and practices it every chance she gets. In fact, a Ravnos must make a Self-control roll (difficulty 6) not to perform her crime of choice when the opportunity presents itself.
The character should decide suring the creation process what type of "crime" attracts the character. Some common crimes include con games, thievery, gambling, cheating and extortion. Players and Storytellers should feel free to make up new ones.

Gaining Clan Prestige: The best way to gain the respect of other Ravnos is to pull off wonderful cons, the tales of which are then retold for years to come. Getting a prince to trade her favourite vessel for a worthless kinck-knack or stealing a Methuselah's coffin from his haven would warn a Ravnos a great deal of esteem withuin his clan.The more souveniers a character can collect from his exploitsm the better; it is considered bad taste to talk about oneself unless one has something to show (The idea is to talk about the object, not oneself).
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Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah

Havens: Anywhere, but their havens are usually far from other Kindred and protected my mortals.

Character Creation: Salubri can potentially have nearly any concept, but it is exceptionally rare fr them to come from a criminal or soldier concept. Almost all have a Caregiver Nature, but they can have any Demeanor. Mental Attributes and Mental Abilities are usually primary, but this is not always the case. All Salubri must take 5 dots in the Generation Background to represent their sire's sacrifice for them, and because of their problems with feeding, many have Herds of faithful followers.

Weaknesses: Whenever one of the Salubri takes blood from someone who resists the Kiss, the Salubri loses one Health Level for every Blood Point taken. It must be healed normally (with blood). The vampire must know the target is not resisting as is at peace in order to avaoid the damage. This is why most of this Lineage are either Cassanovas or Sandmen. Aditionally, the character must continually persevere towards Golconda; any straying from this path will lead to dire consequences (like the inability to regain Willpower). When Golconda is finally reachedm abd end must come to this existance when a successor is ready.

Gaining Clan Prestige: In general, they do not spend enough time with one another to make Prestige important. When it is a concern, it depends entirely on how far along the road to Golconda one is. If one has actually achieved that state, then continued existance loses all of its meaning, and while others of the lineage will still do anything for the character, they expect her to extinguish herself soon.
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Disciplines: Necromancy, Obfuscate, Thanatosis

Havens: Most Samedi prefer to maintain their havens in or near graveyardsm diggind concealed tunnelsinto mausoleums or under the basement levels of funeral homes.

Character Creation: Most Samedi were facinated with death in their Kine lives, and are equally facinated after having been Embraced. Mental Attributes are Primary and Knowledges should be emphasized.

Weaknesses: Like the Nosferatu, the Samedi are hideous to look upon and suffer from a zero in Appearance. The stench of decay wafts from these Kindred, even in the lightest of windsm and the unusual texture of the Samedi's skin is enough to repulse even the strongest constitutions.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Samedi appear to have no true organization. On the rare occasions when two or more of these Kindred meet, they gossip and go their seperate ways. There is a small faction of this Bloodline that is trying to rectify this situation, but so far, no major changes have occured. On the other hand, reports have been made of small groups of these Kindred meeting in graveyards late at night.
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Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence

Havens: They often live in specially designed condos or appartments near the center of the city, as near the action as possible.

Character Creation: Toreador often have an Entertainer or Dilettante Concept. They have flamboyant Demeanors, but many have very unique Natures. Socail Attributes are Primary, as are Skills. Normal Background Traits include Fame, Resources and Retainers.

Weaknesses: The members of this clan are as much prisoners of their artistic vision and sensitivity as they are it's beneficiaries. They are often overcome by the beauty they see around tehm, and become immobilized with facination. Such things as paintings, neon signs or even sunrises can captivate them. It requires a successful Willpower roll to break the facination quickly, otherwise it will end after a few minutes (or on occasion, hours). This helps explain why Toreador so often fall in love with Mortals.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Prestige is dolled out in a different manner among Artistes and Poseurs. Artistes gain Prestige by creating new works of exceptional beauty, patronizing new artm and throwing great parties. Poseurs are limited to patronage and parties.
Some clever Poseurs compensate for their slower advancement by regularly throwing lavish parties at great personal expense. They gain Prestige by becoming crucial to the social scene. By toasting the accomplishments of a few specific Toreador, and soundly criticizing others, they actually become kingmakers, usurpung the Prestige-conferring role of the Elders.
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Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy

Havens: The Tremere clan operates a Chantry in almost every city where it has members. All those of the Tremere Clan are welcome in any Chatry. Those who love on their own have a wide variety of accomodations.

Character Creation: Tremere usually have a prefessional and highly educated Concept and tehir Nature and Demeanor tend to be Archetypes connected with power or science. Mental Attributes are primary as are Knowledge Abilities. They often have the Mentor Background Trait.

Weaknesses: Tremere Neonates are Blood-Bound to the seven Elders of the Clan when they are created. This ensures that the Tremere Clan remains intrinsically bonded. Tremere characters are therefore much more tightly restrained than characters from other clans. When the clan calls, they must respond.

Gaining Clan Prestige: Clan Tremere prizes influence over other Kindred, and control over events in teh mortal world. It also values competitiveness and those who best use their talents. The clan confers increased Prestige on successful members, and has elaborate rules to determine which achievements are valid and worthy of an increase in Prestige. (Prestige gains are rewarded by initiation into the next Circle of Mystery.) Clan members are expected to defer to the clan elders in all things, especially in teh validation of accomplishments. The elders, and the elders alone, award Prestige.
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Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vicissitude

Havens: Tzimisce maintain luxurious mansions away from the eyes of mortals. They will stay in communal havens for short periods, but generally dislike them. The Tzimisces are very peculiar about their havens. To be invited in is a great honor bestowed on only the closest of comrades. If one enters a Tzimisce's haven uninvited, he will incur the wrath of the vampire. If a Tzimisce invites an individual into her haven, she assumes the responsibilities of providing for and protecting the individual.

Character Creation: Most Tzimisces have dilettante or professional concepts. Mental Attributes are primary, as are Knowledge Abilities. Their Natures and Demeanors are generally similar, but not identical. Common Background Traits include Contacts, Mentor, Resources and Sabbat Status.

Weaknesses: Due to the effects of the Vicissitude Dicipline, Tzimisces are in a continuous state of physical flux (often tehy forget their original form over the centuries). Thus, something deep within the Tzimisces crave stability and permanence. As a result, each time the Tzimisces sleep, they must surround themselves with at least two handfuls of earth from a land important to them as mortals (usually their homeland or the graveyard where tehy underwent their Creation Rites). If they fail to do this, they cannot rest in peace and lose half their Dice Pools from all actions every 24 hours until they rest amid their special soil once again. Many Tzimisces maintain several auxilliary havens, each of which contains the needed soil.

Gaining Clan Presige: The Tzimisce protocol for gaining Prestige is extremely complex. It is gained by maintaining the good reputation of the clan, demonstrating control over others, and supporting the conservative leadership role the Tzimisce plays in sect affairs. It should also be noted that this clan never awards Prestige to the foolish, rebellious or obnoxious. Subtlety carries a great deal of weight with this clan.
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Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

Havens: They often make their homes in mansions, someimes a place they lived in even as a human.

Character Creation: Ventrue tend to all be of an upper class Concept, dilettantes all. Mental Attributes are Primary, as are the Knowledges. They have high Resources and some Influence as well.

Weaknesses: Ventrue have exacting and rarified tastes, even when it comes to blood. players must pick a restriction on the type of blood their character can feed upon, e.g. only men, no animals, only virgins etc.

Gaining Clan Prestige: The Ventrue prize sophistication and gentility. Money, position and influence in the world are important, but they must be gained with grace and style. Boorish behaviour in the pursuit of power is unacceptable.
Unlike the Tremere, the Ventrue regularily honor individual initiative and achievement over slavish devotion. A motivted neonate can make rapid strides up the clan corporate ladder through bold, imaginative and decisive action. Gaining territory, strengthening relations with other clans, ending an outside threat, and forging new connections with the world of mortals are all accepted means of gaining Prestige.
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Attributes Explained
Merits & Flaws