Links to my friends' pages

Hi and here are some links to my friends' web pages...Oh, incidentally, the music is the Prelude to Act I of Die Meistersinger, a Wagnerian opera

People I have actually met
leeches This is my friend Melissa's page. She's a freshman at RPI and is just now learning html. It provides some interesting insights into her slightly warped mind...
it's snowing!!! Melissa's other page. see above for description
Lisa's Page! This is my friend Lisa's page. (as you can see by the title!) It's got movie reviews, poetry corner, cute sayings, etc...
Mental Molliosis Central My friend Molly's Page...Quite, umm...interesting.
Jessica's Home Page Okay, creative name notwithstanding, if you like Dragonball or Spiderman, you should check this out.
The Crystal Palace My sister's Sailor Moon page...

People who I've met on the internet but don't actually know...
Temple of Dragons Learn all about Winnie Salim! check out the book reviews and the Melanie Rawn quizzes...
Jediman's Universe hmmm...words defy me...just go check it out!
Facets of the MoonThis is Rhianiwyn's page. It's a combination of fantasy and sailormoon. Tres cool...