C'est Moi!

All right...you asked for it! You clicked on the button that said All about me, and as a result, you are here and you are going to read about me and you are going to enjoy it! Because if you don't enjoy it, I'll know and I will find you...Just kidding, of course! (Or am I???)

Well let's see...I am a senior at Mandarin High School; I will be graduating on June 9, 1999 at 4:00 in the afternoon. (hallelujah!) I am in the school band, and I am on the Brain Brawl team. Here is my class schedule:

  1. AP European History
  2. AP English
  3. Calculus
  4. Band
  5. Humanities
  6. Teacher's Aide
So, as you can see, I keep myself busy. I also tutor after school, I am a cashier at Publix (for all you non Florida/Georgia people, Publix is a grocery store), I am in my church choir, I lector at church, and I play in the local youth orchestra. I also do role-playing sometimes. This is Atria vyr Silamel, who is one of my role-playing characters. I also have Garyth, Leianna de Morgan, and Allynos a Cubelli.

Aside from all my wonderful extracurricular stuff, I have a wonderful family. (although you'd never get me to admit it in front of them!) I have my parents, a younger sister who is 15 years old, my grandparents, and tons of aunts, uncles, and cousins. We all live in the same town, so we have frequent family gatherings at various houses...we can think up any excuse for a party!

And I can't forget the other creatures who live in my house. (No, it's not the roaches!) I have a sweet, adorable cat named Mellie. Actually she drives everyone crazy. She has this meow that starts quiet, but if she doesn't get what she wants, it escalates. My mom says she reminds her of Estelle Castanza from Seinfeld. It doesn't matter though. She's my baby. She usually sleeps in my room at night. She'll wait for me to get settled and then she'll find a comfortable spot and burrow under the covers and go to sleep...It is incredibly adorable.

We also have a dog named Sadie. We rescued her from the pound. She is incredibly pretty. She's red with a white chest that has a little ruff and she has white speckled paws. We think she has some Brittany Spaniel blood in her.

More about me
Those crazy people who choose to associate with me
More about my family...