Welcome To
Kainbo's Psycho Land
Welcome world, to the insane hompage of me. You can access the different sections of my page by clicking the links at the left, or through the list at the bottom. The most updated part of the page is the writings section. But I try to keep everything else updated as frequently as possible. If you have any questions or comments just click the button to the left and e-mail me. Don't forget to sign the guestbook and tell me what you think.
These are the different pages on my site you can access..
The About Me Page Everything you never wanted to know about me.
The History Page Where you can learn the new additions to this page.
The Music Page My Favorite bands, lyrics, mp3s and more.
The Books Page The books I dig, and links to my favorite authors websites.
The Writings Page My writings; poems, stories, essays, etc.
The Rambling Page This is where I just babble for a while about whatever is bothering me or just random stuff. It's sort of like an online journal.
The Fun Stuff Page Some fun stuff; funny stories, drawings by me, and various quotes.
The Photo GalleryPictures of me, and...well, other stuff
The Links Page Links, so you can stop wasting your time here and go somewhere cool.
There are several ways to contact me, e-mail kainbo@hotmail.com or through Icq, my uin is 65074032.
View My old Guestbook (Yahoo Geocities Sucks Changing their Guestbook and not even sending me an e-mail about it.)