Since there has been another shooting recently, I would like to add these statements from my two favourite, yet, unfortunately and unfairly scapegoated bands...

Marilyn Manson

"People are trying to sort out what happened and to deal with their losses," states Marilyn Manson. "It's not a great atmosphere to be out playing rock'n'roll shows, for us or the fans. The media has unfairly scapegoated the music industry and so-called Goth kids and has speculated - with no basis in truth - that artists like myself are in someway to blame. This tragedy was a product of ignorance, hatred, and an access to guns. I hope the media's irresponsible finger-pointing doesn't create more discrimination against kids who look different." You can read his full essay in Rolling Stones Magazine here


"The members of Rammstein express their condolences and sympathy to all affected by the recent tragic events in Denver. They wish to make it clear that they have no lyrical content or political beliefs that could have possibly influenced such behavior. Additionally, members of Rammstein have children of their own, in whom they continually strive to instill healthy and nonviolent values."

This statement is from KMFDM, a band I don't listen to or know anything about except for the fact that they are German, industrial rock and were also unfairly blamed in the Littleton shooting.

"First and foremost, KMFDM would like to express their deep and heartfelt sympathy for the parents, families and friends of the murdered and injured children in Littleton," says Sascha K., founder of KMFDM. "We are sick and appalled, as is the rest of the nation, by what took place in Colorado yesterday." "KMFDM are an art form--not a political party. From the beginning, our music has been a statement against war, oppression, fascism and violence against others", emphatically states SASCHA. "While some of the former band members are German as reported in the media, none of us condone any Nazi beliefs whatsoever."

All over the web I see "religious" sites (most of them on my Stop the Hate page anyways, blaming these and other rock bands for the tradgedies. Jerry Falwell, naturally had to have a say and now his page also spouts inaccurate information about Satanism (check out my FAQs About Satanism). I was surprised to even see Montel Williams mention Rammstein, also misunderstanding the band's message. Coming from a man who is supposedly so against racism, he certainly put Rammstein down, mainly on the basis that they are German. How quick we are to messed up our society is...those are the messages these bands try to get across and they end up being scapegoated. Just a tip from a 16 year old goth...IT ISN'T THE MEDIA that makes society...society makes the media.

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